
Google Governance Campaign


AsiaNet 58881 (1369)



情報コミッショナーの法律家が控訴裁判所に提出した文書の中で、「コミッショナーは、セクション13 DPAに規定する損害の解釈が非金銭的損害を含むか否か(すなわちGoogleの主張が法的に正しいかどうか)について、審理されるべき重大な問題があると提案したい」と指摘した。




8日、GoogleはGoogle Governance Campaignの3人がテストケースとして起こした訴訟棄却を求めて、控訴裁判所に出廷する。170人の原告が訴訟に加わる手続きをしており、世界中の数百万人のAppleユーザーも訴訟を起こす可能性がある。

ソース:Google Governance Campaign

Britain's Information Commissioner Steps Into Google Privacy Breaches Legal Action


LONDON, Dec. 5, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     The UK's privacy regulator, the Information Commissioner, is to make a

dramatic final hour intervention in an English Court of Appeal hearing in which

Google will seek, once again, to prevent consumers from suing it in England. In

its legal filings Google argues that if consumers do not lose out financially

from a privacy breach, they should not be allowed to sue it.

    The Information Commissioner, which regulates internet companies and the

use of private data, has asked the Court of Appeal to intervene in the case. It

marks the first step by the regulator to help British consumers hold Google to


    In a submission to the court, lawyers for the Commissioner wrote: "the

Commissioner wishes to make submissions that there are serious issues to be

tried... on whether the interpretation of damage under section 13 DPA should

include non-pecuniary damages" - whether Google's argument is legally correct.

    Google has argued that a decision in January by High Court Judge, Mr

Justice Tugendhat, to allow the consumers to sue the company in England was

wrong, as there is "no serious issue to be tried" given that the "alleged

incursion into the private life by [Google's] use of cookies does not reach a

level of seriousness to engage Article 8 [of the Human Rights Act 1998]". It

argues that the claim lacks merit as consumers suffered no financial harm.

    Marc Bradshaw, one of three claimants in the case, welcomed the Information

Commissioner's intervention: "We are delighted to see this action by the

Commissioner. We've written to his Office several times urging him to get

involved and help British consumers to protect their right to privacy. Google

may be a massive company with huge resources, but it must treat consumers with

respect by abiding by their wishes and not abusing their right to privacy. We

truly hope that the Information Commissioner will witness for himself in court

Google's vast array of technical and legal excuses for its actions and its

desperate attempts to avoid answering to English courts. Then he will realise

that he must act to prevent any further wrongdoings by this monopolistic giant.

Every citizen of this country has privacy rights and Google infringes those

fundamental rights whether it costs us cash or not. It's typical for Google to

argue that it's all about money."

    Dan Tench, the Olswang partner who represents the claimants, said: "We are

very pleased that the Information Commissioner has intervened in this case.

This is a crucial test of whether Google can be held to account in the English

courts or whether there is only justice for a privacy breach where the consumer

loses money. Already a High Court Judge has said that it is time for Google to

answer the claims substantively."

    Next Monday, Google will call on the Court of Appeal to dismiss the case,

which is being brought by three members of the Google Governance Campaign as a

test case. 170 potential claimants have registered interest, and millions of

Apple users across the world could potentially have a claim.

Source: Google Governance Campaign




