
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers


AsiaNet 55038

共同JBN 1405 (2013.11.18)

【ロサンゼルス(米カリフォルニア州)2013年11月18日PRN=共同JBN】政府、市民団体、民間部門、技術団体、国際組織など多様なステークホルダーからなる国際的なグループがこのほど「Panel on the Future of Global Internet Cooperation(インターネット国際協力の将来に関するパネル)」を立ち上げた。同パネルは12月12、13の両日ロンドンで最初の会合を予定している。



このパネルの最初の触媒の役割を果たしたICANN(アイキャン、Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)は広範で複雑な諸問題に取り組むためには多様な国際的グループが必要であると認識していた。ICANNは今後も事務局を組織しこのパネルの後方支援を行うことになっている。ICANNはハイレベルのパネルを作る動機として同社の責任範囲の外にある問題に対処する必要性が高まっているとしている。

今後数年の間に、多くの主要イベントでインターネット・ガバナンスの諸問題が取りあげられるが、その中にはダボスの世界経済フォーラム年次総会や2014年春にブラジルで行われると最近発表された会議などがある。サニーランズのAnnenberg Foundation Trustもパネルの作業に実体的なパートナーとして加わることになっており、2014年初頭にカリフォルニア州ランチョミラージュの歴史的な場所で行われる会議を主催する予定。


*モハメッド・アル・ガーネム氏。アラブ首長国連邦電気通信規制局の創設者兼長官。アラブ首長国連邦Information and Communications Technology Fund元バイス・チェアマン。

*バージリオ・フェルナンデス・アルメイダ氏。ブラジル科学アカデミー会員。ブラジルInternet Steering Committeeチェアマン。National Secretary for Information Technology Policies。


*ミッチェル・ベイカー氏。Mozilla Foundationチェアマン、Mozilla Corporation会長で元最高経営責任者(CEO)。

*フランチェスコ・カイオ氏。Avio最高経営責任者(CEO)。Cable and Wireless、Vodafone Italia元最高経営責任者(CEO)。Netscalibur創設者。英国とイタリアのブロードバンド・アドバイザー。

*ビント・サーフ氏。Google副社長兼チーフ・インターネット・エバンジェリスト。インターネット協会(Internet Society)共同創設者。

*ファディ・チェハデ氏。ICANN最高経営責任者(CEO)兼社長。ロゼッタネット(Rosetta Net)創設者。技術系経営幹部。



*イボ・イワノフスキー氏。マケドニアInformation Society and Administration大臣。国連デジタル開発のためのブロードバンド委員会(UN Broadband Commission for Digital Development)コミッショナー。


*オラフ・コルクマン氏。NLnet Labsディレクター。NLnet Labs責任者。オープンインターネットの「Evangineer」。Internet Architecture Board元チェアマン。

*フランク・ラ・ルー氏。労働・人権弁護士。国連言論と表現の自由特別報告者。Center for Legal Action for Human Rights(CALDH)創設者。

*ロバート・M・マクダウェル氏。元米国連邦通信委員会委員長。ハドソン研究所Center for Economics of the Internet客員フェロー。

*アンディレ・ングカバ氏。Convergence Partners会長。Dimension Data Middle East and Africa 執行会長。元南アフリカ政府Communications長官。

*リュー・チンフェン氏。iFLYTEK最高経営責任者(CEO)兼社長。National Speech & Language Engineering Laboratory of Chinaディレクター。Interactive Technology Standards作業部会メンバー。

*リン・サンタムール氏。インターネット協会(Internet Society)理事長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)。通信・IT系経営幹部。




ソース:Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers


David Almacy, David.Almacy@edelman.com, +1-202-591-9486

High-Level Panel Organizes to Address Future of Internet Governance


LOS ANGELES, Nov. 18, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

A diverse global group of stakeholders from government, civil society, the

private sector, the technical community and international organizations has

formed a Panel on the Future of Global Internet Cooperation. The Panel's first

meeting is scheduled for December 12 - 13 in London.

