


AsiaNet 62151(1344)

【バンガロール(インド)2015年10月12日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】インフォシス(Infosys、NYSE:INFY)は12日、2015年9月30日までの第2四半期(Q2)決算を発表した。


















現金、現金相当物、売却可能な金融資産、政府債券を含む流動資産は、2015年9月30日時点で48億9400万ドルで、2015年6月30日時点のそれは47億5000万ドルだった。取締役会は1株当たり10インドルピー(1ドル65.59INDの為替レートでADS当たり約0.15ドル相当)の暫定的配当を決定した。配当支払い基準日は2015年10月19日。インフォシスは企業の社会的責任(CSR)に対してQ2に900万ドルを支出した。これは同社慈善活動部門であるインフォシス財団(Infosys Foundation)を通じて供出された。インフォシス財団は飢餓の軽減、教育振興、コンピューティング・リテラシー、健康増進、農村開発、芸術支援、貧困支援を目指すいくつかのプログラムに関与している。













 為替レート:会計年度の残りでAUD/USD - 0.70 Euro/USD - 1.12 GBP/USD - 1.52




インフォシスはトムズシューズ(TOMS Shoes)と3年契約を結び、そのデジタルプラットフォームの保守・開発の世界的パートナーとなった。この契約によってトムズは、そのウェブベースの資産管理を流線化して、全体的なサポート・開発コストを軽減するためにオートメーション技術を導入する。主としてロボティクス、パワー、オートメーションのスイスのハイテクエンジニアリング多国籍企業、ABB(ASEA Brown Boveri)は、ABBのLow Voltage Products(LP)部門でグローバルな製品コンプライアンス・プログラムを実施するためインフォシスと契約を交わした。この契約の一環として、インフォシスはLP製品のコンプライアンスを管理するため、製品コンプライアンス・ソリューションを管理、実行、展開、支援する計画を作成する。

インドでは非政府、非営利、民間の有限会社である Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN)が、GSTNシステムの構築と保守目的で138億ルピー(約2億1000万ドル)の5年契約をインフォシスに受注した。

インフォシスはカナダのリテーラーHudson's Bay Company所有の米高級品リテールストアチェーンであるSaks Fifth Avenue(サックスフィフスアベニュー)から選ばれ、デジタルコマース・ビジネスの改良を支援するオムニチャンネル・ソリューションを実装する。

インフォシスはまたATP(男子プロテニス協会)と戦略的提携関係を締結したことを発表し、インフォシス情報プラットフォームによってモビリティー、クラウド、分析における最新の技術進歩を活用し、世界のテニスファンとプレーヤーの経験を変革した。われわれはATPワールドツアーのGlobal Technology Services PartnerとPlatinum Sponsorであり、向こう3年間Barclays ATP World Tour Finalsのシーズンを通してGlobal Technology Services PartnerとPlatinum Sponsorである。




Zero Distance

イノベーションの文化を育成し、それぞれのプロジェクトおよびクライアントにイノベーションと価値を提供することに注力するインフォシスのZero Distanceイニシアチブは順調に進展している。Zero Distanceプログラムには5600余りのプロジェクトがあり、これらイノベーションの中で1700以上がすでにクライアントと話し合われている。


インフォシスは8月20日、Aikidoの開始を発表した。これはKnowledge-Based IT(KBIT)、 Platforms、Design Thinkingという3つの強化サービス提供で構成されている。

KiもしくはナレッジベースのITは、これまでの状況を一変させ、組織の中でナレッジとノウハウを取りいれ、新しいテクノロジーとツールすなわちAI、devops、API、クラウド、オートメーションを当社伝統的関わりであるアプリケーション・メンテナンス、テスティング、BPOなどに持ち込む。詳細は を参照。




Infosys Information Platform(IIP)は今日までに160件以上の契約に至り、ほぼ20件が製作中である。インフォシスは、IIP向けに自然言語処理などの能力を付加し続けている。オーストラリアの大手スーパーマーケットチェーンでは、IIPは4週間足らずで、売上・販売のトップ10製品カテゴリー、時間ごとの販売傾向、カテゴリー別の収益貢献マージン・在庫変化、地域別収益・販売変化などの主要な業務知見の抽出を支援した。またIIPは3週間足らずで、大手製菓企業の在庫切れ品目をリアルタイムで予測した。

