Magic Rola Web Video Executive Committee Posts Jim Beam Citrus Highball Video on YouTube

TOKYO, Aug. 6 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Magic Rola Web Video Executive Committee

Magic Rola Web Video Executive Committee Posts Jim Beam Citrus Highball Video on YouTube

- See What Kind of Tricks National Supermodel Would Pull Off -

Magic Rola Web Video Executive Committee uploaded a video of Charismatic model Rola on YouTube in late July, triggering an instant sensation.


With a free-wheeling characteristic, a cute look and sexy outfits, Rola is the queen of TV variety programs. Over 1.8 million people follow her on Instagram.

The video showcasing Rola in a fashionable white dress in her dressing room demonstrating a brilliant magic show quickly became a hot topic in Japan as soon as it was posted on YouTube.  Her tricks include changing an electric bulb to a grapefruit in a wink, pouring water into an empty glass to make ice cubes, and taking out a whisky bottle from a painting on the wall. Please closely watch what would happen to Rola at the very end!



Magic Rola

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  • 名称 マジックローラWEB動画実行委員会
  • 所在地 東京都
  • 業種 各種団体
  • URL
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