
Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd.


AsiaNet 53615

共同JBN 0792 (2013.7.3)

【廬山(中国江西省)2013年7月4日 PRN=共同JBN】「美しい廬山-癒やしの廬山」-。第1回廬山インプレッション美術展と慈善即売会がこのほど廬山で開催された。この催しは、数多くの芸術家に描かれたファンタスティックで美しい景観を有する有名な観光スポットを振興し、世界中から観光客をさらに呼び寄せて、中国の長い歴史の一部を構成する伝統をより一層幅広く紹介することを目的に企画された。「災害に見舞われれば、あらゆる方角から助けがやって来る」

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/07/03/20130703163516728467.html




 Yan Jingwei  

 Tel: 150-7928-8180

 Email: 502748342@qq.com

ソース: Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd.

Beautiful China 2013 - Inaugural "Lushan Impression" Art for Charity Event


LUSHAN, China, July 3, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

"Beautiful Lushan; Caring Lushan" - The inaugural "Lushan Impression" art and

art sale for charity was recently held in Lushan. The event was designed to

promote the scenic spot through many artistic renderings of the famed resort,

allowing interested tourists worldwide to better know the exquisite area and

the Chinese traditions that are part of its long history: "When disaster

strikes, help comes from all sides".

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/07/03/20130703163516728467.html )

Two days before the event, more than 3,000 tourists and art-lovers had already

gathered at Lushan. On the last day of the event, over 600 art-lovers including

students from colleges and universities as well as secondary and primary

schools across China had made the trek. The secondary and primary school

students included several children from orphanages as well as sons and

daughters of laborers from Sichuan province working in Jiujiang city. They

enthusiastically and cleverly created their own interpretations of the area's

breathtaking scenery, then attended the charity sales event in concert with

workers from the Red Cross Society of Jiujiang city. The proceeds were all

donated to the people of Ya'an, the area that had recently suffered an

earthquake, providing funds for the rebuilding of their homes. A large number

of tourists also participated in the event.

Li Xianni, a fifth-grade student from Jiujiang Binxing Primary School,

enthusiastically signed up for the event after learning about it through an

announcement. Li's grandparents live in Sichuan while her parents work in

Jiujiang. She said, "We should show our love to people who were harmed by the

earthquake. I hope people there can keep healthy and live good lives with our

limited help." On-site tourists vied with each other to buy the students'

artistic endeavors and T-shirts adorned with hand-drawn pictures; some tourists

even bought as many as six shirts. They said, "The scenery, people and the

heartfelt emotion in Lushan are all so wonderful. Lushan is beautiful and so

are the caring people who are here."


Yan Jingwei  

Tel: 150-7928-8180

Email: 502748342@qq.com

SOURCE  Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd.




