
Air China


AsiaNet 59023(1411)



中国国際航空(「エアチャイナ」ないしは「同社」、子会社を含め「グループ」と表記)(HKEX: 753; LSE: AIRC; SSE: 601111: ADR OTC: AIRYY)は19日、香港証券取引所上場10周年を祝って同証券取引所でのオープニングセレモニーを行った。



エアチャイナは株式を上場して以来、国際基準に合致するとともに中国の特色を採用したプロフェッショナルで信頼が置けるサービス提供を堅持してきた。数多くの顧客、株主、雇員をはじめ社会全体から大きな支援を受け、エアチャイナの運行規模は拡大し、同社の総合力は明らかに強化されており、これによって新たな開発の地平へと前進した。この10年間で、エアチャイナの航空機フリートは151機から523機へと増大した。昨年の同社売上高は335億人民元から982億人民元に増えた。同社の運行ネットワークは中国や世界のすべての主要都市を結んでいる。エアチャイナはスターアライアンスの主要メンバーであり、「World's 500 Most Influential Brands(世界で最も影響力のある500のブランド)」に選ばれた中国唯一の民間航空会社となり、世界でトップの航空会社の1つに成長した。





Mr. Zhang Yun      General Manager, Product & Service Department, Air China

Mr. Huang Bo       Chairman of Commercial Committee, Air China

Ms. Rao Xinyu      Company Secretary, Air China

Mr. Ian Shiu       Director, Cathay Pacific

Mr. Fan Cheng      Vice President and Executive Director, Air China

Mr. Ivan Chu       Chief Executive, Cathay Pacific

Mr. Xiao Feng      CFO, Air China

Mr. Fu Yihong      Company Secretary, Cathay Pacific

Mr. Zhu Songyan    Assistant President, Air China

Ms. Zhang Huilan   Deputy CFO, Air China

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20141219/0861409622-a

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20141219/0861409622-b

Logo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20141017/0861407509LOGO

ソース:Air China

Air China Hosts the Market Opening Ceremony at the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of its Listing in Hong Kong


HONG KONG, Dec. 19, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Build on past success to soar ahead Maintain leading global presence and create


Air China Limited ("Air China" or "the Company," together with its

subsidiaries, collectively "the Group") (HKEX: 753; LSE: AIRC; SSE: 601111: ADR

OTC: AIRYY), has today hosted the market opening ceremony at the Stock Exchange

of Hong Kong to celebrate the 10th anniversary of its listing in Hong Kong.

Mr. Fan Cheng, vice president and executive director of Air China, said at the

ceremony, "15 December 2004 has marked our arrival in the Hong Kong capital

market. This also represents a major milestone in our development history and a

special day worthy of inclusion into our development commemorative album."

As an international financial centre in China, Hong Kong connects China and

global markets together and plays a key role in the development of the Chinese

economy. The selection of Hong Kong as one of the major listing locations has

substantially boosted Air China's presence and reputation in Hong Kong and

global capital markets. Through this important platform, Air China has strictly

fulfilled the information disclosure requirement, continually strengthened

communication with investors, improved corporate governance and enhanced

transparency of the company. These efforts have gained the confidence and

recognition from institutional and individual investors, and positively

affected our business development.

Air China has adhered to its positioning of providing professional and reliable

services meeting international standards and embracing Chinese characteristics

since its listing. With tremendous support of its mass customers, shareholders,

employees and across society, Air China's operating scale has expanded and its

overall capability has been notably strengthened, which has led to a new

development horizon. Over the past decade, the fleet of Air China has increased

from 151 aircraft to 523 aircraft. Its annual turnover rose from RMB33.5

billion to RMB98.2 billion last year. Its route network covers all major cities

within China and around the world. As a major member of the Star Alliance and

the only Chinese civil aviation enterprise listed among "The World's 500 Most

Influential Brands," Air China has grown into one of the world's top airlines.

Mr. Fan concluded, "There is no doubt that the listing in Hong Kong ten years

ago has given a strong boost to our strategic development. We wish to extend

special thanks to the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and our old and new friends

in the capital markets here, as your support have given us the reliance and

power that have enabled our development needs and transformed Air China into a

leading global airline, enabling us to create premium value for our customers,

investors and society."

Guests attending the ceremony also included other members of Air China's

management team, representatives from Cathay Pacific, business partners and

institutional investors that have followed the Group's development for a long

time. After the celebration, the Group's management has also arranged for a

capital market exchange forum and conducted important exchanges of ideas with

representatives from major investment institutions.

Below are the photos of the management team of Air China and representatives

from the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and Hong Kong capital markets at the 10th

listing anniversary and market opening ceremony.

From left to right:

Mr. Zhang Yun      General Manager, Product & Service Department, Air China

Mr. Huang Bo       Chairman of Commercial Committee, Air China

Ms. Rao Xinyu      Company Secretary, Air China

Mr. Ian Shiu       Director, Cathay Pacific

Mr. Fan Cheng      Vice President and Executive Director, Air China

Mr. Ivan Chu       Chief Executive, Cathay Pacific

Mr. Xiao Feng      CFO, Air China

Mr. Fu Yihong      Company Secretary, Cathay Pacific

Mr. Zhu Songyan    Assistant President, Air China

Ms. Zhang Huilan   Deputy CFO, Air China

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20141219/0861409622-a

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20141219/0861409622-b

Logo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20141017/0861407509LOGO

SOURCE  Air China




