◎イラクの学校にコンピューターを寄贈 ロシアの石油大手LUKOIL


◎イラクの学校にコンピューターを寄贈 ロシアの石油大手LUKOIL

AsiaNet 52491

共同JBN 0313 (2013.3.21)

【モスクワ2013年3月21日PRN=共同JBN】ロシアの大手石油会社LUKOIL(ルクオイル)はこのほど、イラクのWest Qurna-2(ウエストクルナ第2油田)プロジェクトに伴う社会貢献活動の下で、マデイナ(Madeina)とイザルディンサリム(Izzaldin-Salim)の学校にコンピューターなどの寄贈を開始した。

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130321/602046

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120917/562493



LUKOILはWest Qurna-2施設の建設で地元住民と活発に交流している。West Qurna-2の請負業者と下請け業者が雇用している油田作業員の77%に当たる5700人は、イラク人である。LUKOILが建設した研修センターでは、345人のイラク人が研修を受けている。

▽LUKOIL Overseasについて

LUKOIL Overseasはロシアの石油グループLUKOILに不可欠の石油・天然ガス会社。ロシア国外での川上部門の操業を担い、12カ国で27件の石油・天然ガスの生産や探査プロジェクトを実施している。ホームページはhttp://www.lukoil-overseas.com

▽West Qurna-2 Projectについて

2009年にLUKOILとノルウェーのStatoil(スタトイル)はWest Qurna-2の開発権を落札した。West Qurna-2は可採埋蔵量が約130億バレルで、世界屈指の未開発油田。LUKOILは2012年5月にStatoilの事情から権益を75%に拡大した。商業生産の開始は2013-14年の予定。初期段階の2013年末までに日量15万バレルの安定生産に近づけ、2014年後半には日量40万バレルを生産する。2013年1月17日には追加契約に調印し、目標生産(日量120万バレル)と安定生産期(19.5年)の設定や、契約全体期間の25年間への延長が決まった。プロジェクトの総投資額は今後10年以内に200億ドルを突破する。


LUKOIL Pushes Forward its Social Program in Iraq



     LUKOIL began supplying computers and other equipment for schools of

Madeina and Izzaldin-Salim municipalities in Iraq under the social program of

West Qurna-2 project.

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130321/602046 )

     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120917/562493 )

     The program aims at developing facilities of educational, medical and

sports institutions in the districts bordering on the contract area.

     This work is based on agreements concluded with the administrations of

Madeina, Izzaldin-Salim and Al-Qurna municipalities. In 2013 LUKOIL will

finance the purchase of computers and equipment for 32 schools in the region.

In addition, 10 classes will be arranged and equipped for high school students

within the existing elementary schools, modern equipment was provided for

central municipal hospitals and sports centers and a number of other social

projects were implemented. All projects are being implemented by Iraqi

contractors selected as a result of municipal tenders.

     LUKOIL is active in engaging local population in construction of West

Qurna-2 field facilities. 5700 Iraqis or 77% of the total manpower working on

the field are now employed by West Qurna-2 contractors and subcontractors.

Another 345 Iraqis receive training in a training center established by LUKOIL.

     About LUKOIL Overseas

     LUKOIL Overseas oil and gas company is an integral part of the Russian oil

group LUKOIL. The Company is engaged in upstream operations outside Russia.

LUKOIL Overseas manages 27 oil and gas production and exploration projects in

12 countries. Web-site: http://www.lukoil-overseas.com

     About West Qurna-2 Project

     In 2009, a consortium of LUKOIL and Norway's Statoil won a tender for the

development of the West Qurna-2, one of the largest undeveloped fields in the

world with recoverable reserves of about 13 billion barrels. In May 2012 LUKOIL

increased its interest to 75% due to Statoil. First commercial oil production

is scheduled for 2013-2014. The "Early Oil" Stage covers approaching the

plateau production of 150.000 barrels per day by the end of 2013, and 400.000

barrels per day by late 2014. On January 17, 2013, an additional agreement to

the contract was signed, which particularly sets forth the target production

rate (1.2 MMB of oil per day), plateau production period (19.5 years) and

extension of the overall contract term to 25 years. Total investment in the

project will exceed $20 billion within the next 10 years.





