スペンサー伯爵夫人をAshokaフェローに選出 孤児らのケア改善を認める


スペンサー伯爵夫人をAshokaフェローに選出 孤児らのケア改善を認める

AsiaNet 62022(1285)

【メキシコ市2015年10月1日PR News=共同通信JBN】


2004年にホール・チャイルド・インターナショナル(Whole Child International)を創立したスペンサー伯爵夫人はAshokaのフェローに選出された。夫人はホール・チャイルド・インターナショナルを設立し、築き上げるという10年にわたるビジョン豊かな仕事を認められて、世界最大で最も影響力のある社会起業家のネットワークに加わった。

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151001/272926






カレンさんはさらに「現在、われわれはその国の傷つきやすい子どもたちに対するケアの質を改善する大統領の野心的な構想を実行しているエルサルバドル政府に役立つことができ大変栄誉である。米州開発銀行、Korean Poverty Reduction Fund、それにわれわれがここまで来ることを可能にした民間の医師たちに感謝したい。あまりにも多くの子どもたちが支援を必要としており、子どもたちが可能性を全開できるのを支援するためにあまりにも多くの政府がわれわれとの提携に関心を持っているので、この表彰がわれわれの仕事に対するより多くのサポートにつながることを期待している」と述べている。

ホール・チャイルド・インターナショナルについての詳しい情報とAshokaのフェローとしてのスペンサー伯爵夫人の紹介はhttps://www.ashoka.org/fellow/karen-spencer へ。

▽ホール・チャイルド・インターナショナル(www.wholechild.org )について


▽Ashoka(www.ashoka.org )について

Ashokaは社会起業家の分野を発進させ、社会問題を解決する起業家の才能と新たなアイディアにますます目を向ける世界各地のマルチセクター・パートナーを活性化している。ビル・ドレートン(Bill Drayton)氏が1980年に創立したAshokaは世界を変えることに献身する人々にプラットフォームを提供している。


Andrea Iturbe

Edelman, Los Angeles



ソース:Whole Child International

Countess Spencer Elected Ashoka Fellow: Recognized For Filling Gap In Care For Orphans And Vulnerable Children


MEXICO CITY, Oct. 1, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

  - Accompanied by her husband Charles, 9th Earl Spencer, Countess Spencer

honored in Mexico City event

Countess Spencer, who founded Whole Child International in 2004, has been

elected an Ashoka Fellow. She joins the world's largest and most influential

network of social entrepreneurs in recognition of her decade of visionary work

establishing and building Whole Child International.

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151001/272926

Earl Spencer, who serves on the Whole Child board, shared his appreciation for

his wife's work: "Karen's a beautiful woman with an even more beautiful heart.

I'm in awe of what she's done over the past decade for these agonizingly

vulnerable children. I'm thrilled for her that she's received this recognition,

and hope it will inspire more individuals, corporations and foundations to join

us in this effort to help some of the most needy and underserved children in

the world."

Karen Spencer founded Whole Child International when she discovered that most

of the larger organizations addressing child welfare issues in developing

countries have policies against working with orphanages. Her charity fills that

gap, and has been proven by third-party evaluation to potentially improve the

lives of millions of children.

Diego Diaz-Martin, Executive Director of Ashoka Mexico, Central America and the

Caribbean, said, "We are delighted to welcome Karen as a Fellow. She has

identified a major and global problem - the failure to invest time, leadership,

or other resources in the world's orphanages - even though they remain

responsible for millions of children. She has developed a comprehensive and

well-designed approach dealing with each class of actor serving the field."

Karen's program is unique, scalable, and innovative, applicable not just in

orphanages, but across the entire spectrum of childcare. It works with all

sectors, partnering directly with government, academia, and direct caregivers.

Whole Child is collaborating with Duke University's Global Health Institute to

measure impact, and gain insights to help future program development.

"In founding Whole Child, I was passionate about finding a way to give the most

vulnerable children a fighting chance," said Karen Spencer. "This recognition

by Ashoka helps shine new light on the profound need for quality care, and also

on the exciting reality that there is something we can do, today, with existing

resources and settings to give these forgotten children a chance of a

productive life."

"Today we are honored to be of service to the government of El Salvador as they

implement the President's ambitious initiatives to improve quality of care for

vulnerable children in their country. I would also like to thank the

Inter-American Development Bank, the Korean Poverty Reduction Fund, and the

private donors who have enabled us to come this far. Hopefully this recognition

will lead to more support for our work, as there are so many children in need,

and so many more governments interested in partnering with us to help their

children reach their full potential."

Additional information on Whole Child International and Countess Spencer's

induction as an Ashoka Fellow can be found at


About Whole Child International (www.wholechild.org)

Whole Child International is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that works

to improve quality of care for vulnerable children in orphanages and other

limited-resource childcare settings.

About Ashoka (www.ashoka.org)

Ashoka launched the field of social entrepreneurship and has activated

multi-sector partners across the world who increasingly look to entrepreneurial

talent and new ideas to solve social problems. Founded by Bill Drayton in 1980,

Ashoka has provided a platform for people dedicated to changing the world.

Contact: Andrea Iturbe

Edelman, Los Angeles



SOURCE  Whole Child International  




