◎メンバーファーム合計業務収入は313億ドル、8.6%増 デロイト2012会計年度

デロイト トウシュ トーマツ リミテッド

◎メンバーファーム合計業務収入は313億ドル、8.6%増 デロイト2012会計年度

AsiaNet 50708

共同JBN 1205 (2012.9.26)

◎メンバーファーム合計業務収入は313億ドル、8.6%増 デロイト2012会計年度

【ニューヨーク2012年9月26日PRN=共同JBN】デロイト トウシュ トーマツ リミテッド(Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited、DTTL)は26日、2012年5月末会計年度メンバーファームの合計業務収入が313億ドルとなり、同メンバーファームのネットワークで最高の合計業務収入を記録した。合計業務収入は米ドル換算で8.6%、各国の現地通貨で8.3%成長し、2008年以来最も大きな伸びとなった。デロイトのメンバーファームは、3つの主要な地理的地域のすべてで成長したが、これはアジアパシフィック地域、アメリカ地域における特筆すべき結果や、多くの発展途上市場とともにすべてのビジネスライン、インダストリー・セクターによるものである。

DTTLグローバル CEOのバリー・ザルツバーグ氏は「複雑性、混乱、そして変化のスピードが、メンバーファームのクライアントおよびデロイト自体のビジネスにとって新しい現実である。過去1年のデロイトの成功は、クライアントのニーズを予期し、ダイナミックな市場の変動する要件に対応するビジネス戦略に適応した結果である」とコメントした。



雇用重視の政策を継続し、世界クラスのリーダーを育てることで、世界トップの組織の一つとして認められるという戦略をサポートするほかに、デロイトは世界的にリーダーシップの開発に重点的に投資している。このコミットメントは、米テキサス州ダラス郊外に開設した投資額3億米ドルの学習・開発施設であるDeloitte Universityに見られる。そこにはデロイトのプロフェッショナルが考え方を共有し、世界の企業が今日直面している最も重要かつ複雑な問題に対する新しい、革新的なソリューションを識別し、利用するために集まっている。70カ国の4万人余りのプロフェッショナルが昨年、Deloitte Universityに参加した。

























 *Deloitte Audit:Deloitte Auditはクライアントの重要なリスクに一層効率的かつ効果的にフォーカスすることによって、監査サービスの品質向上を目指す3億米ドルにのぼる複数年のグローバルな変革である。Deloitte Auditは上位18のデロイト・メンバーファームで展開している。Deloitte Auditは監査アプローチを進化させ、この強化されたテクノロジーとツールは2013年会計年度までにメンバーファームの合計監査業務収入の約4分の1をカバーする予定である。




このリリースで言及されている「デロイト(Deloitte)」は、デロイト トウシュ トーマツ リミテッド(Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited)とそのメンバーファームを意味する。



Deloitte(デロイト)は、監査、税務、コンサルティングおよびファイナンシャル アドバイザリーサービスを、さまざまな業種にわたる上場・非上場のクライアントに提供している。Deloitte(デロイト)とは、デロイト トウシュ トーマツ リミテッド(英国の法令に基づく保証有限責任会社)およびそのネットワーク組織を構成するメンバーファームのひとつあるいは複数を指す。デロイト トウシュ トーマツ リミテッドおよび各メンバーファームはそれぞれ法的に独立した別個の組織体。その法的な構成についての詳細は www.tohmatsu.com/deloitte/ を参照。



