◎最新の車載テクノロジーを展示 LAオートショー
◎最新の車載テクノロジーを展示 LAオートショー
AsiaNet 51200
共同JBN 1389 (2012.10.31)
(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20060612/LAM005LOGO)
米自動車工業会(Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers、http://www.autoalliance.org)が開催するLA Auto Show Advanced Technology Showcase(LAオートショー最新テクノロジー展示会、http://www.laautoshow.com/advancedtechnologyshowcase)は、乗用車に現在搭載されているアプリケーションとソリューションの拡大されたリストに重点的に取り組む。テクノロジー展示会の参加者は消費者の輸送についての考え方を変えるだけでなく、これら最新テクノロジーがハンズフリーの音声命令や車両コントロール、自動安全措置を通じて注意散漫なドライブの諸問題の軽減に役立つことも紹介する。
Intel(登録商標)テクノロジーはモバイル機器へのシームレスなアクセスを実現したり、車両が交通渋滞を回避する道路を自動的に割り出したり、さらには沿道緊急サービス用にはQualcomm Technologies Inc.の最新鋭一体型モデムの駆動アラートがあるほか、TelenavのScout(商標)のおかげでドライバーの居場所に基づいて最安値のガソリンスタンドを見つける方法もあり、現行のソリューションは路上テスト済みで、すぐにでも使用可能である。車載エンターテインメントもこの進化の一部であり、Livio ConnectはTuneInのようなアプリへのアクセスをドライバーに提供することで世界規模でのエンターテインメントを実現し、Sprintのユニークなコンポーネント統合ソリューションはダッシュボードをスマートフォンやタブレットのようにしている。
▽Intel Corporation(http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/automotive/automotive-overview.html)
▽Qualcomm Technologies Inc.(http://www.qualcomm.com/solutions/m2m/automotive)
Qualcomm Technologies Inc.は、高性能モバイル・アプリケーション・プロセッサーを組み込んだ最新鋭の3G、4G/LTE無線モデムの世界的なリーダーで、自動車業界向けの無線モデム・チップセットの大手サプライヤーでもあり、車両の中で高速のデータ・アクセスを実現し、リッチメディア体験をもたらしている。Qualcomm Technologiesは高速な接続性とプロセッシング性能とをユニークに組み合わせることによって、リアシートで子ども向け映画のストリーミング、世界的な価値を持つオーディオとインターネット・ラジオのプログラム、さらに衝突時における沿道緊急サービス要求の自動送信、定期保守の喚起受信においてドライバーを支援する自動テレマティックスを実現している。
Qualcomm Technologiesは自動車産業で10年以上の経験を有し、自動車メーカーおよびその戦略的パートナーが新規で画期的な通信を組み込んだアプリケーションおよびサービスをつくり出すことを可能にする基本的な無線およびアプリケーション・プロセッサー技術を提供し続けている。今回の展示会には、同社のQualcomm Snapdragon(商標)プラットフォームとその組み合わせであるQualcomm Gobi(商標)無線モデム/アプリケーション・プロセッサー・プラットフォームをベースにした高性能プロセッサーも展示される。このプラットフォームは、消費者が遠隔操作で車両のコントロールを動作させ(例えば、車両のエンジンスタート、暑い日に乗り込む前にエアコンのスイッチオンなど)、車両のエネルギー消費量のモニターし(特にEV「スマートグリッド」アプリケーションにとって役立つ)、最新のロケーションベース走行システムとアプリを使用し、さらに当然ながらリアシートの映画ファン向けに大ヒット映画をストリームすることを可能にする。
SprintはLAオートショーでは公式プレスデーに世界発表および記者会見を行う。同社はティア1に分類される通信会社でマシンツーマシン(M2M)接続(http://m2m.sprint.com)、とりわけ輸送関連のテレマティックス・ソリューションで業界をリードしている。Chrysler Groupは今年8月、Sprintの強みを買って同社をChrysler車載用通信システム「Uconnect Access」の戦略パートナーに選任した。Sprintはコネクテッド・サービスを次のレベルに引き上げようとしている時期でもあり、同社経営陣はLAオートショーに参加し、同社独自の自動車メーカー用グローバル・ターンキー・ソリューションをデビューさせる。
