Quelon Releases World's First Artificial Intelligence-based Commenting System QuACS


OKYO, July 7 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Quelon Inc.

Quelon Releases World's First Artificial Intelligence-based Commenting System QuACS

-"Fair Play Algorithm" Ensures Healthy, Open-minded Discussions-

Quelon Inc., a tech startup offering services based on artificial intelligence and natural language processing, has launched QuACS, an innovative commenting system for news sites, which uses a "Fair Play Algorithm" based on machine learning, natural language processing and behavior analysis.

Commenting systems on news sites have always offered readers the opportunity to connect and discuss articles with others. But some users willfully disrupt these discussions with abusive comments unrelated to the article, causing many users to stay away.

"The process of 'intellectual training,' by not only reading news articles but having discussions about them and cultivating one's views, will become invaluable in the future," says Yuta Sato, CEO of Quelon. "We live in a time where people have access to high-speed Internet services and use their smartphones to consume many news articles and other visual media. QuACS is able to create a space for people to have healthy discussions, getting to know different points of view and deepen their understanding of an article's context."

Media websites can implement QuACS by simply adding a few lines of the source code. The system's artificial intelligence evaluates comments by analyzing individual words, as well as the whole text, and is able to filter any comments which are threatening, abusive or discriminatory, infringe on personal rights, are indecent or include illegal transactions. Each media can individually configure the filtering algorithm, to fit the site's policy.

Quelon is gradually going to expand QuACS to different news sites, as well as blogs, online review sites and message boards. In spring 2016, Quelon plans to offer the system outside Japan as well.

About Quelon

Quelon is a tech company with the mission to "help change the world through discussion". The business portfolio includes services based on artificial intelligence and natural language processing, including the commenting system QuACS, as well as online news sites, like GGSOKU, a news community about high-tech gadgets, and Technity, a science and technology magazine.


Company Name: Quelon Inc.

Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan

CEO: Yuta Sato

Established: May 24, 2013

Business Description: Development/operation of commenting system QuACS and various online news sites

Number of employees: 18



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