Smileがアフリカで4G LTEネットワーク拡大に3億6500万米ドルを調達


Smileがアフリカで4G LTEネットワーク拡大に3億6500万米ドルを調達

AsiaNet 61709 (1136)

【ポートルイス(モーリシャス)2015年9月8日PRN=共同通信JBN】ナイジェリア、タンザニア、ウガンダに800MHz帯域のモバイル・ワイヤレス4G LTEブロードバンド・ネットワークを所有・運営するSmile Telecoms Holdings Ltd( )(Smile)は、借り入れおよび株式発行による資金調達(以下、資金調達)によって3億6500万米ドルの資金を調達したと発表した。今回調達した資金は、Smileの既存4G LTEモバイル・ブロードバンド・ネットワークおよびサービスの拡大に使用され、Smileは2015年末までにクリアボイス・サービスを提供し、事業展開している各国の最大3Gネットワークに匹敵する国内サービスエリアを構築する。Smileは2016年はじめには、コンゴ民主共和国(DRC、旧ザイール)でブロードバンド・ネットワークも開始する。


資金調達は、Government Employees Pension Fundを代行するPublic Investment Corporation(PIC)による5000万米ドルの株式と、Development Bank of Southern Africa、Diamond Bank PLC、Ecobank Nigeria、PIC、Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Limited、スタンダードチャータード銀行(Standard Chartered Bank)が参加し、African Export-Import Bankが主幹事となる3億1500万米ドルのマルチトランシェ・多国間融資制度によって構成されている。Smileの株主は現在、サウジアラビアを本拠とするAl Nahla企業グループ、Obijackson グループなどナイジェリア投資者が多数を占める汎アフリカ投資組織Renven Investment Holdings、Smile上級管理および南アフリカの社会企業家を代表するVerene、サウジアラビアを本拠とする投資会社Telecom Investments、アフリカの流通市場への投資を専門とするオルタナティブ投資企業Capitalworks、PIC、Smileの従業員で構成されている。


Smileの目標は、それぞれの同社市場において超高速データとクリアボイスの最高のブロードバンド・プロバイダーになり、事業展開する4カ国の3億人以上とみられる潜在顧客に高速で信頼でき高品質なプラットフォームを提供して、発展と富の創造を加速することである。ブロードバンドが雇用創出に関連する説得的証拠が存在する。ブルッキングズ研究所は「ブロードバンドが1%浸透するに伴い、雇用は年率0.2から0.3%増加すると予測される」と指摘している。さらに、世界銀行のBroadband Strategies Handbookは「開発途上国においてブロードバンドの浸透率が10%増加すると、国民1人あたりの国内総生産(GDP)が1.4%増加する」という。


Darisami International Consultancy LtdがSmileの金融アドバイザーを務める。



▽Smile Telecoms Holdings Ltdについて

2007年に創設されモーリシャスの法人組織であるSmileは、ナイジェリア(Smile Communications Nigeria)、タンザニア(Smile Communications Tanzania)、ウガンダ(Smile Communications Uganda)、コンゴ(Smile Communications DRC)で事業展開する汎アフリカ通信グループであり、南アフリカに関連会社を擁している。


2012年、同社はタンザニア・ダルエスサラーム、ウガンダ・カンパラを皮切りに東アフリカ市場で800MHz帯域(ITUの「band 20」)のアフリカ初の4G LTE商用ネットワークを開始した。その後、ナイジェリアのイバダンを皮切りに、次いでラゴスで西アフリカ初の4G LTE商用ネットワーク(これもband 20)を開始した。


Smile Telecoms Limitedに代わって:


Smile Closes USD365 Million Financing to Accelerate its 4G LTE Network Expansion in Africa


PORT LOUIS, Mauritius, Sept. 8, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Smile Telecoms Holdings Ltd [ ]("Smile"), which owns

and operates mobile wireless 4G LTE broadband networks in the 800MHz band in

Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda, announced that it raised USD365 million of debt

and equity financing ("the funding"). The funding will be used to expand

Smile's existing 4G LTE mobile broadband networks and services, such that by

the end of 2015, Smile will offer clear voice services and have national

coverage comparable to the largest 3G network in each of its current countries

of operation. Smile will also launch its broadband network in Democratic

Republic of Congo ("DRC") early in 2016.

