◎Unisense FertiliTechが2400万ドルの出資獲得

Unisense FertiliTech A/S

◎Unisense FertiliTechが2400万ドルの出資獲得

AsiaNet 51659

共同JBN 1601 (2012.12.13)

【オーフス(デンマーク)2012年12月13日PRN=共同JBN】デンマークの医療技術会社Unisense FertiliTech A/SはOticon財団の投資会社William Demant Invest(WDI)と新たな提携関係を結んだと発表した。WDIは2400万ドル相当の同社の新株、既存株を買い入れ、Unisense FertiliTech A/Sの32%を所有することになる。

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120918/562489

Unisense FertiliTech A/Sは生殖補助の分野における治療を改善する製品を開発、製造している。同社は過去2年間急速に拡大しており、世界の30カ国以上で活動している。現在のハードウエア、ソフトウエア製品に加えて、体外受精(IVF)業界内で大きな商業的可能性を持つ開発中の製品の素晴らしいパイプラインがある。


Unisense FertiliTech A/Sのイェンス・グンデルセン最高経営責任者(CEO)は「医療技術分野で実証済みの実績を持つ極めて博識で財政的に強力な経験豊かな投資会社としてWDIを歓迎する。聴力補助業界での幅広い経験を生殖補助分野に応用して達成できる利点と相乗効果にも大きく期待している」と語っている。

William Demant Investのニール・ヤコブセンCEOは新たな出資と将来の目標に非常に満足しており「FertiliTechには素晴らしい可能性があると考えている。同社は非常に専門性指向の組織であり、大きな可能性がある。さらにその製品と企業プロフィルはわが社の既存ポートフォリオとよく適合している」と述べている。

▽Unisense FertiliTech A/S(UF)について

Unisense FertiliTech A/Sは2003年に生殖支援におけるヒト胎芽の評価を改善する技術を開発するために創立された。ウシを使った最初の研究が欧州、北米の胎芽専門家との協力につながり、ヒト胎芽の使用技術が評価された。この目標を目指して継続画像撮影を組み込んだ完全安定インキュベーション環境を備えた装置が開発された。

Unisense FertiliTech A/Sは最先端の装置、中でもIVF研究施設での臨床使用がEUの承認、FDAの認可を受けているEmbryoScope(エンブリオスコープ:登録商標)継続撮影システム、EmbryoViewer(エンブリオビューアー:登録商標)ワークステーション(ソフトウエア)と関連製品を製造、販売している。Unisense FertiliTech A/SはIVFインキュベーターと関連付属品の生産、設置、サービス提供についてDS/EN ISO13485:2012の必要条件に合致している。


▽William Demant Invest(WDI)について


Oticon財団の規則には、収入は聴覚に障害のある人と組織の必要をサポートするために使用すると定めている。収入はWilliam Demant Investの事業活動から生じる。


Website: http://www.fertilitech.com

ソース:Unisense FertiliTech A/S

Unisense FertiliTech A/S Secures 24 Million USD in New Capital Investment


AARHUS, Denmark, Dec. 13 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Danish medtech company Unisense FertiliTech A/S announces a new

partnership with Oticon Funds investment company William Demant Invest (WDI).

WDI owns 32% of Unisense FertiliTech A/S after the purchase of new and existing

shares in the company worth 24 million USD.

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120918/562489 )

    Unisense FertiliTech A/S develops and manufactures products to improve

treatment in the field of assisted reproduction. The company has expanded

rapidly in the past 2 years, operating in more than 30 countries worldwide. In

addition to the current hardware and software product offerings, there is an

exciting pipeline of products under development which hold significant

commercial potential within the IVF industry.

    With this new partnership and investment, the company will be in an

excellent position to execute its long term development strategy and to

accelerate the global expansion of sales of FertiliTech's existing and new

products geared towards improving clinical practice in the field of IVF.

    "We welcome WDI as an extremely knowledgeable, financially strong and

experienced investor with a proven track record in the medtech field. We also

look much forward to the benefits and synergies that can be achieved when

applying extensive experience from the hearing aid industry to the area of

assisted reproduction", says Unisense FertiliTech A/S CEO, Jens Gundersen.

    William Demant Invest's CEO, Niels Jacobsen is very satisfied with the new

investment and future goals: "We see excellent possibilities with FertiliTech.

It is a very professionally driven organization with a huge potential. In

addition, their products and company profile are a good fit with our existing


    About Unisense FertiliTech A/S (UF)

    Unisense FertiliTech A/S was founded in 2003 to develop technology to

improve human embryo assessment in assisted reproduction. Initial research

using bovine models led the way to collaborations with embryologists in Europe

and North America to evaluate our technology for use with human embryos.

Towards this end, an instrument incorporating a fully stable incubation

environment with integrated time-lapse image acquisition was developed.

    Unisense FertiliTech A/S manufactures and sells state-of-the-art

instrumentation notably the EmbryoScope(R) Time-lapse system, the

EmbryoViewer(R) Workstation (Software) and related products, which are EU

approved and FDA cleared for clinical use in IVF laboratories. Unisense

FertiliTech A/S conforms to the requirements in DS/EN ISO 13485:2012 for

production, installation and servicing of IVF incubators and related accessories

    The company is involved in numerous international collaborations, and

strives to develop embryo assessment algorithms to improve embryo selection and

workflow in the assisted reproduction laboratory. Our goal is to promote

knowledge building through extensive documentation and retrospective analysis.

We are dedicated to providing technology to improve IVF treatment through

quantification of embryo development patterns.

    About William Demant Invest

    WDI is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Oticon Foundation and has

consolidated financial statements with the Oticon Foundation. The objective of

the Oticon Foundation's investment activities is to achieve a long-term stable

return that will secure the Oticon Foundation's capital its obligations under

section 3 of the foundation charter. To achieve this, the financial long-term

goals are to maintain or increase the real value of investment assets and to

provide a relatively stable return to be used for donations and grants.

    The Oticon Foundation's statutes mandate that income be used to support the

needs of hearing-impaired individuals as well as organizations. Income is

derived through its operational activities in William Demant Invest.

    Having a long history, the Oticon Foundation sponsors social and

educational programs, publications, conferences, cultural activities and

campaigns - both for researchers, hearing-care professionals and the general


    website http://www.fertilitech.com

    SOURCE: Unisense FertiliTech A/S




