Japanese-style Cafe Produced by ex-Football Star Nakata Opens in Sao Paulo

nakata.net Cafe

TOKYO, June 13 /Kyodo JBN/ --

nakata.net Cafe Executive Secretariat

Japanese-style Cafe Produced by ex-Football Star Nakata Opens in Sao Paulo to Communicate Japanese Culture to World

"nakata.net Cafe2014@Sao Paulo" produced by former Japanese star footballer Hidetoshi Nakata held an opening reception in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on June 11, joined by over 150 Brazilian and foreign guests and other parties concerned.

"nakata.net Cafe2014@Sao Paulo," developed in collaboration with popular local cafe "Octavio Cafe," will be open only during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil competition. The Nakata cafe will offer a variety of Japanese things, ranging from sake (rice wine) and Japanese cuisine to tableware and confectionery, sending a message to the world about the fine traditions of Japanese culture.

Artisans who are in charge of the Japanese sake and dishes served at "nakata.net Cafe 2014@Sao Paulo" participated in the reception held on the eve of its formal opening day. The all Japan team of people representing various sectors of Japan's traditional culture, commissioned to communicate Japanese culture to the world together with Mr. Nakata, got together and served the same sake and food as provided at the cafe to the party guests. The opening reception was made livelier by the presence of football legends, including Arsenal Football Club manager Arsene Wenger.

Mr. Nakata commented, "I am delighted to see our cafe put in place in Sao Paulo, the host of several World Cup games. Upon seeing today what has been actually completed, I felt once again that a great thing has been accomplished. I hope visitors to our cafe will enjoy Japanese food, sake and other ingredients of Japanese culture."



nakata.net Cafe

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