

AsiaNet 59193


イタリア ヴェローナ、2015年1月15日/PRニュースワイヤー/

医薬品、バイオテクノロジーおよび医療機器産業における国際的な委託サービス提供企業であるCROMSOURCEは、イタリア嚢胞性線維症団体(SIFC: Italian Cystic Fibrosis Society)が運営する臨床研究ベストプラクティスの訓練コースモジュールのいくつかを提供していることを本日発表しました。同コースは2014年12月に開講され2015年2月に終了予定です。



CROMSOURCEの創設者でありCEOのOriana Zerbini医学博士は次のように述べました。「このイニシアチブに参加し、イタリアの国民高度保健医療委員会(ISS:National High Health Commission)、米国嚢胞性線維症基金(US Cystic Fibrosis Foundation)、倫理委員会、そしてさまざまな製薬会社からの代表者と協力できることを嬉しく思います。CROMSOURCEは、当社の臨床研究における経験の共有に取り組み、この訓練コースの重要性を十分に認識しています。この精神において、当社はこの重要なイニシアチブを支援することを喜びとしています。」


連絡先:Margherita Mosconi


電話: +39-045-8222811

Fax: +39-045-8222812


Via Giorgio De Sandre, 3

37135 Verona, Italy



CROMSOURCE Supports Italian Cystic Fibrosis Society's Clinical Research Training Initiative


VERONA, Italy, Jan. 15, 2015/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

CROMSOURCE, an international provider of outsourced services to the

pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries, today announced

that it is delivering several modules of a training course on clinical research

best practice organized by the SIFC (Italian Cystic Fibrosis Society). The

course commenced in December 2014 and will complete in February 2015.

Effective development of therapies in rare diseases such as cystic fibrosis

relies on the involvement of physicians working in specialized clinics. These

clinicians are then able to offer participation in such research projects to

patients under their care. By offering training in clinical research best

practice, SIFC hopes that physicians and their teams may be able to engage even

more in future clinical research programs and offer participation to more

patients with cystic fibrosis.

As recognized experts in clinical research, with strong experience in cystic

fibrosis, CROMSOURCE is well-placed to support this work. During the course,

CROMSOURCE personnel are training physicians and their teams on topics

including typical aspects of a clinical research study protocol, the

responsibilities of the physician and clinical staff who are involved in

clinical research and the regulatory application and approval process for

clinical research.

Oriana Zerbini MD, founder and Chief Executive Officer of CROMSOURCE noted "We

are delighted to take part in this initiative and work alongside

representatives from the Italian ISS (National High Health Commission), the US

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Ethics Committees and various pharmaceutical

companies. CROMSOURCE is committed to sharing our expertise in clinical

research and fully recognize the importance of this training course. In this

spirit we have pleasure in supporting this important initiative".

About CROMSOURCE: Founded in 1994, CROMSOURCE is the leading independent

provider of international outsourced services to the pharmaceutical,

biotechnology and medical device industries, specialized in clinical

development and staffing solutions across Europe and North America. CROMSOURCE

is unique in providing clients with a guarantee that projects will be delivered

according to agreed timelines and within the original contract budget.

Contact: Margherita Mosconi


Phone: +39-045-8222811

Fax: +39-045-8222812 (European Headquarters)

Via Giorgio De Sandre, 3

37135 Verona, Italy