Scoutは目的地に着くこと、そこに行くための旅行の両方のためのアプリである。Scoutは現在iOS、Android両方で利用されているが、含まれる機能の中には音声ガイド付きのGPSカーナビ、音声認識、経路変更、到着までの時間を教えてくれる機能も付いたパーソナル化されたMy Dashboard、オフライン・カーナビなどある。さらに、Scoutはウェブ、電話、車載システムすべてで動作する初めての、そして唯一のアプリで、ユーザーはどこにいても、簡単で、一貫した方法で目的地を検索でき、カーナビを利用できる。
最近発表されたScout for AppLinkはこの有名なスマートフォン用アプリをFord SYNC AppLinkプラットフォーム上で自動車の音声、車両制御と一体化するもので、ドライバーはこのアプリのすべての機能を安全かつ責任ある方法で使うことができる。例えば、自動車のスピーカーからナビの方向案内が聞こえるようになり、右左折ごとにラジオのディスプレーに指示が表示される。これらの機能は公道での利用に耐えるもので、スマートフォンがAppLinkと連携した形で使用できるが、その中に含まれるものは、最低価格のガソリンスタンドやレストランなどその他の目的地と位置情報を基に検索する機能があり、お気に入りを保存し、他の人と共有することも可能で、交通情報を生中継で受け取り、安全でスマートな通勤に生かすこともできる。Scout for AppLinkは今回の展示会と、一般公開期間中のLAオートショーで常時、2013年型のフォード・マスタングに搭載されて展示されることになっており、参加者はアプリが車両と一体化する姿を自分自身で確かめることができるようになっている。
▽Livio Connect(http://livioconnect.com)
コネクテッド・カーにもいろいろなものがあるが、その一つは車で先進的なエンターテインメント・ソリューションを楽しむことである。3G/4Gモバイルネットワークが統合されたおかげで、ドライバーは後部座席の同乗者向けの映画から多様な音楽サービスに至るまで限りないリッチメディアを利用することができるようになった。その中でも最も刺激的なのはラジオと音楽アプリで、これらはドライバーに素晴らしい音楽などを視聴する選択肢を提供している。Livioはこの世界では新進だが重要な原動力になっており、そのことは最近、GMが同社技術をシボレー・スパーク、シボレー・ソニックRSのソリューションの中に組み込み、GMのMyLink Radioが搭載されていれば、有名なスマートファン音楽アプリTuneInを聴けるようになるという発表にも裏打ちされている。ミドルウエアのLivio Connectは、一言で言えば、インストールされたSparkのカーステレオやラジオのハードウエアとTuneInなどのスマートフォンのアプリがそれぞれの間で通信できるように結び付けている。この統合によって、ドライバーはアプリを音声コントロールおよび車両コントロール装置だけを使い、ハンズフリーでコントロールできる。LAオートショーの展示では、Livio Connect技術はMyLink Radioを搭載したシボレー・スパークで使われているが、モバイルTuneInアプリが提供する世界7万局のラジオのどれでもドライバーが楽しめるデモが行われる予定。
▽Car Connectivity Consortium(CCC、カー・コネクティビティー・コンソーシアム、http://www.mirrorlink.com)
▽Auto Alliance(http://www.autoalliance.org)
Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers(米自動車工業会)は自動車業界の統一した声である。同Allianceは環境、エネルギー、自動車の安全の分野で持続可能なモビリティーを促進し、社会に資するための一般政策課題に対する建設的なソリューションを開発、実現することにコミットしている。自動車製造者連合は自動車業界の代表的なロビー団体で、米国における乗用車、トラック販売の77%以上を代表し、その中にはBMWグループ、クライスラーグループ、フォード・モーター・カンパニー、ゼネラルモーターズ、ジャガー・ランドローバー、マツダ、メルセデス・ベンツUSA、三菱自動車、ポルシェ、トヨタ、フォルクスワーゲン・グループ・オブ・アメリカ、ボルボ・カーズ北米などが含まれる。
▽Los Angeles Auto Show(ロサンゼルス・オートショー)について
ソース:LA Auto Show
Jessica Schmidt, Rogers Finn Partners,
LA Auto Show(R) Unveils Advanced Technology Showcase
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 30, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --
Latest "connected car" technologies highlighted during Press Days
Nov. 28 & 29
Technology is fueling changes in the automotive industry like never before.