(Photo: )

The funding is comprised of USD50 million of equity, raised from the Public

Investment Corporation on behalf of Government Employees Pension Fund ("PIC"),

and a USD315 million multi-tranche, multi-jurisdictional debt facility led by

African Export-Import Bank with participation from the Development Bank of

Southern Africa, Diamond Bank PLC, Ecobank Nigeria, the PIC, the Industrial

Development Corporation of South Africa Limited and Standard Chartered Bank.

Smile's shareholders now comprise Al Nahla Group, a Saudi Arabia-based company,

which is the majority shareholder; Renven Investment Holdings, a pan-African

investment vehicle, in which Nigerian investors, including the Obijackson

Group, are the majority; Verene, representing Smile senior management and

social entrepreneurs from South Africa; Telecom Investments, a Saudi

Arabian-based investment company; Capitalworks, an active alternative

management company, specialising in investment in the African mid-market"; the

PIC; and Smile employees.

Under the terms, the funding will be used to accelerate national network

roll-out, including equipment and services provided by Alcatel Lucent and

Ericsson, a full MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) network, a London Point

of Presence and expanded international backhaul services, and to fund

operational expenditure and working capital.

Smile's objective is to become the broadband provider of choice for super-fast

data and clear voice in each of its markets and to provide over 300 million

potential customers in its four countries of operation with a fast, reliable

and high quality platform to accelerate development and wealth creation. There

is persuasive evidence linking broadband to job creation; the Brookings

Institution states that "for every one percentage point increase in broadband

penetration, employment is projected to increase by 0.2 to 0.3 percent per

year." Furthermore, according to the Broadband Strategies Handbook by The World

Bank, "a 10 percent increase in the penetration rate of broadband in developing

countries is associated with a 1.4 percent increase in GDP per capita."

The funding is one of the largest capital raises ever for a telecommunications

operator in Africa and brings the total funding committed to Smile since its

founding in 2007 to approximately USD600 million.

Darisami International Consultancy Ltd acted as financial advisor to Smile.

Irene Charnley, Chief Executive Officer of Smile, said, "Now that we are fully

funded to deliver national coverage of unrivalled super-fast internet access

and clear voice services, our priority is to ensure that our customers

experience and benefit from the power of high speed mobile broadband compared

to the narrowband services available to date, including how to effectively

manage the superior experience in terms of data consumption."

Sheikh Mohammed Sharbatly, Deputy Chairman of Smile, said, "I have recently had

the joy of using the Smile network in Nigeria, and the quality is better than

what we experience in the United Kingdom and in Saudi Arabia. By licensing

800MHz spectrum for commercial use at an early stage relative to many other

countries, including high-income ones, the governments of Nigeria, Tanzania,

Uganda and the DRC have each demonstrated commitment to be at the forefront of

the broadband revolution and to accelerate development and GDP growth, and we

commend them."

About Smile Telecoms Holdings Ltd

Founded in 2007 and incorporated in Mauritius, Smile is a pan-African

telecommunications group with operations in Nigeria (Smile Communications

Nigeria), Tanzania (Smile Communications Tanzania), Uganda (Smile

Communications Uganda) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (Smile

Communications DRC) and has an associate company in South Africa.

Smile has a single transformative objective of using the best and most

innovative technologies to provide its customers with fast, reliable, high

quality, easy to use and affordable communication services.

In 2012, the company launched Africa's first 4G LTE commercial network in the

800MHz band (ITU "band 20") in the East African market, starting in Dar es

Salaam, Tanzania and then Kampala, Uganda. This was followed by the launch of

West Africa's first 4G LTE commercial networks, also in band 20, starting in

Ibadan and then Lagos, Nigeria.

Smile's vision and mission is to be the broadband provider of choice in all its

markets and enable its customers to benefit fully from the Internet world for

data and voice.

On behalf of:

Smile Telecoms Limited





