◎ザラ・フィリップスさんが「大使」に  Magic Millions Racing Women

Magic Millions

◎ザラ・フィリップスさんが「大使」に  Magic Millions Racing Women

AsiaNet 50448

共同JBN 1097 (2012.8.29)

◎ザラ・フィリップスさんが「大使」に  Magic Millions Racing Women

【シドニー(オーストラリア)2012年8月29日AAPメディアネット・インターナショナル=共同JBN】2012年ロンドン五輪の総合馬術団体で銀メダリストに輝いたザラ・フィリップスさん(Zara Phillips MBE、エリザベス英女王の孫娘)が、Magic Millions Racing Women(MMRW)の「初代大使」に指名された。2013年1月にオーストラリアで1週間にわたって繰り広げられるMagic Millions Carnivalを訪れる。




フィリップスさんは五輪後に英国の自身の厩舎で、オーストラリアの一流サラブレッド販売会社Magic Millionsに関係し、MMRWイニシアチブを代表することに喜びを以下のように語った。




MMRWは2011年、Magic Millionsの共同オーナーで、サラブレッド競馬界の立役者であるケイティ・ページハーベイ氏が立ち上げた。彼女が30年以上かかわってきた分野で、女性の地位を向上させるのが一貫した願いだった。ページハーベイ氏は国際的に優れた女性騎手がMMRWについての知識を女性の間に広げるのを助けることを頼もしく思っている。






「フィリップスさんのような水準の国際的な女性騎手をMagic Millions Raceday and Carnivalに迎えることは、大型イベント開催地と旅行目的地としてクイーンズランドの地位が高まっている立派な証拠だ」

「ニューマン州首相の(クイーンズランド)州政府は、州の観光産業を支援する上でMagic Millionsのようなイベントの重要性を認識している。2020年に宿泊観光客の支出合計を300億豪ドルへ倍増するという目標の達成にも貢献する」と観光相は強調した。

フィリップスさんは2013年1月12日(土曜日)にクイーンズランド州ゴールドコーストを訪れ、Magic Millions Carnival and Racedayに参加する。そこでは世界初の女性騎手だけの競馬、MMRW2歳馬クラシックが開催される。賞金総額は50万オーストラリアドル。出走馬はすべて女性の保有かリースで、着順に従って4位までに賞金が分配される。


Sarah Pendergast     

+61 434 635 119    


Alana Stack

+61 412 859 410



(注1)CBA Discuss(第16版、2012年4月5日)「Racing Women, the personalities behind the multi-billion dollar thoroughbred business」

(注2)Racing Information Services Australia Pty Ltd | (RISA)



第1回Magic Millions Racing Women2歳馬クラシックは2013年1月12日(土曜日)にオーストラリアのクイーンズランド州ゴールドコースト・ターフ・クラブで開催される。賞金総額は50万豪ドル。出走馬はすべて女性の保有かリースで、着順に従って4位までに賞金が分配される。詳細とレース、配当金についてはhttp://www.magicmillions.com.au/horse-sales/2013/か電話+61 7 5504 1200。

Magic Millions (http://www.magicmillions.com.au/)はオーストラリアの大手サラブレッド販売会社。毎年1月に国際的に有名な1歳馬のオークションとゴールドコーストでのMagic Millions Raceday and Summer Carnivalを開催している。Magic Millions Racedayは賞金総額が470万オーストラリアドルで、世界最大級の販売促進競馬開催日。

ソース:Magic Millions

Zara Phillips MBE Announced as Magic Millions Racing Women Ambassador for 2013


SYDNEY, Australia. Aug. 29 / Medianet International=KYODO JBN/ --

            Ms Phillips to travel to Australia for Magic Millions

                  for the January Raceday and Carnival

   Zara Phillips MBE, eventing team Olympic silver medallist in London 2012 and

former European and World Champion, has been announced as the first Magic

Millions Racing Women (MMRW) Ambassador, an appointment that will see her visit

Australia in early January 2013 for the week-long Magic Millions Carnival.

   An internationally accomplished equestrienne, Ms Phillips brings to the MMRW

initiative a genuine passion for the industry and depth of knowledge. She

fosters a lifelong passion for horses, ignited by her parents and grandmother's

commitment to thoroughbred sporting endeavours.

   Daughter of Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips, Ms Phillips holds a

number of elite sporting accolades, including earlier this month when she won a

silver medal in team eventing at the London Olympic Games. She is a former

European individual and team Gold medallist as well as individual World

Champion in 2006. She was named the 2006 BBC Sports Personality of the Year and

was conferred a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) for services to

equestrianism in 2007.

   Magic Million's Racing Women initiative was created to educate and encourage

Australian women to become more active in all aspects of the thoroughbred

racing industry. Ms Phillips will be the perfect spokesperson to create

awareness for this important initiative in Australia and internationally.