Automakers are increasingly challenged to keep pace with today's connected
consumers who are tethered to their mobile devices and expecting advanced
safety features to be more commonplace. In response, automakers are now
partnering with some of the most prominent names in data, mobile and processor
technologies to create seamless solutions so consumers can continually access
information, without taking their hands off the wheel. Helping keep the
industry current on the rapid evolution of the connected car, the LA Auto Show
(http://www.laautoshow.com ) will debut a Press-Days-only showcase of the
latest in-vehicle technologies (http://www.laautoshow.com/pressdays )
on Nov. 28 and 29, 2012.
(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20060612/LAM005LOGO)
The LA Auto Show Advanced Technology Showcase,
(http://www.laautoshow.com/advancedtechnologyshowcase ) presented by the
Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers (http://www.autoalliance.org ), focuses on
the expanding list of applications and solutions now being designed into
vehicles. The Showcase participants are helping transform not only the way
consumers think about transportation, but also how these advancements are
helping mitigate the issues of distracted driving through hands-free voice
commands and vehicle controls as well as autonomous safety measures.
Whether it is Intel(R) technology enabling seamless access to mobile devices or
calculating automated ways for vehicles to avoid traffic jams, Qualcomm
Technologies Inc.'s cutting-edge embedded modems powering alerts for roadside
emergency services, or even a way to find the cheapest gas based on a driver's
location thanks to Scout(TM) by Telenav, today's solutions are road-tested and
ready. In-vehicle entertainment is also part of this evolution, with solutions
such as Livio Connect enabling entertainment on a global scale by giving
drivers access to apps like TuneIn, or Sprint's unique component integration
solutions that make dashboards more like smartphones and tablets.
Highlighted below are the companies and technologies involved in the Showcase.
Each represents an important part of the solution driving change and a safer,
more efficient and connected driving experience.
Intel Corporation (
http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/automotive/automotive-overview.html )
Consumer demand is driving integration of the car into our digital lives. The
move is fueling the emergence of the connected car
(http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/automotive/automotive-overview.html )
and the promise of more enjoyable, productive, intuitive and safe experiences
for drivers and passengers alike. Imagine running late for an appointment
during peak traffic, automatically the car recommends a new route to guide you
away from your usual - but now congested - route. Intel's technology also allows
interaction between smartphones and vehicles in more useful ways. By using
in-car connectivity, along with the cameras and sensors already in your car,
the car can notify you via smartphone if it has been hit in a parking lot.
Additionally, near-field communications or a barcode can be used to securely
pair a smartphone with your car, enabling your smartphone to become a virtual
key for remote keyless entry to your car.
To make these new driving experiences possible, Intel is utilizing its
expertise in personal computing, software, security and cloud computing, as
well as making significant investments in research and product development.
Intel is also working with leading automakers including BMW, Hyundai, Kia,
Nissan and Toyota to enhance the in-vehicle experience and bring advanced
in-vehicle technologies to market.
