◎パンダ大使コンテスト入賞者3人を発表  1位はフランスのプイエ氏


◎パンダ大使コンテスト入賞者3人を発表  1位はフランスのプイエ氏

AsiaNet 51414

共同JBN 1398(2012.11.19)

【成都(中国)2012年11月19日PRN=共同JBN】2012年世界パンダ大使選考コンテスト(2012 Global Search for Chengdu Pambassador)の入賞者3人が19日午後、ジャイアントパンダの故郷、成都にある成都大熊猫繁殖育成研究基地(成都パンダ基地)で正式に表彰された。この3人は、フランスのジェローム・プイエ氏、中国のチェン・インロン氏、米国のメリッサ・カッツ氏。

 (Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/11/19/20121119075403849790.html






2012年世界パンダ大使選考コンテストは、成都パンダ基地、ワイルドエイド(WildAid)、ヤオ・ファウンデーション(Yao Foundation、姚基金)が主催した。さらに入賞者3人は一人あたり2万ドルを受け取る。

ソース:Chengdu Panda Base

Winners of 2012 Chengdu Pambassador Announced  


CHENGDU, China, November 19, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN / --

The 3 winners of the 2012 Global Search for Chengdu Pambassador were officially

awarded this afternoon at the Panda Base in Chengdu, the hometown of giant

pandas. The three winners include Jerome Pouille from France, Chen, Yinrong

from China, and Melissa Katz from the United States.

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/11/19/20121119075403849790.html )

Upon announcing the result of the competition, Dr. Zhang Zhihe, Director of the

Panda Base, noted the important cause and great contribution that all 16 of the

Pambassador finalists have made over the 10 week competition, "All of you are

outstanding individuals and your efforts to promote the conservation of pandas

are inspiring, you will always be a part of the Chengdu Panda Base family. The

promotion of international communication about conservation is essential to the

survival of this and other species."

The Chengdu Pambassador program was first launched in 2010 when over 60,000

individuals competed for the chance to become a panda caretaker for one month.

This year's Pambassador competition was conducted on a larger scale with over

255,000 participants.

Throughout the competition, which included Facebook submission and voting;

semi-final events in China, Singapore, the U.K., and the U.S.; and a final 3

week phase in Chengdu, the participants demonstrated great knowledge of and

passion for pandas. Furthermore, they have promoted global conservation

awareness and contributed to the long term goal of reintroducing pandas to

their wild habitat.

Jerome Pouille, the 31 year old sustainable development technician from France

came in first place overall, "I was confident, but never expected to come in

first place" he said, "I'm very excited and thankful to all my team members and

look forward to continuing the important work of promoting global conservation."

The three winners will serve in their pambassadorship for one year. They will

engage in in-depth training and conservation efforts at the Chengdu Panda Base

before launching the 2013 Global Panda Conservation Tour next year.

Today's announcement ceremony also featured the launch of the Panda

Reintroduction Fund and recognized the 3 winners as honorary board members. The

money collected in the fund will be used to help finance the long-term panda

reintroduction program that launched last year.

The 2012 Chengdu Pambassador program was organized by the Chengdu Panda Base,

WildAid, and the Yao Foundation. The three winners will also receive $20,000


SOURCE  Chengdu Panda Base




