
Associated Producers


AsiaNet 60165(0498)


*Associated Producersによると、「ヤコブの骨棺(James ossuary)」は新約聖書に出てくる人物の名前の断片が含まれており、イスラエルの墓地から運び出された可能性が高いことが地球化学的比較分析によって分かった

*物議をかもした2007年制作のドキュメンタリー番組「キリストの棺(原題:The Lost Tomb of Jesus)」の製作者はドキュメンタリーの内容が本物であったことが証明された、と主張











Nicole Austin



Associated Producers http://www.apltd.ca

ソース:Associated Producers

New Geological Analysis Greatly Bolsters Probability Tomb of Jesus has Been Found


JERUSALEM, Apr. 15, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    - Geochemical comparison may prove "James ossuary" likely came from

    Israeli tomb containing cluster of New Testament names, according to

                             Associated Producers

    - Creators of controversial "Lost Tomb of Jesus" say study corroborates

                        findings of the 2007 documentary

A recently completed study by an Israeli geologist has greatly increased the

probability that an ancient tomb on the outskirts of Jerusalem is the final

resting place of Jesus of Nazareth and his family.

The new findings by Dr. Aryeh Shimron have linked an ossuary, or bone box,

inscribed with the phrase "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus" by its

chemical "fingerprint" to a tomb encased in a rose garden between a group of

nondescript apartments in Talpiot, a Jerusalem suburb. The tomb, discovered

during construction in 1980, housed a remarkable collection of ossuaries upon

which were inscribed several names associated with the family of the New

Testament Jesus.

Although the names in the Talpiot Tomb, (which included "Jesus, son of Joseph,"

"Maria," "Mariamene," "Yose," and others) were common in first-century

Jerusalem, a cluster of names associated with Jesus in one location is

statistically compelling, and unique in the archeological evidence of his life.

If yet another name associated with the New Testament family can now be sited

at Talpiot, it becomes a kind of statistical snowball and creates a

near-certainty that the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth has been found.

"I think I've got really powerful, virtually unequivocal evidence that the

James ossuary spent most of its lifetime, or death time, in the Talpiot Tomb,"

Shimron told the New York Times.

Dr. Shimron, a 25-year-veteran of the Israeli Geological Survey, believes that

an earthquake in A.D. 363 flooded the Talpiot Tomb with a slurry of rendzina

soil and mud that left the space "chemically frozen in time." He says that the

material embedded a unique geochemical "fingerprint" which, 1,652 years later,

can be used for comparative analysis. Shimron tested roughly 100 samples of

scrapings and soil from ossuaries, supplied to him by the Israeli Antiquities

Authority, from 15 tombs throughout the Jerusalem area, including Talpiot. (In

the first century, some affluent families stored the bones of departed family

members in tombs carved out of the soft limestone that surrounds Jerusalem.)

Last month, Shimron was granted access to the James ossuary by owner Oded Golan

and was finally able to conclude his seven-year study. His findings were

remarkable: of the 100 samples, only the nine from the Talpiot Tomb and the

James ossuary had matching geochemical profiles, which included magnesium,

silicon and iron. A sample from a tomb just 60 meters away from the Talpiot

Tomb had a markedly different profile.

Shimron's findings provide a rigorous confirmation of a 2006 geochemical survey

of ossuary patinas undertaken by journalist Simcha Jacobovici and noted

filmmaker James Cameron and incorporated into the 2007 documentary "The Lost

Tomb of Jesus," which Cameron produced. Relying on the names inscribed on the

ossuaries, along with supporting evidence from scholars and the Gospels

themselves, the film concludes that the Talpiot Tomb, largely overlooked by

Israeli officials, is the tomb of Jesus and his family.

Artifact collector Golan, igniting a debate over its origins and authenticity,

first brought the James ossuary to public attention in 2002. In 2004, Golan was

arrested and accused of forging the latter part of the inscription on the

ossuary: "Brother of Jesus." In 2012, after years of litigation, a Jerusalem

district judge found Golan innocent and the ossuary was returned to him -- this

after Professor Wolfgang Krumbein, an international expert in ancient patina,

testified that the entire inscription was authentic. Just how the James ossuary

came into Golan's possession remains unclear. If the Shimron study is correct,

the ossuary was taken from the Talpiot Tomb at some point, either in recent

history or antiquity, and ended up in Golan's personal collection.

Experts say the cluster of New Testament names in the Talpiot Tomb is too

remarkable to be a random occurrence or coincidence. In 2007, after extensive

analysis of the occurrence of names in ancient Jerusalem, Andrey Feuerverger,

professor of statistics at the University of Toronto, concluded that the odds

of such a cluster of names - however common the individual names were - was highly

unlikely unless they represented the family of Jesus of Nazareth. The film

concludes that the odds of it not being the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth were only

one in 600. Put another way, this is well over a 99% probability in favor of it

being the tomb of the New Testament Jesus. The new forensic findings linking

the James ossuary to the Talpiot Tomb now make the probability astronomical

that it was, in fact, the tomb of the historical Jesus of Nazareth.

If Shimron has proven that the James ossuary came from the Talpiot Tomb, "the

evidence can no longer be ignored," argues Jacobovici. "The archaeology, the

epigraphy, the statistics and, now, the hard chemical evidence all tell the

same story. It's arguably the most important archaeological find of all time."

Contact: Nicole Austin naustin@apltd.ca, +1-416-504-6662

Source: Associated Producers http://www.apltd.ca

SOURCE: Associated Producers




