ZeromobileのスタートアップChatSimが急成長して独立 Angelsimが投資決定


ZeromobileのスタートアップChatSimが急成長して独立 Angelsimが投資決定

AsiaNet 60525 (0654)

【ミラノ(イタリア)2015年5月19日PRN=共同通信JBN】投資企業Angelsim Sarlは、マニュエル・ザネッラ氏が立ち上げた事業に100万ユーロ投資することを決定した。この事業は創立わずか数カ月で、すでに400万ユーロの資産価値を生み出した。

ChatSimの成長はとどまるところを知らない。1月の創設後わずか数カ月で達成した大成功のおかげで、Zeromobileの革新的なスタートアップはいまや独立企業、ChatSim S.r.l.( )になった。




WhatsApp、Telegram、Facebook Messenger、WeChat、QQ、Viber、LINEなどのインスタント・メッセージングアプリを使ってWi-Fiなしに無料で無制限にチャットができる世界初のSIMカードを生み出したChatSimは、10万枚以上のSIMカードを販売、30カ国で販売契約を結んで飛躍的に成長、まい進している。

イタリア最大の低コスト国際モバイル業者Zeromobile( )は、創業者兼最高経営責任者(CEO)のマニュエル・ザネッラ氏(38歳)が発明したスタートアップの創設を決めた。今回の取引で、スタートアップ支援投資に長年の経験がある国際投資家を集めたルクセンブルグの投資企業、Angelsim Sarlが参加した。その結果、ZeromobileとAngelsim SarlはChatSimをZeromobileのスタートアップから独立企業に移行させることに合意した。


マニュエル・ザネッラ氏はAngelsim Sarlとの取引に満足しており「ほんの4カ月前に生み出した市場。それが事業開始後わずか数カ月のChatSimにかけると決めたパートナーを見つけたもうひとつの理由だ。取引の目標? 2016年までにSIMカード100万枚を売ることだ」と明らかにした。


ChatSim Press Office :

Damiana Schirru - Head of Press Office

Silvia Bullo - Media Relation Manager

T. +39-02-92976000

M. +39-347-2780951



ChatSim's Rise: Zeromobile's Start-up Becomes an Independent Company; Angelsim Acquires a Share


MILAN, May 19 / PRN=KYODO JBN / --

    The investment company Angelsim Sarl has decided to invest EUR1 million in  

the business set up by Manuel Zanella, which is already worth over EUR4 million

after a few months from its launch.

    ChatSim's growth is unstoppable. Thanks to the huge success achieved in

just a few months after its launch in January, Zeromobile's innovative start-up

is now an independent company: ChatSim S.r.l. (

    (Logo: )

    (Photo: )

    (Photo: )

    Created as the world's first SIM card that lets you chat free of charge,

without limits and without Wi-Fi, using instant messaging apps (WhatsApp,

Telegram, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, QQ, Viber, LINE etc.), ChatSim is forging

ahead as it grows exponentially: over 100 thousand SIM cards sold and

distribution agreements signed in 30 countries .

    Zeromobile - Italy's number one low-cost global mobile operator ( - has decided to create its start-up, which is the

brainchild of Manuel Zanella (38 years old), the company's founder and CEO. The

transaction sees the participation of Angelsim Sarl, a Luxembourg investment

company that groups together several international investors with many years of

experience in investment to support start-ups. This has led to the agreement

between Zeromobile and Angelsim Sarl allowing ChatSim to go from being a

Zeromobile start-up to an independent company.

    This venture capital company has been mesmerized by the figures and

potential for growth of ChatSim. So it has decided to invest EUR1 million in

the business set up by Manuel Zanella, which is already worth over EUR4 million

after a few months from its launch.

    Manuel Zanella is satisfied with the deal reached with Angelsim Sarl and

reveals: "It is a market we invented just four months ago. That's another

reason why I found a partner who decided to bet on ChatSim just a few months

after the launch of my business. One of the targets of the deal ? Selling 1

million SIM cards by 2016."

    Besides chatting for free without limits with all IM apps, without Wi-Fi,

ChatSim is also the first "Instant Messaging SIM" in the world to introduce

voice calls with all IM apps as a single voice communication system. Even

without Wi-Fi.


    ChatSim Press Office :

    Damiana Schirru - Head of Press Office

    Silvia Bullo - Media Relation Manager

    T. +39-02-92976000

    M. +39-347-2780951


    SOURCE: Zeromobile/ChatSim




