◎第14回成都国際家具工業展が開幕 米製材業者らが初参加

Chengdu New East Exhibition Co., Ltd

◎第14回成都国際家具工業展が開幕 米製材業者らが初参加

AsiaNet 53576

共同JBN 0786 (2013.7.4)


成都新東方展覧有限公司(Chengdu New East Exhibition Co.)の組織委員会ゼネラルマネジャーであるジャンダン氏は、完成家具、木工機械、原材料・補助材料、木工技術などにまたがる約900の出展者が12万平方メートルにおよぶことしの家具工業展に参加すると語った。また4日間の開催期間中に、プロのバイヤーが参加するよう工夫されている家具工業展の定評ある手順がよい招請メカニズムによって、15万人以上のビジターやバイヤーが訪れると見られている。

ことしの国際家具工業展には、米ウィスコンシン州農業・貿易・消費者保護局、ペンシルベニア州のPennsylvania Hardwoods Development Council、アメリカ広葉樹輸出協会(Amerian Hardwood Export Council、AHEC)と製材業者9社が初めて参加する。AHEC東南アジア・大中国圏オフィスのチェン・シチェン最高経営責任者(CEO)は、米国が今や世界最大のハードウッド製造・輸出国であり、中国市場への輸出が世界輸出の34%を占めるに至っているため、中国市場を大変重視していると指摘している。同CEOは「大規模な家具製造基地がある中国中央部と西部の市場が有望だと考えている」と語った。

オランダに本社のあるアクゾノーベル(Akzo Nobel)は、これまで何回もこの家具工業展に参加している。同社大中国圏のビジネスディレクターであるユアン・イェ氏は「当社は中国や海外の家具展覧会に参加し協力してきた。成都家具工業展は中国の家具展の中でも傑出しており、この展覧会は国内市場でのサービスに焦点を合わせている。出展者および展示の双方が、中国の国内家具需要を反映しており、国内市場の主要な推進力になっている」と述べた。


Tel: +86-28-8628-0444

Fax: +86-28-8628-0491

E-mail: 379053729@qq.com

Website: www//iffcd.com/en

ソース:Chengdu New East Exhibition Co., Ltd

14th International Furniture Fair Chengdu Opens


CHENGDU, China, July 3, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

A delegation of North American lumber producers to attend the event

The 14th International Furniture Fair Chengdu opened at Chengdu Century City

New International Exhibition & Convention Center on July 3. The event is

sponsored by Chengdu Municipal People's Government and Sichuan Provincial

Department of Commerce. Against the backdrop of the global financial crisis,

the relatively stable and highly promising market in China has become an

economic growth engine for businesses. The International Furniture Fair Chengdu

serves as a preferred platform for companies seeking to acquire a share of the

Chinese market.

Jiangdan, general manager of the organizing committee of Chengdu New East

Exhibition Co., Ltd., said that approximately 900 exhibitors across several

industry sectors including finished furniture, woodworking machinery, raw and

auxiliary materials as well as engineering will take part in this year's

120,000 square meter fair. Meanwhile, the four-day event is expected to attract

more than 150,000 visitors and buyers, driven by the fair's established and

systematic invitation mechanism that assures the presence of professional


This year, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer

Protection, the Pennsylvania Hardwoods Development Council, the American

Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) and nine American lumber producers will attend

the International Furniture Fair Chengdu for the first time. Chen Xizhen, Chief

Executive Officer of AHEC's Southeast Asia and Greater China office, said the

U.S. is the now the largest hardwood producer and exporter worldwide, and that

they have been attaching great importance to the Chinese market, as exports to

the market account for 34% of their global total. "We are optimistic about the

central and western China market, as it is such a large furniture production


Netherlands-based Akzo Nobel has attended the Fair many times before. Yuan Ye,

business director of the company's Greater China region said, "We have attended

many furniture fairs in both China and abroad and collaborated. The Chengdu

fair stands out from others like it in China, in that it focuses on services in

the domestic market. Both exhibitors and exhibits reflect China's domestic

furniture demand and are becoming a major driving force for the domestic


Organizing Committee contact:

Tel: +86-28-8628-0444

Fax: +86-28-8628-0491

E-mail: 379053729@qq.com

Website: www//iffcd.com/en

SOURCE  Chengdu New East Exhibition Co., Ltd




