Tornado Spectral Systems、ボールン博士を新CEOに指名

Tornado Spectral Systems

Tornado Spectral Systems、ボールン博士を新CEOに指名

AsiaNet 62045(1291)

【トロント2015年10月5日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*Tornado Spectral Systemsが業界ベテランのアンドルー・ボールン博士を新CEOに迎える

Tornado Spectral Systems Inc.( )は5日、取締役会がアンドルー・ボールン博士(Dr. Andrew Boorn)を最高経営責任者(CEO)に指名したと発表した。

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ボールン博士は現在、Tornado取締役会会長。30年間以上、競争が激しい科学・技術分野のビジネスで、利益を伸ばしてきた世界的実績を持つベテラン経営幹部。新製品の開発・発表や、競争力を維持するためのプロセス改善を斬新に推し進めてきた。上場企業の合併・買収(M&A)と国際的に複雑なビジネス関係に取り組んだ実績を持つ。これまでにBruker Chemical and Applied Markets Divisionの社長、ABSciexの最高業務責任者(COO)、分析機器と質量分析の世界的先進企業MDS Analytical Technologiesの社長を務めた。テムズ・ポリテクニック(技術専門学校)で化学理学士、ジョージア工科大学で分析化学博士、トロント大学で経営学修士(MBA)をそれぞれ取得した博識である。


▽Tornado Spectral Systemsについて

2010年創立のTornado Spectral Systemsは、Tornadoの基礎である革命的な高分解能バーチャルスリット(High Throughput Virtual Slit、HTVS)を含む特許ポートフォリオを使ったリアルタイムの光学的プロセス分析装置と画像処理ソリューションを開発している。HTVS技術によって現在どこでも達成可能な最高のラマン分析が可能になる。TSS新クラス装置であるHyperFlux PROシリーズは、生産ラインで直接多くの品質、安全性の測定を行うのに必要な速度、精度で調査サンプルの化学的特長を取得できる。Tornadoについての詳しい情報は へ。


Edward Albe

VP Market & Strategic Partnerships

Tel: +1-416-361-3444 x 252


ソース:Tornado Spectral Systems

Dr. Andrew Boorn is Named as New CEO of Tornado Spectral Systems


TORONTO, Oct. 5, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

        --Tornado Spectral Systems is proud to welcome industry veteran,

              Dr. Andrew Boorn as its new Chief Executive Officer

   Tornado Spectral Systems Inc., announced

today that its Board of Directors has appointed Dr. Andrew Boorn as Chief

Executive Officer.

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   "With Dr. Boorn's passion for technology and strategic clarity, the Tornado

Board and I are very confident that he has the leadership experience to drive

Tornado's success for the next chapter. He has a proven ability to foster

innovation, ensure growth and deliver results," said Ambrish Jaiswal, Tornado

Spectral Systems Board Director.

   Dr. Boorn, who currently serves as Chairman of the Tornado Spectral Systems

Board, is a senior executive with over 30 years global experience in delivering

profitable growth in highly competitive scientific and technology based

business. He is a driver of innovation in developing and launching new

products, and in continuous process improvement to achieve sustained

competitive advantage. He is experienced in public company M & A and

structuring and operating complex business relationships in the global arena,

previously serving as President of Bruker Chemical and Applied Markets

Division, the Chief Operating Officer at ABSciex, and President at MDS

Analytical Technologies, a world-leader in the field of analytical instruments

and Mass Spectroscopy. Dr. Boorn is well rounded, having received a B. Sc. in

Chemistry from Thames Polytechnic, a PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the

Georgia Institute of Technology, and an MBA from the University of Toronto.

   "Tornado is a driving force in the process analysis and nanophotonics

markets and I am honored to lead our mission to the next level of commercial

success. I look forward to working with the team as we continue to transform

and bring innovative products to our customers," said Dr. Andrew Boorn.

   Tornado Spectral Systems:

   Founded in 2010, Tornado Spectral Systems is developing real-time optical

process analyzers and imaging solutions using a portfolio of patents that

includes Tornado's foundational and revolutionary High Throughput Virtual Slit

(HTVS). The HTVS technology allows the best Raman analysis currently achievable

anywhere. TSS' new class of instruments - the HyperFlux P.R.O. series - can

acquire chemical signatures of interrogated samples with the speed and accuracy

required to perform many quality and safety measurements directly on the

production line. To learn more about Tornado, please visit our new website:

   For Media Inquiries:

   Edward Albe

   VP Market & Strategic Partnerships

   Tel: +1-416-361-3444 x 252


   SOURCE: Tornado Spectral Systems




