Eiger BioがHDV治療にロナファルニブが有効とのデータを発表 米国肝臓病学会に試験結果を報告

Eiger BioPharmaceuticals, Inc.

Eiger BioがHDV治療にロナファルニブが有効とのデータを発表 米国肝臓病学会に試験結果を報告

AsiaNet 59041(1416)

【パロアルト(米カリフォルニア州)2014年12月22日PRN=共同通信JBN】Eiger BioPharmaceuticals Incorporatedは慢性デルタ型肝炎ウイルス(HDV)感染症の患者に対してロナファルニブを投与した早期第II相(Phase 2a)臨床試験で良好な結果を得たと発表した。この研究はメリーランド州べセスダにある米国立衛生研究所(NIH)臨床センターで行われた。この臨床試験は二重盲検、無作為化、プラセボ対照、さらに漸増用量で行われ、ロナファルニブを1日2回100mgと1日2回200mgの2つの異なる服用量で28日間投与し、評価した。


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デルタ肝炎はD型肝炎ウイルス(HDV)による感染により引き起こされる最も劇症のヒトウイルス性肝炎であると考えられている。D型肝炎はB型肝炎(HBV)を持つ個人の同時感染としてのみ生じ、HBV だけの場合よりさらに重篤な肝臓病に結びつくもので、関連疾患として加速肝線維症、肝臓がん、肝不全などがある。HDVは世界の健康に大きな影響を与える疾患で、患者数は世界で1500万人々に達する。HDVの罹患率は世界の各地域間で異なる。HDVは米国、ヨーロッパ、日本で「希少疾病」の基準を満たしており、患者数はそれぞれ20万人以下、10万人に5人以下、5万人以下になっている。世界的には、HDV感染率はおよそB型慢性肝炎キャリアの4-6%であると報告されている。中国、ロシア、中央アジア、トルコ、アフリカ、南米の一部を含む世界のいくつかの地域では40%もの高いHBV 感染の罹患率が報告されている。


Eigerはウイルス性肝炎の革新的な治療の研究、開発、商業化を専門にする非公開のバイオ企業である。同社は最も劇症のウイルス性肝炎であるデルタ肝炎ウイルス(HDV)治療に向けたロナファルニブの開発に注力している。現在、ロナファルニブの販売は承認されていない。Eigerの研究計画は重篤な肝臓病の治療とモニタリングのための治療目標を設定した小分子治療とバイオマーカーの発見に焦点が当てられている。Eigerの研究開発のパイプラインに関する詳しい情報はウェブサイトwww.eigerbio.com を参照。


Jim Shaffer, Eiger Bio, Inc., 919-345-4256, jshaffer@eigerbio.com

ソース:Eiger BioPharmaceuticals, Inc.

Eiger Bio Announces Positive Data in Patients Infected with Hepatitis Delta Virus (HDV) Treated with Lonafarnib

Eiger Bio Announces Positive Data in Patients Infected with Hepatitis Delta Virus (HDV) Treated with Lonafarnib - Results Presented at American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) Meeting


PALO ALTO, California, Dec. 23, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Eiger BioPharmaceuticals Incorporated announced the positive results of a Phase

2a study of lonafarnib in patients with chronic hepatitis delta virus (HDV)

infection.  The study was conducted at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.  The double-blinded, randomized,

placebo-controlled, dose ascending study evaluated two doses of lonafarnib, 100

mg twice daily and 200 mg twice daily for 28 days.  "This proof-of-concept

study is the first ever to evaluate lonafarnib, the first of a class of novel

antiviral agents known as prenylation inhibitors, in patients infected with

HDV," said David Cory, President and Chief Executive Officer of Eiger.  

"Hepatitis Delta is the most severe form of human viral hepatitis and a therapy

is sorely needed."

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A significant decrease in HDV RNA viral levels was observed after treatment

with lonafarnib for 28 days compared with placebo, including a statistically

significant dose-dependent difference in decline in HDV RNA virus between the

100 mg twice daily and 200 mg twice daily doses compared with placebo.  The

decline in HDV RNA viral levels significantly correlated with serum lonafarnib

drug levels, providing further evidence for the efficacy of lonafarnib in

chronic HDV.  In the study, lonafarnib was generally well tolerated, with the

most common adverse events in the treatment group being gastrointestinal

related.  "The NIH Clinical Center has completed a study with significant

implications for treatment of chronic hepatitis D, which often leads to

cirrhosis and other life-threatening conditions," said Theo Heller, MD, a

Principal Investigator at the NIH.  "We look forward to continued collaboration

to potentially deliver an approved therapy to patients."  

About Lonafarnib

Lonafarnib is a well-characterized, late stage, orally active inhibitor of

farnesyl transferase, an enzyme involved in modification of proteins through a

process called prenylation. HDV uses this host cell process inside liver cells

to complete a key step in its life cycle. Lonafarnib inhibits the prenylation

step of HDV replication inside liver cells and blocks the ability of the virus

to multiply.  Since prenylation is a host process, not under control of HDV,

and lonafarnib inhibits prenylation, there is also a theoretical higher barrier

to resistance with lonafarnib therapy.  Virus mutation, a common pathway to

drug resistance, is not expected to be a potential pathway to lonafarnib

resistance by HDV.

Lonafarnib is not approved for sale for any indication.

About Hepatitis Delta

Hepatitis Delta is caused by infection with the hepatitis D virus (HDV) and is

considered to be the most severe form of viral hepatitis in humans. Hepatitis D

occurs only as a co-infection in individuals with hepatitis B (HBV), leads to

more severe liver disease than HBV alone, and is associated with accelerated

liver fibrosis, liver cancer, and liver failure. HDV is a disease with a

significant impact on global health affecting ~15 million people worldwide. The

prevalence of HDV varies between different parts of the world. HDV meets

criteria for Orphan Designation in the United States (less than 200,000

people), Europe (less than 5 in 100,000 people), and Japan (less than 50,000

people).  Globally, HDV infection is reported to be present in approximately 4%

- 6% of chronic hepatitis B carriers. In some parts of the world, including

certain areas of China, Russia, Central Asia, Turkey, Africa, and South

America, prevalence as high as 40% has been reported in HBV infected patients.

About Eiger

Eiger is a privately held biotechnology company focused on the research,

development and commercialization of innovative therapies in viral hepatitis.  

The company is focused on developing lonafarnib for the treatment of Hepatitis

Delta Virus (HDV), the most severe form of viral hepatitis.  Lonafarnib is not

approved for sale.  Eiger's research programs are focused on the discovery of

targeted, small-molecule therapeutics and biomarkers to treat and monitor

serious liver diseases.  For additional information about Eiger and its R&D

pipeline, please visit http://www.eigerbio.com .

Investors: Jim Shaffer, Eiger Bio, Inc., 919-345-4256, jshaffer@eigerbio.com

SOURCE: Eiger BioPharmaceuticals, Inc.