At the LA Auto Show, Intel is showcasing a connected car driving experience
concept in which Press Days participants can explore up to three experiences:
car enthusiast, family or commuter. While interacting with the demo,
participants can 'test drive' in-vehicle features of the intelligent car
including a system that verifies the vehicle owner, designs personalized
navigation routes, locates personal contacts nearby and even updates your
social media networks.
Qualcomm Technologies Inc. (http://www.qualcomm.com/solutions/m2m/automotive )
Qualcomm Technologies Inc., a global leader in advanced 3G and 4G/LTE wireless
modems that are combined with high performance mobile application processors,
and a large supplier of wireless modem chipsets to the auto industry, is
helping to enable high-speed data access in vehicles resulting in a rich media
experience. Qualcomm Technologies' unique combination of high speed
connectivity and processing performance is enabling movies to be streamed to
the kids in the rear seat, a world's worth of audio and internet radio
programming, and automated telematics that assist drivers in ways ranging from
sending an automated request for roadside emergency service in the case of a
crash to receiving a reminder for scheduled maintenance.
With more than a decade of experience in the automotive industry, Qualcomm
Technologies continues to provide the underlying wireless and application
processor technology that allows automakers and their strategic partners to
create new, breakthrough communications enabled applications and services.
Displays at the Showcase include the company's high performance processor based
on Qualcomm Snapdragon(TM) platforms and its combination Qualcomm Gobi (TM)
wireless modem/application processor platforms that enable consumers to
remotely activate controls in their vehicle (such as starting the vehicle and
turning on the A/C before entering the car on a hot day), monitor vehicle
energy usage (particularly useful for EV "smart grid" applications), use
advanced location-based navigation systems and apps, and of course, stream the
latest blockbuster to rear seat movie fans.
Sprint (http://m2m.sprint.com )
Sprint makes its appearance at the LA Auto Show with a global announcement and
press conference during the Show's official Press Days. The Tier 1
communications company is a leader in machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity
(http://m2m.sprint.com ), notably in telematics solutions for transportation.
On the strength of this position, in August 2012, the Chrysler Group selected
Sprint as a strategic partner to enable its Uconnect Access in-vehicle
communications system. Sprint executives will be at the LA Auto Show to debut
the company's unique global turnkey solution for automotive manufacturers as
they take connected services to the next level.
In addition to component integration and ecosystem management, Sprint aims to
help automakers become more effective providers of consumer communications.
During the press conference, Sprint will showcase how automotive manufacturers
can affordably draw on its consumer wireless capabilities to extend a rich
mobility experience to their cars and trucks. Sprint's objective is to make
dashboard technology as simple, intuitive and appealing as smartphones and
Sprint will also highlight how this can be done in a rich and highly
personalized way that fully accounts for the special requirements of drivers
and passengers. As part of this innovative program, the company will discuss
how auto manufacturers can build stronger customer loyalty through deeper,
ongoing consumer relationships.
Scout by Telenav (http://www.telenav.com/products/scout )
With Scout it is about the destination as well as the journey along the way.
Scout, available on both iOS and Android, includes voice-guided GPS navigation,
speech recognition, traffic rerouting, personalized My Dashboard with commute
times, offline navigation and more. In addition, Scout is the first (and only)
app that works across the web, phone and in-car systems - offering users an easy
and consistent discovery and navigation experience no matter where they are.
With the recent introduction of Scout for AppLink, which integrates the popular
smartphone navigation app with voice and vehicle controls through the Ford SYNC
AppLink platform, drivers now have access to the app's full suite of features
in a safe, responsible manner. For example, directions are audible through the
vehicle's speakers and turn-by-turn prompts are displayed on the radio display.
The road-worthy functions, available to drivers when their smartphone is paired
to AppLink, includes access to features such as location-based searches for the
lowest gas prices and other points of interest such as restaurants, saving and
sharing favorites, and getting live traffic updates for a safe and smart
commute. Scout for AppLink will be on display at the Showcase and throughout
the run of the show for public days in a 2013 Ford Mustang, so attendees can
experience for themselves how the app integrates with the vehicle.