Focusing on the pressing issue of Internet governance, and committed to a

multistakeholder approach, the Panel plans to release a high-level report in

early 2014 for public comment. The report will include principles for global

Internet cooperation, proposed frameworks for such cooperation and a roadmap

for future Internet governance challenges.

Recognizing the importance of the initiative, President Toomas Ilves of Estonia

has agreed to serve as the group's Chairman. President Ilves is a longtime

public supporter of an open, secure and accessible Internet. Vint Cerf, often

cited as one of the founders of the Internet, will serve as a vice-chair of the


ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, was an early

catalyst for the Panel and recognized the need for a globally diverse group to

independently address broad, complex issues. It will organize the secretariat

and provide logistical support for the Panel. ICANN cited growing pressures to

address issues outside its sphere of responsibility as a motivating factor in

forming a high-level panel.

In the coming year, several key events will address Internet governance topics,

including the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, and a

recently announced conference to be hosted by Brazil in Spring 2014.The

Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands will also be a substantive partner in

the work of the Panel and host a meeting at the historic Sunnylands estate in

Rancho Mirage, California in early 2014.

ICANN consulted with a number of organizations to develop the Panel. Members

were chosen to ensure that a regionally diverse cross-section of stakeholders

would be represented. Panel members' activities will be independent of their

organizations. Panel members include:

    -- Mohamed al Ghanem, Founder and Director General of the UAE

       Telecommunications Regulatory Authority; former Vice-Chair, UAE

       Information and Communications Technology Fund

    -- Virgilio Fernandes Almeida, Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences;

       Chair of Internet Steering Committee; National Secretary for Information

       Technology Policies

    -- Dorothy Attwood, Senior Vice President of Global Public Policy, Walt

       Disney Company

    -- Mitchell Baker, Chair, Mozilla Foundation; Chair and former CEO, Mozilla


    -- Francesco Caio, CEO of Avio; former CEO, Cable and Wireless and Vodafone

       Italia; Founder of Netscalibur; broadband advisor in UK and Italy

    -- Vint Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist for Google;

       former Chairman, ICANN; Co-Founder of the Internet Society

    -- Fadi Chehade, CEO and President of ICANN; Founder of Rosetta Net;

       technology executive

    -- Nitin Desai, Indian economist and diplomat; former UN Undersecretary

       General; convener of Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG)

    -- Toomas Ilves, President of Estonia; former diplomat and journalist;

       former Minister of Foreign Affairs; former Member of the European


    -- Ivo Ivanovski, Minister of Information Society and Administration,

       Macedonia; Commissioner to the UN Broadband Commission for Digital


    -- Thorbjorn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe; former

       Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Norway; Chairman of the Norwegian

       Nobel Committee  

    -- Olaf Kolkman, Director of NLnet Labs; "Evangineer" of the Open Internet;

       former Chair of the Internet Architecture Board

    -- Frank La Rue, labor and human rights lawyer; UN Special Rapporteur on

       the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and

       Expression; Founder, Center for Legal Action for Human Rights (CALDH)

    -- Robert M. McDowell, former U.S. Federal Communications Commissioner;

       Visiting Fellow, Hudson Institute's Center for Economics of the Internet

    -- Andile Ngcaba, Chairman, Convergence Partners; Executive Chairman,

       Dimension Data Middle East and Africa; former South African Government

       Director General of Communications

    -- Liu Qingfeng, CEO and President of iFLYTEK; Director of National Speech

       & Language Engineering Laboratory of China; Member of Interactive

       Technology Standards working group

    -- Lynn St. Amour, President and CEO of the Internet Society; telecoms and

       IT executive

    -- Jimmy Wales, Founder and Promoter of Wikipedia; Member of the Board of

       Trustees of Wikimedia Foundation

    -- Won-Pyo Hong, President, Media Solution Center, Samsung Electronics

Additional members to be confirmed.

SOURCE:  Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

CONTACT: David Almacy, David.Almacy@edelman.com, +1-202-591-9486