地域               億米ドル    米ドル現地     通貨ベー    業務収入に

                              ベース成長率    ス成長率    おける割合

アメリカ地域         155           7.9%          8.2%        49.4%

アジアパシフィック    49          16.3%         12.3%        15.7%


ヨーロッパ・中東・   109           6.4%          6.7%        34.9%


合計                 313           8.6%          8.3%        100.0%

ファンクション      億米ドル    米ドル現地     通貨ベー    業務収入に

                               ベース成長率    ス成長率    おける割合

監査・ERS            130           6.1%          5.7%         41.6%

コンサルティング      97          13.5%         13.3%         31.0%

ファイナンシャル      27          15.0%         14.2%          8.6%


税務・法務            59           3.9%          3.7%          18.8%

合計                 313           8.6%          8.3%         100.0%

サブ・リージョン    億米ドル    米ドル現地     通貨ベー    業務収入に

                               ベース成長率    ス成長率    おける割合

北米                  142          8.3%          8.3%          45.3%

ラテンアメリカ         13          4.1%          7.0%           4.2%

アジアパシフィック     49         16.3%         12.3%          15.7%

ヨーロッパ            100          6.2%          6.2%          32.1%

中東                    3          4.6%          4.9%           0.9%

アフリカ                6          9.8%         16.7%           1.9%

合計                  313          8.6%          8.3%         100.0%



Lauren Mistretta,

Global Communications, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited,


Mobile: +1-773-456-8191,


Christine Selph,

Global Communications, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited,


Mobile: +1-347-429-2891,


Cecilia Coakley,

MWW Group,


Mobile: +1-201-681-9886,


ソース:Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

Deloitte Announces Revenue Results of US$31.3 billion


NEW YORK, Sep. 26, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    -- Aggregate Deloitte revenues grew 8.6 percent in U.S. dollars, marking

       its highest revenue growth within the last four years

    -- Network hired 51,000 professionals; aggregate workforce surpassed

       193,000 and is expected to grow to 250,000 by FY2015

    -- Growth experienced across all industries, business lines, and regions,

       including Europe, despite a volatile economic environment

    Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) today announced aggregate member

firm revenues (


) of US$31.3 billion for the fiscal year ending 31 May 2012, marking the

network's highest revenue ever. Aggregate revenues grew 8.6 percent in U.S.

dollars and 8.3 percent in local currency-the strongest revenue increase since

2008. Deloitte member firms experienced growth across all three major

geographic regions, led by exceptional results generated in Asia Pacific, the

Americas, and a number of developing markets, as well as across all business

lines and industry sectors.

    "Complexity, disruption, and speed of change are the new reality for our

member firm clients, and for Deloitte's own business," said DTTL Global CEO

Barry Salzberg. "Deloitte's success this past year is the result of adapting

business strategies to anticipate client needs and address the changing

requirements of a dynamic market."

    Leadership development - A catalyst for growth

    Deloitte continued to focus on hiring, developing, and retaining top talent

as a key driver of the expansion of business activity. In FY2012, the Network

hired 51,400 professionals; its total workforce now exceeds 193,000

professionals worldwide and the organization is well on its way to achieving

its growth goal of 250,000 professionals by FY2015.

    In addition to the continued focus on hiring, and to support strategies to

be recognized as one of the top organizations in the world for developing

world-class leaders, Deloitte is investing heavily in leadership development

globally. This commitment can be seen in Deloitte University, a US$300 million

learning and development facility located outside of Dallas, Texas, where

Deloitte professionals come together to connect, share ideas, and identify and

capitalize on new and innovative solutions to the most critical and complex

issues facing global business today. More than 40,000 professionals from 70

countries attended Deloitte University over the last year.

    "Deloitte has always been highly effective at attracting and retaining the

world's best talent," commented Roger Dassen, Global Managing Director,

Clients, Services and Talent, DTTL. "Given continued market uncertainty,

increased regulation, and a competitive job market, it is of utmost importance

that Deloitte stay ahead of the curve and develop its professionals so they are

well equipped to serve clients."

    Continued investment in quality

    The independent audit is crucial to protecting the investing public and

capital markets. Deloitte takes pride in the auditor's important role, and

Deloitte member firms are investing in their audit practices to continuously

enhance the quality of their audit work. Deloitte provides its people with

extensive training and education on technical and regulatory matters, and on

professional ethics and independence. The Network is constructively engaged

with regulators and other stakeholders worldwide, promoting reforms that will

enhance audit quality.

