カナダ輸出開発公社がGlobal Finance輸出信用機関賞を受賞

Export Development Canada (EDC)

カナダ輸出開発公社がGlobal Finance輸出信用機関賞を受賞

AsiaNet 59266(0100)

【ロンドン2015年1月22日PRN=共同通信JBN】Export Development Canada(EDC=カナダ輸出開発公社)が22日、Global Finance誌から2015年多角的貿易金融機関(輸出信用機関)賞を受賞した。



Global Financeのジョセフ・ジャラプト発行人兼編集ディレクターは「Export Development Canadaはカナダの国際貿易の振興で認められている。さらにEDCは、カナダ中小企業の海外市場進出への支援に努め、昨年は初のグリーンボンド(環境保全債)の発行によってクリーンな技術の開発にも協力した」と語った。

Global Financeのこの年間賞は、世界的な広がりや顧客サービス、妥当な手数料、リスク管理、革新的な製品・サービス・技術の観点から、優れた業績を上げた国際金融機関に贈られる。

Global Financeの編集者は金融業界のアナリストや企業幹部、技術専門家から意見を聞き、83カ国・地域から最高の貿易金融機関を選出する。その結果の正確さと信頼性を高めるために、Global Financeは法人購読者調査を実施している。



貿易金融は引き続き、新興国市場を中心に需要が供給を上回る。企業が海外展開を拡大する上で、優良な貿易金融機関は不可欠のパートナーだ。EDCは専門家のアドバイスと多様な金融商品で、こうしたニーズに応えていく。EDCの企業支援についての詳しい情報は電話1-888-434-8508か、インターネットではhttp://www.edc.ca まで。

▽Global Financeについて

Global Financeは1987年の創刊。発行部数は180カ国で5万50部(BPA監査済み)。購読者は多国籍企業や金融機関で投資や戦略決定を統括する会長、社長、最高経営責任者(CEO)、最高財務責任者(CFO)、財務部長、上級金融担当者など。世界の投資運用資産の80%以上を任された8000人の国際ポートフォリオマネジャーも読者対象。同誌ウェブサイトの「www.GFmag.com」では、国際金融市場で28年間の実績を受け継いだ分析や記事が閲覧でき、192カ国についての貴重な情報源になっている。Global Financeは本社がニューヨークで、ロンドンとミラノに事務所がある。



EDCとその業務内容についての詳しい情報は電話1-888-434-8508か、http://www.edc.ca まで。


Phil Taylor(広報担当者)

Export Development Canada



ソース:Export Development Canada (EDC)

EDC Winner of Global Finance's 2015 Best Trade Finance Agency Award


LONDON, Jan. 22, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Export Development Canada (EDC) was today awarded the Best Trade Finance

Multi-Lateral Institution or Export Credit Agency Award for 2015 by Global

Finance magazine.

    EDC is a mature global financier with 70 years of experience in

international finance. EDC is a commercial lender to foreign companies that

have, or are open to considering, business with Canadian companies.

    "Financial solutions like financing and insurance are critical parts of

global trade and we're flattered to be recognized as a leading provider," said

Catherine Decarie, Senior Vice President Human Resources and Communications.

"At EDC, we recognize that every transaction is unique, and we work very hard

to provide flexible and innovative solutions that fit the needs of our

customers," said Decarie.  

    "Export Development Canada is being recognized for its support to Canada's

international trade," said Joseph Giarraputo, Publisher and Editorial Director

of Global Finance Magazine. "In addition, EDC is making efforts to help small

Canadian companies enter overseas markets, and has helped to develop the

country's clean technology sector through the issuing of its first 'green' bond

last year."

    This annual award is presented to an international financing institution

that has demonstrated excellence in the scope of its global coverage, customer

service, competitive pricing, risk management and innovative products, services

and technology.

    Global Finance editors, with input from industry analysts, corporate

executives, and technology experts, selected the best trade finance banks in 83

countries or regions. A poll of Global Finance's corporate readership was

conducted in order to increase the accuracy and reliability of the results.

    "The value that EDC brings to our customers goes beyond financing," said

Decarie. "We also partner with international players and introduce them to

cutting-edge Canadian companies that are capable of bringing solutions tailored

to their strategic needs."

    The awards ceremony will be held today during the closing luncheon of the

BAFT Europe Bank-to-Bank Forum at the Hilton Amsterdam.

    The demand for trade finance continues to outrun the supply, particularly

in emerging markets. An excellent trade finance bank is an essential partner

for corporations as they expand their global reach. EDC is equipped to meet

these needs with expert advice and flexible products. For more information

about how EDC can help your company, call us at 1-888-434-8508 or visit


    About Global Finance

    Global Finance, founded in 1987, has a circulation of 50,050 and readers in

180 countries. Its circulation is audited by BPA. Global Finance's audience

includes chairmen, presidents, CEOs, CFOs, treasurers and other senior

financial officers responsible for making investment and strategic decisions at

multinational companies and financial institutions. Global Finance also targets

the 8,000 international portfolio investors responsible for more than 80% of

all global assets under professional management. Its website - www.GFmag.com -

offers analysis and articles that are the heritage of 28 years of experience in

international financial markets, and provides a valuable source of data on 192

countries. Global Finance is headquartered in New York, with offices in London

and Milan.

    About EDC

    EDC is Canada's trade finance agency, providing financing and insurance

solutions locally and around the world to help Canadian companies of any size

respond to international business opportunities. As a profitable Crown

corporation that operates on commercial principles, EDC works together with

private- and public-sector financial institutions to create greater capacity

for Canadian companies to engage in trade and investment.

    For more information about how EDC can help your company, call us at

1-888-434-8508 or visit www.edc.ca.


    Phil Taylor

    Export Development Canada



    SOURCE: Export Development Canada (EDC)




