
Norsafe AS


AsiaNet  50831

共同JBN 1248


【オスロ、トロムソ(ノルウェー)2012年9月28日PRN=共同JBN】9月27日午後7時31分、Norsafe社はこれまで最高の高さからの救命ボートのいわゆる自由落下試験を行った。試験は高さ61.53メートルから行われ、大成功だった。試験は、同じ週内に行われた高さ52メートルからの落下試験の成功に引き続くものであった。Norsafeの画期的な新救命ボートGES50 MKIIIはこれにより、高さ47メートルまでの認証を受けることになった。

(写真: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120927/564769-a

(写真: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120927/564769-b

(写真: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120927/564769-c

Norsafeの目的は救命装備の自由落下試験で記録を作ることではない、とNorsafe ASのゲイル・スカーラ最高経営責任者(CEO)は語る。当社の製品の神髄は命を救うことにある。品質と信頼がわれわれの存在の基盤である。だからこそ、われわれにとって一番大事なことは、他に避難できる可能性がない状況の中で、われわれの顧客が最も安全で確実な救命装備を利用できるようにすることにある、と。

GES50 MKIIIは最先端のテクノロジーで製造されており、ノルウェー大陸棚救命装備規格DNV-OS-E406基準を満たしている。同製品はNorsafeが新しく開発し、上記基準に合致した自由落下救命ボートシリーズ3品目の最初のモデルである。


GES50 MKIIIは長さ50フィート、1人当たりの体重を100キロとして定員は70人である。



ソース:Norsafe AS

Norsafe Has Conducted Free-Fall Tests With Lifeboat From 61.53m


OSLO and TROMSO, Norway, Sept. 28/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    At 7:31pm yesterday, Norsafe conducted the highest free-fall drop ever,

featuring a so-called free-fall lifeboat. The test was conducted from a height

of 61.53 metres and was very successful. The test came in the wake of another

successful drop from a height of 52 metres earlier the same week. Norsafe's

groundbreaking new lifeboat, the GES50 MKIII is thus certified for heights up

to 47 metres.

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120927/564769-a )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120927/564769-b )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120927/564769-c )

    Norsafe's purpose is not to set records in free-fall drops of lifesaving

equipment, says Norsafe AS CEO Geir Skaala. The essence of our products,

however, is to save lives. Quality and trust is the foundation of our

existence. It is therefore crucial to us that our customers have the safest and

most secure lifesaving equipment available in a situation where another

evacuation is not possible, says Skaala.

    GES50 MKIII builds on cutting-edge technology and meets the DNV-OS-E406

standard for lifesaving equipment on the Norwegian continental shelf. The

product is the first model in a series of 3 of Norsafe's newly developed

free-fall lifeboats that comply with these regulations.

    - Despite the fact that the new regulations will not take effect until

2015, it is important for us as the market leader to be ready ahead of time. We

are therefore proud to offer the market a new and innovative product that meets

the regulations three years prior to them coming into force, says Geir Skaala.

    GES50 MKIII is 50 feet long, and has a capacity for 70 persons of 100 kg


    Norsafe Group [http://www.norsafe.com ] has its headquarters at Tromoy

outside Arendal and today counts more than 830 employees. The company has a

worldwide involvement that includes production, sales, delivery and service of

lifesaving equipment for ships and to the offshore industry. The company has

its own production and sales / service companies in Norway, China, Greece,

Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, USA, Japan, Brazil and the Netherlands. In

addition, Norsafe Group has a network of 45 service stations spread across all

continents. Norsafe is continually growing, and new daughter companies and

service stations are in the process of being planned / developed.

    For further information, visit our website: http://www.norsafe.com and


    SOURCE: Norsafe AS




