
バヤト基金(Bayat Foundation)


AsiaNet 53392

共同JBN 0704 (2013.6.14)

【カブール(アフガニスタン)2013年6月14日】起業家で慈善事業家のイーサノラー(イーサン)・バヤト(Ehsanollah Bayat)氏が率いるバヤト基金(Bayat Foundation)はこのほどカブールのインディラ・ガンディー病院に新たな小児救命救急センター(ICU)と集中治療室(CCU)を開設した。この施設は建物の使われていない破壊された部分のがれきの上に5カ月足らずの期間で再建されたもので、先進的な遠隔患者モニタリング技術、近代的なベッドと医療設備、子供の緊急治療を可能にすることに集中したさまざまな追加的ソリューションを備えている。




▽バヤト基金(Bayat Foundation)について

米国に本部を置く501 c(3)の慈善組織であるバヤト基金は2005年からアフガニスタン国民の福利を促進している。イーサン・バヤト、ファテマ・バヤト両氏が創設、指導する同財団はアフガニスタンの若者、女性、貧困層、高齢者の生活の質を向上させるための200以上のプロジェクトに貢献している。プロジェクトには必要な地域での新しい施設、持続可能なインフラの建設、健康、教育、経済、文化計画の促進が含まれている。自らの慈善計画に加えて、イーサノラー・バヤト氏は2002年にアフガニスタンで初めてのGSM無線およびインターネット・サービス・プロバイダーとなった、テレフォン・システム・インターナショナル社(TSI)と通信省の合弁企業アフガン・ワイヤレスを創立し、後にアリアナ・ラジオ(FM93.5)を含むアリアナ・ラジオ・テレビ・ネットワーク(ATN)を設立した。詳しい情報はEメールでinfo@bayatfoundation.orgへ。


Jill Ketron



ソース:Bayat Foundation

Bayat Foundation Inaugurates New Pediatric Critical Care Facility at Indira Gandhi Hospital in Kabul


KABUL, Afghanistan, June 14, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    The Bayat Foundation, led by entrepreneur and philanthropist Ehsanollah

Bayat, recently inaugurated a new pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) and

critical care unit (CCU) at Indira Gandhi Hospital in Kabul.  The facility,

rebuilt atop the debris of an unused, ruined section of the building in less

than five months, features advanced remote patient monitoring technology,

modern beds and medical equipment, and a variety of additional solutions

focused on enabling acute care for children.

    "We are grateful to have the opportunity to aid the committed medical staff

and young children of Afghanistan by constructing this modern pediatric care

unit," Mr. Bayat said. "Through our long support of young leukemia patients at

Indira Gandhi Hospital, we realized the significant difference that new ICU/CCU

facilities could play in allowing doctors to serve many more of the neediest

and most at-risk children, more effectively than before.  The Foundation looks

forward to remaining engaged with hospitals around the nation to help ensure

the next generation of Afghans begin life as safely and well as possible, and

we believe this new pediatric facility will provide improved healthcare results

for many of the neediest children in Afghanistan."

    The new critical care unit is the twelfth health care facility that the

Bayat Foundation has constructed around the nation since beginning a mission in

2005 to build a network of maternal and early childhood hospitals in

underserved and underdeveloped areas of Afghanistan whose main focus is

maternal wellbeing, child health, and safe births.  

    This network of medical care facilities for Afghan mothers and children -

located in Mazar-e-Sharif (Balkh Province), Dai Kundi (Uruzgan Province),

Maimana (Faryab Province), Behsood (Wardak Province); Tagaab Village (Wardak

Province); Hessa Dowom (Wardak Province); Tora Bora (Nangahar Province), Sar-e

Pul City (Sar-e Pul Province), Lashkargah (Helmand Province), and Gardez

(Paktia Province) - has served more than 700,000 patients since the inception

of the Foundation's maternal/child health initiative.  The hospitals range in

size from 10 to 150 beds and are built to a modern design, with complete

electrical systems, patient rooms, operating rooms, delivery rooms,

post-operative recovery rooms, a pharmacy, doctor's offices, reception area,

storage and bathrooms.  Further information and video coverage of the new

ICU/CCU facilities, as well as all Bayat Foundation health care initiatives and

other programs may be viewed at:


    About the Bayat Foundation

    Since 2005, the US-based Bayat Foundation, a 501 c(3) charitable

organization, has promoted the well-being of the Afghan people. Founded and

directed by Ehsan Bayat and Fatema Bayat, the Foundation has contributed to

more than 200 projects dedicated to improving the quality of life for the

youth, women, poor, and elderly of Afghanistan.  Projects have included the

construction of new facilities and sustainable infrastructure in needy regions,

and the promotion of health, education, economic, and cultural programs. In

addition to his charitable initiatives, Ehsanollah Bayat founded Afghan

Wireless (AWCC) in 2002 - a joint venture between Telephone Systems

International, Inc. (TSI) and the Ministry of Communications - which was the

first GSM wireless and Internet Service Provider in Afghanistan, and later

established Ariana Radio and Television Network (ATN), which includes Ariana

Radio (FM 93.5). For more information, please email: info@bayatfoundation.org.

    CONTACT: Jill Ketron



     SOURCE: Bayat Foundation




