Real-Life "Neko Atsume" (Cat Gathering) Event to Be Broadcast Live via "Game Week with Google Play"


KYOTO, Japan, Sept. 14 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Hit-Point Co., Ltd.

Real-Life "Neko Atsume" (Cat Gathering) Event to Be Broadcast Live via "Game Week with Google Play" on Sept. 15

- Visit YouTube to Help Collect Cat Goods and Watch Them Play -

"Neko Atsume" (literally cat gathering), a popular pet cat simulation app offered by Hit-Point Co., Ltd., in which users lure felines to their garden with food and playthings, has topped 6.5 million downloads. Despite the fact that the app is available only in Japanese, the user base has been expanding in the United States as well as in Japan.

On Sept. 15, 2015, the company will hold an event titled "Real-Life Neko Atsume" as part of a live broadcast via "Game Week with Google Play" in fall 2015. There will be a live broadcast on YouTube of a real-size room, with an appearance similar to the one in the cat app, showing cats being lured to it with the use of various goods.

The same breeds of cats as the ones appearing in the Neko Atsume app will show up. The event will take place from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.

"Real-Life Neko Atsume" special website:

The event will take place at the "Neko no Jikan Kita-honten" main shop, the first cat cafe in Japan located in Osaka. There will be many adorable cats, purring and meowing, in a Japanese-style room designed for comfort.

*The pictures shown were taken while in a dry run.

*No entry will be allowed into the venue as it is to be aired on YouTube LIVE.

As many as 20 cats will be waiting in the wings. The Real-Life Neko Atsume is configured in such a way that cat-enticing goods such as rubber balls, yarn balls and cardboard boxes will be increasingly made available according to audience comments on YouTube LIVE and tweets with the "Real-Life Neko Atsume" hashtag on Google+ and Twitter, possibly boosting the likelihood that more cats will show up in the event. Why not help collect cat goods and watch many cats, nice and warm, enjoying themselves?

(* Cats appearing in the event are subject to change.)

Real-life Neko Atsume

Time and Date: 11:00 to 22:00, September 15, 2015




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