インフォシスは事業経費を最適化し、インフラストラクチャー管理サービスのクライアント・テクノロジー状況、さらにはアプリケーション開発・保守、第三者による妥当性確認サービス(IVS)などその他サービスラインを更新するためオートメーションを広範に採用した。同社は独自のInfosys Automation Platform(IAP)と各種ツールを利用して、オートメーション、人工知能(AI)、機械学習を活用した。同社は17-50%にまたがる努力節約からその搬送組織の物質的生産性向上に着手した。

英スコットランド・フォッカバースに本社のあるグローバル食品企業Baxters Food Groupは、戦略的パートナーとしてインフォシスを選択、Panayaプラットフォームを使って財務、供給チェーン、製造アプリケーション向けにオラクルのeビジネス・スイートをアップグレードする。


インフォシスのEdgeVerve Systemsは、FinacleとEdge両ソリューションにおいて、この四半期に39の受注、23の立ち上げを実現して強いモメンタムを維持した。Finacle Assure、Finacle Payments Bank、Finacle Small Finance Bankなど新しい製品提供は、クライアントの間で大いに引き合いになった。

DoもしくはDesign Thinking:インフォシスはDesign Thinkingについてクライアントとの117件余りの契約を結び、インフォシスの5万4000人余りの従業員がDesign Thinkingコースに受講した。

ある大手銀行が、家屋購入の際に顧客がしばしば感じるストレス経験を改善する支援のためインフォシスと契約した。住宅ローンを組む顧客独自のニーズに関心を払う点で、Design Thinkingの利用が役立った。インフォシスは迅速にモバイル・クロスチャンネル・アプリケーションを試作し、開発が認められた。この間の全処理は3週間で完了した。

有力なハイテク顧客とパートナーは、その企業内の主要ビジネス機能にDesign Thinkingの発想とカルチャーを持ち込むことを支援するため当社と契約した。幅広いDesign Thinkingワークショップを実施することによって、インフォシスはマネジャーや従業員向けの共通のイノベーション・ボキャブラリーを作成し、彼らのトレーナーを訓練し、最も重要な」プロジェクトや問題にDesign Thinkingの原則を提供する能力を高めている。


インフォシスは引き続き、マイクロソフト、SAP、オラクルOracle、AWS、EMC、ファーウエイ、Tableauなど従来のパートナーとの関係を強化した。また、Apigie、Software AG、NetSuiteと新たなパートナーシップを結んだ。データ科学、AI、セキュリティー分野では、スタフォード、コーネル大学、エモリー大学など一流大学との研究協力をさらに拡充した。


2012年10月から執行副社長兼最高財務責任者(CFO)を務めてきたラジブ・バンサル(Rajiv Bansal)氏は退任の意向を表明した。2015年10月12日の終業をもって、M・D・ランガナート(M.D. Ranganath)氏と交代する。

ランガナート氏はインフォシスに15年近く在籍し、いくつかの要職を歴任した。現在、戦略計画、リスク管理、合併・買収(M&A)、企業マーケティングを担当する執行副社長兼経営戦略本部長である。入社当初の5年間は最高リスク責任者(CRO)を務め、エンタープライズ・リスク管理プログラムを実行し、会長室の上級副社長としてコスト最適化イニシアチブを先導した。インフォシスに加わる前はICICI Limitedの財務、プラニング、クレジット業務の責任者を務めていた。ランガナート氏はアーメダバードのインド経営大学(IIMA)でマネジメントの大学院ディプロマ(PGDM)、インド工科大学マドラス校でテクノロジーの修士号をそれぞれ取得し、オーストラリアの公認会計士(CPA)準会員でもある。