    Creating impact through Olympic and Paralympic relationships

In FY2012, Deloitte extended its commitment to the Olympic and Paralympic

movements by providing strategic insight and professional services to national

Games committees. Deloitte professionals delivered services across the

network's full competency suite, in areas including organizational design, risk

assessment, and sustainability.

    Deloitte UK was integral in delivering the momentous London 2012 Olympic

and Paralympic Games. Eight hundred Deloitte UK professionals contributed

750,000 hours of expertise to help stage the Games, ranging from establishing a

procurement function that oversaw the purchase of more than GBP700 million

(approximately US$1.1 billion) in goods and services, to creating the program

to test operational readiness of the world's largest-ever peacetime event.

Deloitte's London 2012 client story is a true showcase for the combined talents

and experience that Deloitte delivers to any business challenge.

    Growth across business and industry

    Deloitte serves as an advisor to businesses from various industries and

sectors, providing assurance and restructuring services, helping them adopt new

technologies, and positioning them for growth. In the past year, Deloitte

served more than 75 percent of the Global Fortune 500, working with them to

address some of their most complex business issues.

    In FY2012, Deloitte saw growth across all business lines and industries,

with financial advisory and consulting experiencing 15 percent and 13.5 percent

revenue growth, respectively.

    Breakdown of business line and industry growth (aggregate across member

firms, in USD):

    -- Financial Advisory led the portfolio in terms of growth, at 15 percent.

       This was propelled by several significant cross-border, cross-functional

       client engagements, and through acquisitions that broadened capabilities

       in priority markets.

    -- Consulting revenue grew by 13.5 percent. This growth was fueled by

       helping clients with their most complex challenges, including responding

       to changes in the market, industry, and regulatory landscape, as well as

       supporting expansion into new and emerging markets. Demand for services

       in Business Intelligence, Enterprise Applications, Finance

       Transformation, M&A, and HR Transformation were dominant growth drivers.

    -- Audit and Enterprise Risk Services (ERS) revenue grew by 6 percent.

       Audit grew most rapidly in the priority markets, especially in the Asia

       Pacific region, where Deloitte is well positioned to serve the fastest-

       growing sectors. ERS drove growth-double-digit growth in every region

       and industry-fueled by factors including heightened regulatory pressure,

       positive analyst ratings, and increased awareness of the importance of

       optimized risk management practices.

    -- Tax and Legal revenue grew by 4 percent. Growth was driven by the

       continued implementation of enhanced service delivery models in both

       Compliance & Reporting and Advisory services, as well as by the

       introduction of new service offerings, especially in priority markets,

       to help clients manage the complex, fast-changing economic and tax

       environment. An uptick in cross-border consultative services and strong

       growth in the Asia Pacific region also propelled growth.

    -- Industry: The fastest growing industry was Energy & Resources, with

       revenue growth of 24 percent. Life Sciences & Health Care grew by 13

       percent, Consumer Business and Transportation by 11 percent, and

       Financial Services by 10 percent. Financial Services generated more than

       one-fourth of the total industry revenue.

    The growth across industry and business lines was achieved despite

challenging market conditions around the world, particularly in Europe. Growth

was largely driven by Deloitte's ability to provide a consistent suite of tools

across member firms, a cornerstone of its global strategy.

    Geographic performance (aggregate across member firms, in USD):

    -- Asia Pacific revenues grew 16.3 percent, making it the fastest-growing

       region for the eighth consecutive year. Deloitte India grew by 19

       percent in local currency. Half of the member firms in the region,

       including Deloitte China, experienced double-digit growth.

    -- Americas revenues grew 7.9 percent. The LATCO* member firm grew by 16.3

       percent. Deloitte United States grew by 9.1 percent.

    -- Europe, Middle East, and Africa revenues increased by 6.4 percent.

