◎台湾の永豊銀行、Temenos T24で勘定系システムを立ち上げ
◎台湾の永豊銀行、Temenos T24で勘定系システムを立ち上げ
AsiaNet 50415
共同JBN 1077 (2012.8.23)
◎台湾の永豊銀行、Temenos T24で勘定系システムを立ち上げ
【ジュネーブ(スイス)2012年8月23日PRN=共同JBN】銀行業務ソフトウエアの有数なプロバイダー、テメノス社(Temenos、スイス証券取引所:TEMN)は23日、台北に本拠を置く台湾有数の銀行、永豊銀行(Bank SinoPac)が「Temenos T24」勘定系システムの立ち上げに成功し、今後、業務の集中化、および台湾内だけでなく、香港、マカオ、中国、ベトナム、米国に広がる世界的な支店ネットワークの成長をサポートすることになったと発表した。同システムは300万人の顧客を持ち、1日の処理量が200万を超える台湾内の129支店すべてでも同時に立ち上がった。香港、マカオ、中国、ベトナム、米国などの海外拠点は今後の第2期中に中央ハブに組み込まれる予定。
(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120823/557223)
同行は今までも商品改革におけるリーダーとして確固とした地位を築いてきたが、同行のシステムは時代後れのシステムになったとして、より柔軟で、最新の勘定系システムに変換し、永豊銀行の台湾および海外の業務に向けた最新で、集中的なプラットフォームを構築する必要性を認識していた。「Temenos T24 for Universal Banking」が選ばれた理由は同システムの持つ機能の豊富さ、オープンで柔軟なアーキテクチャー、さらに永豊銀行が競争力を獲得するための新商品、サービスの迅速な提供をサポートする能力による。
永豊銀行(Bank SinoPac、BSP)はSinoPac Financial Holdings Co., Limited (SPFH)の完全所有子会社で、フルサービスの商業銀行で法人、個人に対する業務の双方に等しく力を入れている。SPFHの純資産は1兆台湾ドルを優に超える。永豊銀行は現在、台湾に18事業部、1オフィス、129支店を持っている。海外関連では、同行はオフショア銀行センター(OBU)、ロサンゼルス、香港島、マカオ、香港九竜半島の4海外支店、ベトナムと南京の2連絡事務所、カリフォルニア州に子会社を持っている。カリフォルニア州子会社は米国内に10支店、ベトナムにフルサービスの支店、北京に連絡事務所を持っている。
Michael Golding
Head of Communications
Tel: +44(0)207-423-3751
Email: mgolding@temenos.com;
Stuart Cooper
Hotwire for temenos
Tel: +44(0)207-608-4695
Email: temenos@hotwirepr.com
Bank SinoPac Goes Live With TEMENOS T24 on Microsoft Windows Server and SQL Server to Fuel Innovation and Gain Competitive Edge
New banking system centralises operations and supports domestic and
international expansion
Temenos (SIX: TEMN), the market leading provider of banking software, today
announced that Bank SinoPac (SinoPac), a leading Taiwanese bank based in
Taipei, has successfully gone live with Temenos T24 core banking system to
centralise its operations and support the growth of its domestic and global
branch network in Hong Kong, Macau, China, Vietnam and the US. All 129 domestic
branches in Taiwan, serving three million customers and processing up to two
million transactions per day, went live simultaneously. The overseas locations
in Hong Kong, Macau, China, Vietnam and the in US will be added to the central
hub in Taipei in a second phase.
(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120823/557223 )
Having established itself as a market leader for product innovation in
Taiwan, the bank recognised the need to replace its outdated legacy system with
a flexible, state-of-the-art core banking system to create a modern,
centralised platform for SinoPac's domestic and overseas business. TEMENOS T24
for Universal Banking was selected based on its functional breadth, open and
flexible architecture, and its ability to support SinoPac in the rapid delivery
of new products and services to gain competitive edge.
T24 was implemented on Microsoft Windows Server and SQL Server, providing a
mission critical platform with high availability, scalability and performance
capabilities at a low total cost of ownership. Implementing T24 on Windows
Server and SQL Server has enabled SinoPac to benefit from Temenos' strategic
relationship with Microsoft to provide banking solutions that address today's
mission critical industry challenges in a cost effective way, while offering
the agility to respond to the business and technology opportunities of tomorrow.