取締役会は、既存の2011 RSU Planを改訂した2015 Incentive Compensation Planを承認した。2011 RSU planは2014年のインド証券取引委員会(SEBI)規制(株式に基づく雇員利益)に従って改訂され、2015 Incentive Compensation Planとして発表される。2011 RSU planによる寄付は、2015 Incentive Compensation Planによって引き続き管理、実行される。2015 Incentive Compensation Planは株主の承認を必要とする。

取締役会はまた、2015 Incentive Compensation Planによって今後なされる寄付を支えるため、累計で発行済み株式の2%を超えない新株式の発行を承認した。2015 Incentive Compensation planによるこのような株式発行は株主の承認を必要とする。


Infosys Information Platformはガートナーの2015年9月のMagic Quadrant for Business Analytics Services Worldwideで認定された。EdgeVerve Systemsの一部、Infosys FinacleはForrester Research, Inc.の2015年第3四半期Forrester Wave(TM)Omnichannel Banking Solutions報告で「リーダー」として認められた。インフォシスはEverestの2015 Banking Application Outsourcing PEAK Matrix(TM)は「リーダー」および「スターパーフォーマー」の位置を占めた。コンサルティング、リサーチ企業のEverestは2年連続で資本市場の「リーダー」にも選定した。ガートナーの2015年9月のMagic Quadrant for Oracle Application Management Services Worldwideで「リーダー」、同じく2015年7月のMagic Quadrant for SAP Implementation Services Worldwideで「リーダー」になった。大手アナリスト企業、HfS ResearchはApplication Testing Services HfS Blueprintの初回報告でインフォシスを「勝者サークル」に入れた。Everest Groupの2015年Independent Testing Services - PEAK Matrix(TM)Assessment and Profile Compendium 報告は「リーダー」に選定した。



インフォシスは今四半期、企業の社会的責任(CSR)を果たすために27億インドルピーの拠出を表明した。それは主として、同社の慈善事業部門であるInfosys Foundation(インフォシス財団)を通じて実施される。

Infosys Foundationは2015年9月30日時点で、教育、保健、貧困対策、農村開発の関連分野に10億2900万インドルピーを投資した。今四半期の主要なイニシアチブは、非政府組織(NGO)のAgastya International Foundation、Vivekananda Rock Memorial & Vivekananda Kendraに対するそれぞれ6000万インドルピーの寄付も含まれている。

Infosys Foundation USAは今期、Infy Maker Awardsプログラムを開始した。このイニシアチブはInfosys Foundation USAがことし初めのNational Week of Making期間中にホワイトハウスで約束した一部で、日々の学習にメーキング精神を点火するというものである。この賞は、優れた創造性を示した全米の青少年と成人の「メーカー」を顕彰する。Infosys Foundation USAはまた、学校、図書館、その他のコミュニティー組織50カ所に各1万米ドルの「メーカープレース」寄付を与える。それぞれの寄付は現金またはそれに類するもので、対象施設活動的な「メーカースペース」を植え付ける。これらの寄付の受取人は学生の勝者が指定する。Infosys Foundation USAはこうした寄付を通じて、将来の「メーカー」( )多数に影響を与えようとしている。

Infosys Foundation USAはさらに、すべての人々が上質なコンピューター科学教育を広範かつ簡単に利用できるようにするため、寄付資金の調達を継続する。財団は最近、この分野で一流のソートリーダー、実践者を集めて第1回CrossRoads会議を開催した。

▽インフォシス社(Infosys Ltd.)について

インフォシスはコンサルティング、テクノロジー、アウトソーシング、次世代サービスのグローバルリーダーである。同社は50カ国余りのクライアントが、最先端ビジネス動向で1歩先んじて、競争をしのぐことを可能にする。同社は戦略的識見と優れた実行力を結合する共同開発の画期的ソリューションによって、変化する世界で組織を変革し努力するクライアントを支援する。年間売上高87億米ドル、18万7000人余りを雇用しているインフォシス(NYSE:INFY)がいかにして企業の変革を支援するとともに価値を生み出す新たな収入源を創出しているかは、ウェブサイト を参照。


