◎中秋節に広州の各国領事館を招く  中国対外貿易中心と広東省


◎中秋節に広州の各国領事館を招く  中国対外貿易中心と広東省

AsiaNet 50854

共同JBN 1255(12.10.1)

◎中秋節に広州の各国領事館を招く  中国対外貿易中心と広東省

【広州2012年10月1日PRN=共同JBN】広州市で9月19日、広州駐在の25の各国領事館から代表を集めて、中秋節を祝うすばらしい夕食会とエンターテインメント成功のうちに開かれた。「Moon Festival」としても知られるこのお祝いは、中国の歴史で2000年以上も年中行事となってきた。

中国対外貿易中心(China Foreign Trade Centre)と広東省外事弁公室が共同で開催したこのイベントは、これら諸外国領事館の広州交易会に対する長年の支援に感謝するため設けられた。この夕べの催しは、星河湾酒店(Chateau Star River Hotel)所有のヨット上で開催され、中国対外貿易中心の王志平総経理、劉建軍副総経理、広東省外事弁公室の李建副室長が出席した。






ソース:China Foreign Trade Centre (CFTC)

The 112th Canton Fair

GUANGZHOU, China, Oct. 1, 2012 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

        "Stimulating vital trade with help from foreign participants"

    Attended by dignitaries from 25 Guangzhou-based foreign consulates, an

evening of fine dining and entertainment was successfully held on Sept. 19 in

the Guangdong capital to celebrate this year's mid-Autumn Festival. Also known

as the Moon Festival, this popular festival has been part of the Chinese

calendar for more than 2,000 years.

    Co-organized by the China Foreign Trade Centre and the Foreign Affairs

Office of Guangdong Province, the event was intended to thank participants for

their long-term support of the Canton Fair. Taking place aboard a yacht of the

Chateau Star River Hotel, the highly enjoyable evening was also attended by

Wang Zhiping, Director of China's Foreign Trade Center, Liu Jianjun, Deputy

Director of the Center, and Li Jian, Deputy Director of the Foreign Affairs

Office of Guangdong Province.

    Addressing the event, Li Jian thanked each of the consulates, and

businesses from their respective countries, for helping the Canton Fair thrive

over the years. In his speech, Wang Zhiping noted that 120,000 buyers (60% of

the total) at the 111th installment of the Canton Fair came from countries with

consulates in Guangzhou. He extended a warm invitation to all guests to attend

the 112th Canton Fair, and sincerely hoped that even more overseas buyers and

exhibitors would be attending.

    Despite the general downturn in the global economy, the Canton Fair, with

its 55-year history, remains a highly profitable and prestigious event.

Generating an unrivalled volume of business transactions and boasting a vast

exhibition area of more than 1 million square meters, it is widely regarded as

the best gateway into the Chinese market. Ending in May, the 111th session of

the Fair attracted over 210,000 buyers from all over the world, playing an

important role in sustaining international trade.

    The Canton Fair has strengthened China's economic ties with the rest of the

world, and Guangzhou's consulates have played their part in this process.

Consulate staff regularly attend important ceremonies and accompany commercial

groups as they visit the Fair. By working closely with the China Foreign Trade

Center, consulates also help promote the Fair and significantly boost the

participation of overseas companies.

    The 112th installment of the Canton Fair will run from Oct. 15 - Nov. 4,


    For further information please visit:     


    SOURCE:  China Foreign Trade Centre (CFTC)




