
TMT Group


AsiaNet 57620

共同 JBN 0888 (2014.8.21)

【香港2014年8月21日PRN=共同JBN】Today Makes Tomorrow(TMT)グループの保有する船舶3隻(M.V.D.Whale、M.V.G.Whale、M.V.H.Whale)がMega International Commercial Bank Co. Ltd.(Mega Bank)に破産売却される計画が進んでいることに関して、同グループのスー・シンチ会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は2014年7月28日、1隻あたり1億ドル以上の価値がある当該船舶の知的財産が奪われることになる、として所有権の保護ないし補償を求める訴状を米テキサス連邦裁判所に提出した。同裁判所におけるケン・リャン氏の宣誓証言によると、Mega BankはハゲタカファンドのOaktree Capitalグループの代理人である。

米破産法判事のマービン・イズガー氏は最近、3隻の特許技術に関するスー氏の利益を適切に保護せずに当該船舶をMega Bankに売却することを認めた。このためスー氏は連邦地裁が、いかなる先取特権からも「自由で制約のない」船舶の売却を承認したイズガー判事の命令はスー氏が所持しているいくつかのアジア特許による同氏の権利を消滅させるものではないことを明白にする確認判決を出すか、知的財産権に対して1隻につき1億ドルの補償をMega Bankに即時支払わせるかするよう望んでいる。

イズガー判事は特許権について判断を下すことを拒否したが、スー氏の知的財産権が不適切に移転させられたと今後決定された場合はTMTの幹部がMega BankまたはTMTに対して権利侵害の主張を続けられる可能性についてはその余地を残した。




ソース:TMT Group

TMT Chairman and CEO Hsin-Chi Su Files US$100 million IP Suit over Vessel Sale


HONG KONG, Aug. 21, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/--

Hsin-Chi Su, Chairman and CEO of Today Makes Tomorrow Group ("TMT") launched a

suit in Texas federal court on July 28, 2014, alleging that a planned

bankruptcy sale of three company ships, including M.V.D Whale, M.V.G Whale and

M.V.H Whale, to Mega International Commercial Bank Co. Ltd. (Mega Bank) will

strip him of intellectual property worth more than US$100 million for each

ship. According to Ken Liang's deposition at the court, Mega Bank is the agent

for vulture fund Oaktree Capital Group.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Marvin Isgur recently signed off on a sale of the ships

to Mega Bank without adequately protecting Su's interest in the boats' patented

technology. For this reason, Su wants the federal district court to either

issue a declaratory judgment clarifying that Judge Isgur's order approving the

sale of the ships "free and clear" of any liens did not extinguish his rights

under several Asian patents he holds, or force Mega Bank to immediately

compensate him for the loss of his intellectual property, over US$100 million

for each ship.

Judge Isgur declined to adjudicate his patent rights, but left open the

possibility that the TMT executives could pursue infringement claims against

either Mega Bank or TMT if it is later determined that Su's intellectual

property was improperly transferred.

Su said "I deeply regret that Judge Isgur declined to adjudicate the patent

rights. The practice of selling the ships of TMT to a US company without

securing the permission of patent rights owners is tantamount to selling

pirated copies. This reminds me of the Asian financial crisis in 1997, when

foreign funds aggressively acquired Asian companies at low prices. "

Su designed an underdeck piping structure for the ships, which he patented in

Japan, Korea and China, but allowed TMT to use it without a license.

In this case, the sale orders did not determine ownership of the Asian patents.

Hence, Su owns the Asian patents and retains his rights to enforce the Asian

patents by, among other things, suing infringers regardless of the sale orders.





