◎民主主義の深化を信頼できる選挙で 著名国際委員会が国連と関係機関に訴え
◎民主主義の深化を信頼できる選挙で 著名国際委員会が国連と関係機関に訴え
AsiaNet 50792
共同JBN 1240 (2012.9.27)
◎民主主義の深化を信頼できる選挙で 著名国際委員会が国連と関係機関に訴え
【ニューヨーク 2012年9月26日PRN=共同JBN】国際危機グループ(International Crisis Group)のルイーズ・アルブール理事長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は26日、国連総会に並行する形でオーストラリアおよびチリ政府が共催したイベントに参加し、選挙・民主主義・安全保障に関するグローバル委員会(Global Commission on Election, Democracy and Security)がこのほど発表したリポート「民主主義の深化」のプロモーションを行った。リポートは選挙の信頼性を守るために、国ごとの、また国際的な緊急行動を呼び掛けている。
▽メディア関係の問い合わせ先: globalcommission@idea.int
International IDEAおよびコフィ・アナン財団との共同イニシアチブ
ソース:The Secretariat of the Global Commission on Elections, Democracy and Security
Eminent Panel Cautions UN and International Partners Global Spread of Democracy at Risk and Calls for Improvement to Integrity of Elections
NEW YORK, Sept. 26, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --
Louise Arbour of International Crisis Group spoke in the margins of the
United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) today, at an event co-convened by the
governments of Australia and Chile to promote Deepening Democracy, the new
report of the Global Commission on Elections, Democracy and Security. The
report calls for urgent national and international action to protect the
integrity of elections.
Mme Arbour noted: "The challenges in ensuring elections with integrity are
not unique to emerging or transitioning democracies - even Western countries
with a long history of democratic institutions can display serious
shortcomings. As elections spread across the world we must do everything it
takes to have real, meaningful elections - what we call elections with
The Hon Richard Marles MP, Australia's Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign
Affairs, who co-hosted the UNGA event, congratulated the Commission on its work
and commended the report's findings. He said: "We all share a responsibility to
keep working at democracy and to promote elections with integrity. Democracy is
not irreversible. It can be eroded by inequality, by conflict, by corruption
and by poor governance. Australia is committed to achieving a peaceful, secure,
sustainable and democratic global community and we underscore the importance of
political and electoral integrity in doing so."
Deepening Democracy: a Strategy for Improving the Integrity of Elections
Worldwide emphasises: elections conducted with integrity promote democratic
values and human rights, improve governance, fight corruption, empower minority
groups and deliver services to the poor.
If not conducted fairly, elections can undermine democracy, worsen
divisions, trigger conflicts and fail to deliver improvements in the lives of
The Commission of former world leaders, Nobel Prize winners and leading
academics cautions: "The rise of uncontrolled political finance threatens to
hollow out democracy everywhere and rob democracy of its unique strengths."
Noting repeated failures within the international community to support
elections with integrity, the report provides a comprehensive series of
recommendations to strengthen electoral processes and norms.
Kofi Annan, Chair of the Commission, says: "Elections are the indispensable
root of democracy. When elections have been free and fair, they can be a
powerful catalyst for better governance, greater security and human
development. But in the absence of credible elections, citizens have no
recourse to peaceful political change. The risk of conflict increases, while
corruption, intimidation, and fraud go unchecked, rotting the entire political
system slowly from within."
Former Mexican President Dr Ernesto Zedillo comments: "As much as we see
vibrant democracies in the world, we also see vulnerabilities in electoral
systems - some countries that are trying to be democratic are suffering great
failures in electoral processes. Democracy is becoming a universal value but
you cannot have a strong democracy if you do not have the rules, institutions,
practices and culture to conduct electoral processes."
Media contact: globalcommission@idea.int
Deepening Democracy available at: http://www.global-commission.org
A joint initiative of International IDEA and the Kofi Annan Foundation.
SOURCE: The Secretariat of the Global Commission on Elections, Democracy
and Security