   Speaking from her UK stables post-Olympics, Ms Phillips said how pleased she

is to be associated with Australia's premier thoroughbred sales company, Magic

Millions, and to be representing its Racing Women initiative.

   "My passion for horses and all aspects of equestrian competition stems from

my family's influence. My mother rode for the British team at the 1976 Montreal

Olympics and my father won Gold at the Munich Olympics in 1972 as well as a

team Silver in the Seoul Olympics in 1988. He has just retired from being coach

for the US eventing team after 20 years.

   "My grandmother's passion for racing is certainly no secret. She has a good

number of horses in training each season, so I have developed an appreciation

for the racing side and a strong understanding about the intricacies of

breeding and training required. The rewards speak for themselves - it is

certainly exhilarating to see a horse you have a vested interested in cross the

line first as I know firsthand having trained a few horses over fences myself.

   "Beyond ownership women continue to play an important role in horse racing

and bloodstock in a number of areas. Australia is a serious contender

internationally and is renowned for the quality of its thoroughbreds, racing

carnivals and professionalism.   It will be terrific to experience the Carnival

first-hand and inspire ladies to get more involved," Ms Phillips said.    

   MMRW was launched in 2011 by Magic Millions co-owner and thoroughbred horse

racing industry advocate, Katie Page-Harvey. Her vision is to continue to

increase the profile of women in the sector with which she has been involved

for over 30 years. Ms Page-Harvey is delighted to have such an internationally

accomplished equestrienne to help educate women about the MMRW initiative.

   "We are delighted that Zara has agreed to be the inaugural ambassador for

the Magic Millions Racing Women initiative. She was an exemplary ambassador for

her sport and her country at the recent Olympic Games in London and we look

forward to welcoming her to Australia in January.

   "The aim of the Racing Women initiative is to increase the profile of women

within our industry and involve more women in ownership. Thoroughbred racing

contributes AUD$5 billion to gross domestic product each year* and we know

women work to create a lot of this output.

   "We want to shine a light on women's vital contribution and make it easy for

women to participate through horse ownership.  Statistics indicate that less

than 25% of Australia's racehorses are owned by women either as individuals or

in all-female partnerships**. I'd like to see more. Through ownership you

become involved in all facets of the business - training, tactics and the

thrill of a win is like nothing else", Ms Page-Harvey said.

   Queensland Minister for Tourism and Major Events, Jann Stuckey, said Ms

Phillips' presence at the Magic Millions Raceday will draw national and

international attention.

   "We are very excited to welcome Ms Phillips to Queensland for this iconic

race day and I would like to congratulate her on securing the role as

ambassador for the Magic Millions Racing Women initiative.

   "To attract an internationally recognised equestrienne of Ms Phillips'

standard to the Magic Millions Raceday and Carnival is a fantastic example of

Queensland's growing status as a premier event and holiday destination.

   "The Newman Government recognises the importance of events like Magic

Millions in supporting Queensland's tourism industry - contributing to our 2020

target of doubling overnight visitor expenditure to AUD$30 billion," said Ms


   Ms Phillips will visit Australia and attend the Magic Millions Carnival and

Raceday on Saturday 12 January 2013 on the Gold Coast, Queensland, where the

world's first women's-only incentive - Magic Millions Racing Women (MMRW) 2YO

Classic - will be run. The race offers a prize money incentive of AUD$500,000,

which will be distributed between the top four 'all female owned or leased'

horses in finishing order.  


   For further information and high resolution images contact:

   Sarah Pendergast

   +61 434 635 119


   Alana Stack

   +61 412 859 410


   Image download: https://www.yousendit.com/download/TEhWUXVucHZ0Ni92WnNUQw

   *Source: CBA Discuss. Edition 16. 5 April 2012: Racing Women, the

personalities behind the multi-billion dollar thoroughbred business

   **Source: Racing Information Services Australia Pty Ltd | (RISA)



   The inaugural Magic Millions Racing Women 2 year-old Classic will be run on

Saturday 12 January 2013 at Gold Coast Turf Club, Queensland, Australia.  The

Magic Millions Racing Women's Bonus of AUD$500,000 will be distributed between

the top four "all female owned or leased" horses in finishing order of the 2013

$2 Million Magic Millions 2YO Classic. Full details and conditions of the race

and bonus can be found at http://www.magicmillions.com.au/horse-sales/2013/ or

telephone +61 7 5504 1200.

   Magic Millions http://www.magicmillions.com.au/ is Australia's premier

thoroughbred sales company.  Each January it holds internationally renowned

yearling sales and the Magic Millions Raceday and Summer Carnival on the Gold

Coast.  The Magic Millions Raceday is the largest sales incentive race day in

the world offering a potential AUD$4.7 million in prize money.  

   SOURCE: Magic Millions