Livio Connect (http://livioconnect.com )
The connected car means many things, including the ability to bring advanced
entertainment solutions into vehicles. Thanks to the integration of 3G/4G
mobile networks, a driver's access to rich media ranging from movies for the
rear seat to multiple streaming music services is almost limitless. Some of the
most exciting applications are radio and music apps, which provide drivers
greater listening choices. Livio is a new and important mover in this space,
underscored by the recent announcement that GM will incorporate the company's
technology in a solution that will allow Chevy Spark and the Chevy Sonic RS
owners to enjoy the popular TuneIn music smartphone app in vehicles equipped
with GM's MyLink Radio. Essentially, the Livio Connect middleware software
enables hardware such as the Spark's installed head unit and radio to connect
with smartphone apps like TuneIn and interact with one another. This
integration also allows drivers to control the app in a hands-free manner, only
using voice and vehicle controls. In the application on display at the Show,
the Livio Connect technology will be installed in a Chevy Spark equipped with
MyLink Radio to demonstrate how drivers can enjoy any of the 70,000 stations
from around the world featured on the mobile TuneIn app.
Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) (http://www.mirrorlink.com )
With so many systems and manufacturers in the mix bringing the connected car
and its multiple features into reality, it's hugely important that a standard
be created so all parties involved are on the same page. No real advancement
could happen without it. Smartphones from various manufacturers need to be
able to integrate with center console displays from others, while automakers
have to ensure that all these devices embed efficiently in their vehicles. To
that end, members of the CCC have created MirrorLink (TM), a technology
standard for controlling a nearby smartphone via steering wheel and dashboard
buttons and screens. The organization has proven to be a success with
membership including more than 80 percent of the world's automakers and more
than 70 percent of the world's smartphone vendors, as well as related hardware
manufacturers such as the makers of display technologies. The list reads like a
who's who of these industries and includes companies such as GM, Toyota,
Volkswagen, LG, Nokia, Panasonic and Alpine. Pursuing its goal of ensuring a
safe driving environment where driver distraction is eliminated and
entertainment and functionality maximized, the Consortium has already garnered
the cooperation of these global brands to create MirrorLink version 1.0 and its
requisite authorized test labs. At the LA Auto Show, Press Days attendees will
get an insider's view of how MirrorLink works to ensure smartphones, center
console displays and the latest intelligent vehicles can function seamlessly
together ensuring the success and growth of the connected car.
Auto Alliance (http://www.autoalliance.org )
The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers is the voice for a united auto
industry. The Auto Alliance is committed to developing and implementing
constructive solutions to public policy challenges that promote sustainable
mobility and benefit society in the areas of environment, energy and motor
vehicle safety.
The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, the leading advocacy group for the
auto industry, represents 77 percent of all car and light truck sales in the
United States, including the BMW Group, Chrysler Group LLC, Ford Motor Company,
General Motors Corporation, Jaguar Land Rover, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz USA,
Mitsubishi Motors, Porsche, Toyota, Volkswagen Group of America and Volvo Cars
North America.
About the Los Angeles Auto Show
As the first major North American auto show of the season, the 2012 LA Auto
Show will host some of the industry's most important new vehicle debuts and set
the tone for the rest of the year. The dates are Nov. 28 and 29 for press and
Nov. 30 - Dec. 9 for the public. Media must register online by Nov. 9 to
receive credentials in the mail. Following Press Days, the show becomes one of
the best attended public auto shows in the world. To receive the latest show
news and information, follow the LA Auto Show on Twitter at
twitter.com/LAAutoShow, visit the Facebook page at
http://www.facebook.com/LosAngelesAutoShow and sign up for alerts at
LAAutoShow.com (http://www.laautoshow.com ).
SOURCE: LA Auto Show
CONTACT: Jessica Schmidt, Rogers Finn Partners, +1-310-552-4177,