Fully integrated with the bank's .Net branch system front-end, the new
system supports SinoPac in the fast and efficient delivery of innovative,
customer-oriented banking services to expand its business. Implemented as a
configurable, parameter-driven solution, T24 enables a quick time to market of
new products whilst ensuring compliance with local regulation. The new platform
efficiently supports Taiwan's local anti-money laundering requirements, Typhoon
day processing and daily interest accrual. It also facilitates fast and cost
effective Renminbi Remittance between Taiwan and China within 60 minutes and
supports SinoPac's innovative Money Management Account product, a single
deposit account covering multiple currencies and multiple lines of credit to
provide customers a consolidated view so they can better evaluate their
investment risks.
The implementation of the new core banking system running on modern, open
technology has enabled SinoPac to increase flexibility and reduce maintenance
and operating costs. By simplifying its system architecture and streamlining
its business processes, Bank SinoPac was able to significantly improve its STP
rate and reduce its close of business time by fifty percent. Deposit, lending
and international banking systems are now all integrated under one common
platform, enabling a single customer overview of business in all branches to
improve the bank's risk management and use of credit lines. The flexible system
allows the bank to take more ownership of the system on maintenance and new
development. The user can obtain and modify data quickly which facilitates
innovation and increases the bank's agility and adaptability to respond to
Bank SinoPac's President, Tina Chiang, said: "We are placing significant
importance on IT to gain a competitive edge. With T24 we have quickly and
efficiently undertaken a core transformation, establishing a modern core
banking platform to support our domestic and international growth. T24 caters
to our existing and future needs. The functional breadth of T24 enables us to
further improve our product and service offering, so we can maintain our
leadership in Taiwan and quickly engage in expansion activities to become a
leading brand cross continental services."
Mark Cullinane, Chief Operating Officer of Temenos said: "SinoPac has taken
a leadership position in undertaking a core transformation of its technology
architecture. Recent events have shown that banks would do well to sit up, take
notice, and take action to migrate their aging legacy systems, in a risk
controlled way. Temenos is delighted to have partnered with SinoPac in this
Also commenting on the latest rollout, Robert Tsai, CIO of Bank SinoPac
said: "This transformation will enable Bank SinoPac to save fifty percent on
hardware maintenance fees annually, up to fifty percent of software maintenance
fees over a five-year-investment and provide a higher computation throughput
for future business expansion."
Colin Kerr, Industry Solutions Director of Microsoft, stated: "We share
SinoPac's vision in seeing core system transformation as a lever to drive
competitive advantage and growth in today's banking industry. The outstanding
results that SinoPac achieved with T24 based on Microsoft's mission critical
platform is testament to this vision. This highlights continued success of our
strategic alliance with Temenos in delivering optimised core banking solutions
to greatly help banks maximise efficiency and minimise total cost of ownership,
while providing the dependability and flexibility for future growth."
About Bank SinoPac
Bank SinoPac ('BSP'), a wholly owned subsidiary of SinoPac Financial
Holdings Co., Limited ('SPFH'), is a full-service commercial bank with banking
services equally emphasized in corporate and individual sectors. SPFH is with
total assets of well over NT$1,000 billion.
Bank SinoPac current operates through 18 divisions, 1 office and 129
branches in Taiwan. In addition, the bank has an offshore banking unit (OBU),
four overseas branches in Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Macao, and Kowloon, two
liaison offices in Vietnam and Nanjing, and one subsidiary in California. The
California subsidiary maintains 10 branches in the U.S., one full service
branch in Vietnam and one liaison office in Beijing.
About Temenos
Founded in 1993 and listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange (SIX: TEMN), Temenos
Group AG is the market leading provider of banking software systems to retail,
corporate, universal, private, Islamic, microfinance, community banks, wealth
managers, and financial institutions. Headquartered in Geneva with more than 60
offices worldwide, Temenos is proven in over 1,500 customer deployments in more
than 125 countries across the world. Temenos' software products provide
advanced technology and rich functionality, incorporating best practice
processes that leverage Temenos' expertise around the globe. Temenos customers
are proven to be more profitable than their peers: as of April 2012 - over the
last 3 years Temenos customers have enjoyed on average a 30% higher return on
assets, a 46% higher return on capital and a cost/income ratio that is 8.5
points lower than non-Temenos customers.
For more information please visit: http://www.temenos.com
Michael Golding
Head of Communications
Tel: +44(0)207-423-3751
Email: mgolding@temenos.com;
Stuart Cooper
Hotwire for Temenos
Tel: +44(0)207-608-4695
Email: temenos@hotwirepr.com
SOURCE: Temenos