       Member firms in Africa, Norway, Greece, and Luxembourg all experienced

       double-digit growth in local currency. Deloitte UK grew by 11 percent in

       local currency.

    "In a challenging economic environment, US$1.4 billion of Deloitte's US$2.5

billion aggregate growth in the past year came from member firms in the three

largest economies in the world," said Salzberg. "I believe that is a testament

to Deloitte's ability to not only gain strength in high-growth strategic

markets, but also continue to build momentum in established markets globally."

    Strategic investments for growth

    -- Strategic Markets program: As part of the global approach to enhance

       member firms' ability to seamlessly deliver world-class services across

       borders, the Network has committed US$750 million in investments in

       strategic markets over the next three years. The investment program aims

       to expand client service and industry capabilities, bolster the hiring

       and deployment of top talent, and cultivate innovative new services and

       multidisciplinary offerings.

    -- Acquisitions: Deloitte successfully completed 30 strategic acquisitions

       during the past year in key markets and growth areas, including Digital,

       Analytics, Financial Advisory, and Consulting, augmenting member firms'

       capabilities to address the evolving needs of clients.

    -- Deloitte Audit: Deloitte Audit is a US$300 million, multi-year global

       transformation that enhances audit service quality by focusing more

       effectively and efficiently on clients' significant risks. It is being

       deployed in the 18 largest Deloitte member firms. Its evolved audit

       approach and enhanced technology and tools will cover approximately one-

       quarter of total member firm audit revenues by the end of FY2013.

    "To create value and growth, Deloitte combines a great foundational

strength together with client insight and customization," said Salzberg.

"Innovation and opportunity will define the year ahead, for both Deloitte and

member firm clients."

    To view this release online, please visit www.deloitte.com/2012revenues

    "Deloitte" as used in this release means Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

member firms.

    "Network" as used in this release means Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and its

member firms.

    *(LATCO includes member firms from Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Peru,

Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua.)

    About Deloitte

    Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK

private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of

which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see

www.deloitte.com/about for a detailed description of the legal structure of

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms.

    Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services

to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. With a globally

connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte brings

world-class capabilities and high-quality service to clients, delivering the

insights they need to address their most complex business challenges.

Deloitte's more than 195,000 professionals are committed to becoming the

standard of excellence.

    Deloitte Fiscal Year 2012 Regional and Function Revenue Breakdown


                                 USD        Local

Region             $ Billions    Growth     Growth    % of Revenue

Americas              15.5        7.9%       8.2%         49.4%

Asia Pacific           4.9       16.3%      12.3%         15.7%

EMEA                  10.9        6.4%       6.7%         34.9%

Total                 31.3        8.6%       8.3%        100.0%


                                 USD        Local

Function           $ Billions    Growth     Growth    % of Revenue

AERS                  13.0        6.1%       5.7%         41.6%

Consulting             9.7       13.5%      13.3%         31.0%

Financial Advisory     2.7       15.0%      14.2%          8.6%

Tax and Legal          5.9        3.9%       3.7%         18.8%

Total                 31.3        8.6%       8.3%        100.0%

                                 USD        Local

Sub Region         $ Billions    Growth     Growth    % of Revenue

North America         14.2        8.3%       8.3%         45.3%

Latin America          1.3        4.1%       7.0%          4.2%

Asia Pacific           4.9       16.3%      12.3%         15.7%

Europe                10.0        6.2%       6.2%         32.1%

Middle East            0.3        4.6%       4.9%          0.9%

Africa                 0.6        9.8%      16.7%          1.9%

Total                 31.3        8.6%       8.3%        100.0%

    Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding

    CONTACT: Lauren Mistretta

             Global Communications

             Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited


             Mobile: +1-773-456-8191


             Christine Selph

             Global Communications

             Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited


             Mobile: +1-347-429-2891


             Cecilia Coakley

             MWW Group


             Mobile: +1-201-681-9886


    SOURCE: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited




