

AsiaNet 60479


カリフォルニア州アーバイン(2015年5月19日) 最新のインターネット技術を搭載した身近な家電や電子機器が、人の手による操作を必要とすることなく、高度な接続性を通じて相互に操作し合うことで、私たちの暮らしがより便利になる ― このコンセプトは「モノのインターネット」のキャッチフレーズで、現在ネット上で話題となっています。技術が進歩し、暮らしが一段と効率化されることによって、趣味やレジャーを楽しんだり、家族や友人と共に過ごす時間が増え、私たちの生活水準が大きく向上します。


http://www.theguardian.com/small-business-network/2015/apr/03/internet-of-things-businesses-sector )によれば、現在の関連業界におけるこの流行の拡大状況を鑑みると、2020年までにインターネットに接続されるデバイスの数が500億に上ると予想されています。またすでに、eコマースの大手企業Amazon.comが、2015年に「ダッシュボタン」を発表しています。消費者が家庭に設置されたこのボタンを押すと、Amazonに在庫切れが近づいていることを知らせ、歯磨き粉や洗剤などの日用品が在庫をつく前に商品を発注することができます。


インターラッシュ(Interush International LLC)は、「モノのインターネット」の論理の通り、インターネットのデバイスにシームレスに接続する製品群をアジア市場へ提供しています。その一つ、PHYTTER(R) DOCKは、VoIP技術により、世界中の電話やパソコンとの通話、ファックス、インスタント・メッセージのやり取りを可能にするオンライン・コミュニケーション・ソリューションPHYTTER(R)を基盤とし、ネット接続可能なデバイスがあれば、いつでもどこでもアクセス可能なクラウドベースのオンライン・ストレージ・システムです。


クラウドベースのオンライン・ストレージ・サービスPHYTTER(R)DOCKは、躍進を続けるアジア市場に特化したマーケティング活動を行うインターラッシュ(Interush Media LLC、カリフォルニア州アーバイン)が運営する、VoIP技術を用いたオンライン・コミュニケーション・ソリューションPHYTTER(R)を通じて提供されています。PHYTTER DOCKおよびPHYTTERについての詳細は、https://phytterdock.com  をご覧ください。インターラッシュについての詳細は、http://www.Interush.com  をご覧ください。Interush、そのロゴ、およびPHYTTERは、インターラッシュのグループ企業の一社であるInterush Technology, Ltd.により、米国および他の国々で登録された商標です。


Interush and the New Internet of Things Trend


IRVINE, Calif., May 19, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    The web is buzzing with the catchphrase "The Internet of Things," (IoT)

which refers to the way in which the Internet impacts our lives by reducing the

need for humans to handle the operation of the gadgets, tools and technology

around us, by creating objects that pass on information to one another through

advanced connectivity. When things we use are "online" in this way, our

professional lives become more efficient, while our personal lives improve in

quality. All this advanced technology allows us to have more time to enjoy our

hobbies and leisurely activities, as well as spend time with our family and


    The revolution of IoT has already begun, and it is taking the information

technology sector by storm. According to a recent article (


) by The Guardian, an estimated 50 billion devices will be connected by the

year 2020, as the trend continues to spread across related industries.

Amazon.com, one of the largest e-commerce companies in the United States,

launched the dash button in 2015, a button that can be placed on regular

household items and locations in order to instantly order a participating

product that the consumer is running out of. For example, one can now order

toothpaste or detergent by pressing the button and alerting Amazon that new

supply is desired.

    IoT is the very materialization of the core Interush belief that "The

Internet Makes Everything Possible." The Internet is no longer thought of as

restricted to our desktops, tablets, mobile phones or laptops, it is quickly

becoming a thread that weaves together devices and technology that we use to

make life easier on a daily basis. As an example, we wear pedometers that count

our steps and track our caloric intake; we use mobile phone applications that

control the lights, locks and alarms in our homes; we are starting to use the

first iteration of cars that can park themselves, and as final example, we

navigate with GPS systems that talk to us and tell us where to go. You can ask

your personal mobile phone "assistant" any question and you'll get some type of

answer (even if it's not always the most logical one). A mobile phone can set

reminders for you so that you never have to forget a task; she can provide

directions to the nearest gas station; and she can even convert units of

measurement for you when you are grocery shopping for cooking ingredients.

    Interush International LLC, a leading innovator of technologies for an

Asian clientele, offers products that seamlessly connect your Internet devices,

true to the principle of the Internet of Things. PHYTTER(R) DOCK is one

example: a cloud-based digital file storage system that allows you to access

them anytime, anywhere through your preferred web-connected device, linking all

of your gadgets through one solution. PHYTTER(R), a portable VoIP technology,

allows you to phone, FAX and instant message any phone or computer, providing

for versatile online communications.

    The Internet is the invention of the 21st century. It continues to

revolutionize the way we live as we evolve into increasingly more advanced

human beings. As we like to emphasize, our mission at Interush is: "To inspire,

teach and empower people to live happier, healthier and more affluent lives

through being able to more fully utilize the Internet."

    PHYTTER(R) DOCK is a cloud storage system provided by PHYTTER(R), a VoIP

online communication and messaging software solution that is powered by

Interush Media, LLC of Irvine, California, which markets within the rapidly

expanding information technology sector in Asia. For more information about

PHYTTER DOCK and PHYTTER, visit https://Phytterdock.com. For more information

on Interush Media, LLC, visit http://www.Interush.com. Interush, the Interush

logo and PHYTTER are registered trademarks of Interush Technology, Ltd., a

member of the Interush group of companies, registered in the United States and

other countries.

SOURCE  Interush




