


AsiaNet 60648 (0701)




Photo: http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20150527/0861504614-a

Photo: http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20150527/0861504614-b

市場のニーズに応えるため、中国国際建築装飾博覧会(CBDフェア)は2015年から年2回開催される。有名な中国国際キッチン&バス設備展示会(Kitchen & Bath China)と提携することで、CBDフェアは上海に新天地を求める決断を下した。CBDフェアとKitchen & Bath China との協力は双方に利益をもたらすことになる。



The International Building & Construction Trade Fair (国際建築建設見本市CBD IBCTF)は上海の虹橋商業地区の西部に位置する国家会展中心(上海)(National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai))で開かれる。中国の最もダイナミックな経済地区の中心部である。加えて同地区は長江デルタ地域と中国本土には200を超える建築資材市場が広がっている。

上海はグローバルな経済、金融、貿易センターの1つである。CBD IBCTF は展示参加者やビジターに卓越したサービスを提供する。さらに国家会展中心(上海)は世界で最大の一流パビリオンがあり、参加者にとっては素晴らしい取引プラットフォームを提供する。


CBD IBCTF は新しいトレンドとして「ブランドのクロスオーバー」と「カスタマイズされた室内装飾」とを建築装飾業界に導入し、専門的建築見本市と中国東部の装飾とのギャップを埋める。

今回の展示会における広範なテーマにはカスタムメードの装飾、窓やドア、建築用ハードウエア、壁紙・ファブリック、コーティングと化学製品、照明とそのほかの建築資材まで含まれる。この見本市で世界一流デザインの高級製品や業界大手メーカー製品の出品を目にすることができる。CBD IBCTF は建築装飾産業を体験できる真の一大イベントである。

ソース:China (Guangzhou) International Building Decoration Fair  

International Building & Construction Trade Fair 2015


SHANGHAI, May 27. 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

-- A Brand-new Stage to Open in Hongqiao, Shanghai

In 2014, Asia's leading trade fair for the building decoration industry -- the

China (Guangzhou) International Building Decoration Fair -- attracted over

2,200 exhibitors and over 640,000 visitors in four days. With a total

exhibition area of 340,000 sqm, it developed into a thriving gathering of the

whole industry with comprehensive themes.

Photo: http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20150527/0861504614-a

Photo: http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20150527/0861504614-b

To meet the needs of the market, beginning 2015, the China International

Building Decoration Fair (CBD Fair) will be held twice a year. By allying with

the renowned 'Kitchen & Bath China', CBD Fair is determined to create a new

setup and reach new milestones in Shanghai. The co-operation between 'CBD Fair'

and 'Kitchen & Bath China' is bound to be a win-win situation.

CBD Fair will expand its influence deep into China's core economic zone -- the

Yangtze River Delta region and northern China; it will also draw more attention

from overseas given Shanghai's international status.

Located in the Most Dynamic Economic Center of China

The International Building & Construction Trade Fair (CBD IBCTF) will be held

at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) in the western part

of Shanghai's Hongqiao business district -- the heart of China's most dynamic

economic region. Furthermore, there will be over 200 building material markets

spreading their business all over the Yangtze River Delta region and throughout

mainland China.

Shanghai is a global economic, financial and trading center. CBD IBCTF will

provide exhibitors and visitors with an outstanding channel to their global

services. Moreover, the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) is

one of the world's largest first-class pavilions offering participants a

wonderful trading platform.

Fair Brings the Industry to New Heights

CBD IBCTF brings about a new trend of "brand crossover" and "customized

home-furnishing" in the building decoration industry, by filling in gaps in the

building decoration sector in East China.

Extensive thematic sections of this exhibition range from custom-made

furnishings, windows and doors, architectural hardware, wallpaper and fabric,

coating and chemicals, to lighting and other building materials. Here you can

find world-class home furnishing designs, high-end product demonstrations and

leading manufacturers from the industry. CBD IBCTF is truly a grand event to

meet all the excellence of the building decoration industry.

SOURCE  China (Guangzhou) International Building Decoration Fair  




