◎国際的M&A成功にはプロジェクトマネジメントが不可欠  Evershedsの調査結果


◎国際的M&A成功にはプロジェクトマネジメントが不可欠  Evershedsの調査結果

AsiaNet 51017

共同JBN 1319 (2012.10.15)

◎国際的M&A成功にはプロジェクトマネジメントが不可欠  Evershedsの調査結果


グローバル企業は、取引プロセス上に弱点があるため、成長を促す手段としての国際的なM&Aの潜在的な可能性を十分に実現し得ていない。この新しい世界的調査「M&Aブループリント:統合への開始(The M&A Blueprint: Inception to Integration)」は、国際法律事務所Evershedsによって、15日発表された。このリポートは、取引担当チームがもっと総体的なアプローチを取る必要があり、M&A計画立案、取引完了、取引後の統合の各段階での連携を強めなければならないことを明らかにしている。










1. 開始



2. 計画立案とデューディリジェンス



3. 取引実行


4. 統合








▽Eversheds LLPについて

Everheds LLPは世界各地の事務所に4500人余のビジネス・法律アドバイザーを抱え、民間/公共企業と金融コミュニティーに高品質の法的サービスを提供している。これらサービスのすべては、国際法律事務所の世界的業務を通じて提供されている。Evershedsはそれぞれの地域市場に関する知識と世界最大級の法律事務所としての専門性、リソース、国際性を兼ね備えている。



Creating Growth Through M&A is Being Stifled by a Lack of Joined Up Thinking in M&A Processes


LONDON, Oct. 16 / PRN=KYODO JBN / --

    - New global study by Eversheds reveals that deal due diligence does not

      focus enough on post deal integration

    - Little or no focus beyond the deal transaction to post-integration is

      compromising the benefits and value of cross-border M&A

    - Internal processes are as much to blame as external factors

     Global businesses are not realising the full potential of cross-border

mergers and acquisitions (M&A) as a means of driving growth due to weaknesses

in the deal process. A new global study, The M&A Blueprint: Inception to

Integration, published today by global law firm Eversheds, shows that deal

teams need a more holistic approach and stronger connections between the

planning, completion and post-deal integration phases.

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121015/567786-a )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121015/567786-b )

    The study involved more than 400 multi-national businesses* who have worked

on cross-border M&A deals in the past three years. It shows that nearly half

(43%) of businesses believe that the most common cause for deals not

successfully achieving their goals is due to a failure to address post deal

integration from the early stages of deal due diligence.

    The report also shows that legal risk is an increasingly important

consideration in the assessment of potential deals. General Counsel provide

essential input at this stage and more than half (59%) of all respondents said

they had spotted potentially damaging issues early enough to caution management

about proceeding with the deal.

    The research highlights that less experienced buyers are finding the

process challenging but even those with a wealth of knowledge believe that

there are improvements to be made.

    Robin Johnson, M&A partner at Eversheds, said:

    "The current economic climate has made the business of doing deals much

tougher, with the research highlighting an acute awareness of risk in the

process. However, company boards are under pressure to secure growth and M&A is

an essential business tool for achieving this, in particular for organisations

thinking about tapping into or increasing their penetration in new

international markets.

    "Our research shows that the overriding factor contributing to the success

of a cross-border deal, is the presence of a core team providing the

'connective tissue' to link all the phases together, taking the deal from the

inception stage through to post-completion integration. Businesses need to

start joining the dots between the different stages of the deal cycle to move

the focus from just simply 'doing the deal' to thinking about life for the

business beyond the deal.

    "More than three quarters of Eversheds' deal activity is cross border and

we always advise our clients to adopt a project management approach for the

life cycle of the deal. This helps them to focus on post-deal integration - and

achieving maximum value from the deal - from the outset.

    "Our findings also show that many businesses know they can do better and

want to see best practice in action on each and every transaction. So, with the

publication of this report we have drawn out the key areas that businesses have

identified as best-practice in the international deal-making process."

    The M&A Blueprint: Inception to Integration report sets out the blueprint

for success in cross-border deals as identified by deal-makers themselves:

    1. Inception

    - From the start - 38% of deals where the in-house team were brought in

      too late suffered problems during integration.

    - Early warning - 59% of all respondents said they had spotted potentially

      damaging issues early enough to advise that a deal should not go ahead.

    2. Planning and due diligence.

    - The crucial stage - 43% said the most common cause of the failure to

      realise value in transactions was down to avoidable errors in the due

      diligence and planning phase.

    - Joined up thinking - 70% felt that linking due diligence and integration

      planning together would help to improve the deal process.

    3. Deal execution

    - What matters most - The reasons General Counsel would advise not to

      proceed with a deal were illegality/regulatory (45%), e.g. bribery,

      competition and antitrust, and commercial concerns (45%), e.g. price and

      valuation, litigation risk, integration costs.

    4. Integration

    - A false saving? - 83% did not use external lawyers to a large degree

      during integration, although they were acknowledged to add value. The

      main reason for this was cost.

    - Avoid mismatches - 26% felt that the failure to realise value in a

      recent cross-border M&A deal was due to a misalignment between legal

      dealmakers and the day to day business team.

    The report also found that companies are two and half times more likely to

have faced problems with integration if the in-house legal teams were involved

late in the process. This is particularly true for those who are less

experienced in the deal process, with the report showing that businesses whose

in-house legal teams had worked on less than ten cross-border deals over the

past two years were more likely to face problems in the integration phase.

    Additionally, the report reveals that legal advice, both internal and

external, is currently brought in too late and not at a strategic level.

Appropriate proper legal advice at every stage in the deal cycle is critical to

the success of M&A transactions.

    The full report can be requested by emailing imogenlee@eversheds.com

    Notes to editors

    * The research was conducted between May 2012 and July 2012. The sample

includes responses from 400 in-house deal-makers, from 41 different countries,

who are responsible for the legal aspects of cross-border M&A and who have done

at least one cross-border M&A deal worth over $100 million in the past three


    About Eversheds LLP

    Eversheds LLP and its world wide associate offices have over 4,500 legal

and business advisers providing high quality legal services to the private and

public sector and business and finance community. Access to all these services

is provided through the firms global operations. Eversheds combines local

market knowledge and access with the specialisms, resources and capability of

one of the world's largest law firms.


    SOURCE: Eversheds




