◎MainstreamがMacquarie から6000万ユーロ融資

Mainstream Renewable Power

◎MainstreamがMacquarie から6000万ユーロ融資

AsiaNet 50576

共同JBN 1151(12.9.10)

◎MainstreamがMacquarie から6000万ユーロ融資

【ダブリン2012年9月9日PRN=共同JBN】再生可能エネルギーの世界的な企業であるMainstream Renewable Power(Mainstream)は9日、Macquarie Group(Macquarie)が最大6000万ユーロの企業融資を提供する取引に調印したと発表した。取引条件によると、Mainstreamは特定の追加的な条件および承認が満足された場合、追加資本として2000万ユーロを後日受け取るという条項が付帯付きで、最初の企業レベル融資4000万ユーロを受け取ることになる。


今回の資金調達ラウンドでは、Mainstreamはまた富裕層から1680万ユーロを調達するとともに、追加資金を調達して2017年からアイルランドから英国に向けて5000MWの風力発電量を輸出する大規模なエネルギー橋渡しをするEnergy Bridgeを含む事業開発をさらに推進する計画である。

Mainstreamは今年、アイルランド、南アフリカ、チリ、カナダで建設する風力および太陽光による325MWの発電所など大幅な事業拡大を行う予定である。南アフリカで昨年、3件の政府入札を獲得し、イースタンケープとノーザンケープに138MW風力発電地帯と2カ所の50MW太陽光発電所の建設を開始する予定。Mainstreamはまた、チリで33MWのNegrete Cuel風力発電地帯とカナダで46MWのOld Man風力発電地帯の建設も開始する予定である。Mainstreamのアイルランドで初となるプロジェクト(9MW風力発電地帯)は今年11月に商用運転を開始する。

Mainstreamはこのほど、英スコットランド沖合のNeart na Gaoitheの洋上に450MW風力発電地帯の計画申請を提出し、さらに英イングランドおよびドイツの2カ所でメガ規模の洋上風力発電地帯を推進している。



Macquarie Groupの欧州・中東・アフリカのチーフエグゼクティブであるデービッド・ファス氏は「Macquarieは、Mainstreamの英国および世界における再生エネルギー・パイプラインの実現に向けて同社を支援できることを喜んでいる。Mainstreamが洋上風力セクターの開発で恩恵を受けることができ、同社は向こう10年にわたるジェネレーションミックス(発電方式の新旧が混在)の時代において、ますます重要な役割を果たすことになると確信している」と語った。


今回の融資は、9カ月間の厳格な適正評価プロセスを経て実施されるが、ホールディング・カンパニーのレベルではMainstreamの最大の単一資本となる。今回のMacquarieの資金提供は、同社が2008年に設立された際に2000万ユーロを投資したBarclays Capitalの方針に従っている。この投資によって、Mainstreamが2008年に創設されてから調達した株式および企業債務の総計は2億6500万ユーロ余りとなる。エディー・オコーナー氏はAirtricityをE-ONとScottish and Southern Energyに18億ユーロで売却してMainstreamを設立した。


ソース:Mainstream Renewable Power

Mainstream Renewable Power Signs EUR60 Million Corporate Facility With Macquarie



     Global Renewable Energy Company Mainstream Renewable Power ("Mainstream")

today announced the successful signing of a corporate facility for up to EUR60

million provided by Macquarie Group ("Macquarie").  Under the terms of the

transaction, Mainstream will receive an initial EUR40 million corporate-level

facility with provision for an additional EUR20 million of capital at a future

date upon satisfaction of certain further conditions and approvals.

     The transaction remains subject to conditions precedent including

Mainstream shareholder approval.

     In this current round of fundraising, Mainstream has also raised EUR16.8

million from High Net Worth Individuals and has appetite to take in additional

equity to further develop its business including the massive Energy Bridge

which will export 5,000MW of wind power from Ireland to the UK starting from


     Mainstream is set for significant expansion this year with over 325MW of

wind and solar plant going into construction in Ireland, South Africa, Chile

and Canada. After winning three government tenders in South Africa last year,

construction is due to start on its 138MW wind farm and two 50MW solar

Photovoltaic plants in the Eastern and Northern Capes.  Mainstream is also due

to commence construction at the 33MW Negrete Cuel Wind farm in Chile and the

46MW Old Man wind farm in Canada. Mainstream's first Irish project (9MW wind

farm) goes into commercial operation in November this year.

     Mainstream has recently submitted a planning application for its 450MW

Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm in Scotland and is also progressing two

mega-scale offshore wind farms in England and Germany.

     Commenting on the deal, Mainstream's Chief Executive Eddie O'Connor said:

"Mainstream is delighted to be partnering with leading renewable energy

investor Macquarie at such an exciting time for our company. We have been

through a very comprehensive due diligence process and Macquarie's investment

is a clear testament to the confidence they have in our future growth."

     He continued: "After going through our initial development stage,

Mainstream is now embarking on a very strong growth trajectory.  We have a team

of over 150 specialised staff actively developing more than 50 large scale wind

and solar projects across four continents. We have started construction on over

325MW of wind and solar projects in four countries and this investment means we

will be bringing more projects into construction as well as expanding our

global project development portfolio."

     Macquarie Group's Chief Executive in Europe, Middle East and Africa, David

Fass, commented: "Macquarie is delighted to support Mainstream in the

realisation of its UK and global renewable energy pipeline.  We believe

Mainstream is uniquely positioned to benefit from the development of the

offshore wind sector, which will play an increasingly important part in the

generation mix over the next decade.

     "This transaction continues Macquarie's strong track record across the

renewable energy sector as an investor, adviser, developer, operator and

financier. We are seeing an increasing level of interest from clients who are

seeking bespoke funding solutions to support the growth of their businesses.  

Given our depth of expertise and commitment to funding renewable energy

projects, we are able to provide clients with the type of capital necessary to

expand their project portfolios," said Mr Fass.

     The facility, which follows a rigorous nine month due diligence process,

is Mainstream's largest single tranche of capital at the Holdco level.

Macquarie's funding follows Barclays Capital who invested EUR20 million when

the company was established in 2008. This investment brings total equity and

corporate debt raised by Mainstream since it was founded in 2008 to over EUR265

million. Eddie O'Connor founded Mainstream after selling Airtricity to E-ON and

Scottish and Southern Energy for EUR1.8 billion.

     For more information go to:  http://www.mainstreamrp.com/

     SOURCE:  Mainstream Renewable Power




