
寧波市(中国)- Ningbo Municipal Bureau of News


AsiaNet 60520 (0664)
















ソース:Ningbo Municipal Bureau of News

Ningbo in Drive to Boost All-Round Ties with Central and Eastern Europe


NINGBO, China, May 19, 2015 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

The coastal city of Ningbo in Zhejiang province has recently unveiled a set of

extensive new measures aimed at strengthening cooperation with Central and

Eastern European (CEE) countries.

The new polices are designed to transform Ningbo into the most favorable

investment and foreign trade destination in China for the CEE countries. To

this end, a series of streamlined application procedures, investment and

financing support, and incentives in tourism and cultural programs are to be

introduced and non-governmental exchanges will be supported.

Under the new measures announced, the Ningbo city government will set up a

special fund to ensure the smooth organization and operation of the China-CEEC

Investment and Trade Expo every year. Prospective Chinese and CEE enterprises

and exhibitors to attend the Expo will be provided support in booth renting,

logistics, translation, reception and business negotiations.

Government organizations, commercial associations and enterprises from the CEE

countries, which will take part in the expositions held in Ningbo, will be able

to take advantage of preferential policies.

The Ningbo government will also facilitate cross-border transactions with the

CEE countries. Goods imported from the CEE countries can preferentially adopt

H986 containers inspection equipment to make tracking and simultaneous

supervision easier. Bulk goods from these countries can be declared to the

customs in advance and get customs clearances upon arrival.

It will help cut the logistics costs of enterprises and transportation time,

which, in the end, is expected to provide a strong impetus to revive China's

foreign trade with these CEE countries.

In an effort to help increase Chinese exports to the CEE countries, the Ningbo

city government will also appropriate funds every year to encourage local

enterprises to invest in the CEE countries. Local enterprises who win

contracted projects in the CEE countries and plan to establish a marketing base

and a resource exploitation center can obtain subsidies, upfront, or during

construction and operation stages, every year.

Reciprocally, the new measures also envisage favorable policies for the CEE

enterprises who will invest in Ningbo. Such policies include support for

factory premises renting, land acquisition and utilities bills. The government

will also strive to simplify its foreign exchange administration and project

approval procedures for overseas investments from the CEE countries.

In the field of tourism, Ningbo-based travel agencies will receive government

subsidies if they launch package tours to the CEE countries, which would serve

as a growth incentive for the tourism industry in those countries. The city

tourism bureau plan to call on local travel agencies to offer local residents

discounted package tours to the CEE countries in June.

Under new measures announced to increase bilateral ties between Ningbo city and

the CEE countries, cooperation in the field of education will also be

intensified. To boost bilateral educational exchanges, a special scholarship

for students from the CEE countries will be instigated. It will also roll out

specially-designed policies to encourage local universities to employ teachers

from those countries and promote China-CEEC cooperation in setting up and

running joint schools.

The Ningbo government will join hands with overseas communities, overseas

student organizations and employment agencies in the CEE countries to build an

exchange platform for talents from both China and the CEE countries. It will

encourage participation of local talents in key programs of the CEE countries

in traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese language teaching, trade, architecture

and electromechanical areas.

Bilateral cooperation between the media organizations of both sides will also

be established. The city government is currently working to dispatch

journalists to the CEE countries for news coverage and establish a mechanism

for regular news and information exchange in a bid to advance China-CEEC

cooperation and deepen mutual understanding and friendship between the people

of both sides.

For more information:



SOURCE: Ningbo Municipal Bureau of News




