


AsiaNet 59729 (0337)


中・東部欧州のリーダー、ワルシャワはMIPIMの常連である。その目的は、大きな投資可能性があると同時に高い生活水準も提供する場として、ワルシャワを展示することにある。ことしのメッセージは「Warsaw - the City to invest in, the City to live in(ワルシャワ-投資し居住する都市)」である。ブースR8.D1.で同市はビジネスパートナーのBBI Development SA、Ghelamco、Golub GetHouse、HB Reavis、Kulczyk Silverstein、Okam Capital、Xcity、Poczta PolskaおよびメディアパートナーのPoland Todayとともに紹介される。


中・東部欧州の2015年の展望は明るい。同地域のGDPは2.5%とユーロ圏の2倍の伸びを示しており、ポーランドは5年連続で域内最大の経済成長国になる見通しである。PwCの報告「Emerging Trends in Real Estate Europe 2015」でワルシャワは14位となり、中・東部欧州の民間不動産市場で支配的地位を占めている。


Magdalena Jadziewicz-Kasak

e-mail: mjadziewicz@um.warszawa.pl


ソース:The City of Warsaw

Warsaw at the MIPIM


WARSAW, Poland, Mar. 6, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

The city of Warsaw, capital of Poland, invites you to its stand at MIPIM

international investment trade fair in Cannes, which will be held on 10-13

March, 2015. This is the most famous and prestigious real-estate trade fair in


As the leader in Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw is a regular participant at

the MIPIM. Our aim is to present Warsaw as a place with great investment

potential, but also offering a high standard of living. This year's message:

"Warsaw - the City to invest in, the City to live in". On our stand no. R8.D1.

the capital will be presented along with the business partners: BBI Development

SA, Ghelamco, Golub GetHouse, HB Reavis, Kulczyk Silverstein, Okam Capital,

Xcity, Poczta Polska and the media partner Poland Today.

The capital's offering at MIPIM trade fair consists of ten properties for sale,

all in central districts of Warsaw: 2 in Praga-Poludnie (Southern Praga), 2 in

Praga-Polnoc (Northern Praga) and 6 in Srodmiescie (the city centre). They have

been earmarked either for the residential buildings with services (Owsiana,

Stalowa, Radzyminska Streets) or else office and service buildings with

underground garages (Emilii Plater, Wybrzeze Kosciuszkowskie, Prozna Streets).

The property on Marianska Street is earmarked for a hotel, and on Zupnicza

Street for service and production areas.

The 2015 forecasts for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are

promising. GDP in this region will grow by 2.5%, i.e. twice as fast as in the

Euro zone, and for the fifth year in a row Poland should remain the fastest

growing economy in the region. In the PwC report "Emerging Trends in Real

Estate Europe 2015" Warsaw was 14th, making it the dominant location of

commercial real estate in C&E Europe.


Magdalena Jadziewicz-Kasak

e-mail: mjadziewicz@um.warszawa.pl


Source: The City of Warsaw