Investor Relations

Sandeep Mahindroo

+91 80 3980 1018

Media Relations

Sarah Vanita Gideon, India

+91 80 4156 3373

Cristin Balog

+1 650 320 4126

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Balance Sheets as of

         (Dollars in millions except equity share data)


                                                           September 30,


March 31, 2015


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents                                      

4,566             4,859

    Available-for-sale financial assets                               

89               140

    Trade receivables                                              

1,585             1,554

    Unbilled revenue                                                 

524               455

    Prepayments and other current assets                             

714               527

    Derivative financial instruments                                   

4                16

    Total current assets                                           

7,482             7,551

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment                                  

1,477             1,460


559               495

    Intangible assets                                                

140               102

    Investment in Associates                                          

15                15

    Available-for-sale financial assets                              

245               215

    Deferred income tax assets                                        

78                85

    Income tax assets                                                

715               654

    Other non-current assets                                          

99                38

    Total non-current assets                                       

3,328             3,064

    Total assets                                                  

10,810            10,615


    Current liabilities

    Trade payables                                                    

17                22

    Derivative Financial Instruments                                   

2                 -

    Current income tax liabilities                                   

476               451

    Client deposits                                                    

3                 4

    Unearned revenue                                                 

169               168

    Employee benefit obligations                                     

183               171


66                77

    Other current liabilities                                      

1,090               927

    Total current liabilities                                      

2,006             1,820

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities                                   

42                25

    Other non-current liabilities                                     

19                 8

    Total liabilities                                              

2,067             1,853


    Share capital- INR5 ($0.16) par value 2,400,000,000

    (1,200,000,000) equity shares authorized, issued

    and outstanding 2,285,619,380 (1,142,805,132), net

    of 11,325,284 (5,667,200) treasury shares as of

    September 30, 2015 (March 31, 2015), respectively                

199               109

    Share premium                                                    

569               659

    Retained earnings                                             

10,449            10,090

    Other reserves                                                     

-                 -

    Other components of equity                                    

(2,474)           (2,096)

    Total equity attributable to equity holders of the


8,743             8,762

    Non-controlling interests                                          

-                 -

    Total equity                                                   

8,743             8,762

    Total liabilities and equity                                  

10,810            10,615

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income  

(Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)


                                       Three months Three months   Six months   

Six months

                                              ended        ended        

ended        ended

                                          September    September    

September    September

                                           30, 2015     30, 2014     30,

2015     30, 2014

    Revenues                                  2,392        2,201        

4,647        4,334

    Cost of sales                             1,488        1,353        

2,922        2,697

    Gross profit                                904          848        

1,725        1,637

    Operating expenses:

    Selling and marketing expenses              129          127          

258          238

    Administrative expenses                     165          146          

316          288

    Total operating expenses                    294          273          

574          526

    Operating profit                            610          575        

1,151        1,111

    Other income, net                           121          144          

240          283

    Share in associate's profit /

    (loss)                                        -            -            

-            -

    Profit before income taxes                  731          719        

1,391        1,394

    Income tax expense                          212          208          

396          401

    Net profit                                  519          511          

995          993

    Other comprehensive income

    Items that will not be

    reclassified to profit or loss:

    Re-measurement of the net defined

    benefit liability/(asset)                    (1)          (1)          

(2)          (4)

    Items that may be reclassified

    subsequently to profit or loss:

    Fair value changes on

    available-for-sale financial asset            5            5            

3            8

    Exchange differences on

    translation of foreign operations          (242)        (223)        

(379)        (259)

    Total other comprehensive income,

    net of tax                                 (238)        (219)        

(378)        (255)

    Total comprehensive income                  281          292          

617          738

    Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the company                       519          511          

995          993

    Non-controlling interests                     -            -            

-            -

                                                519          511          

995          993

    Total comprehensive income

    attributable to:

    Owners of the company                       281          292          

617          738

    Non-controlling interests                     -            -            

-            -

                                                281          292          

617          738

    Earnings per equity share

    Basic ($)                                  0.23         0.22         

0.44         0.43

    Diluted ($)                                0.23         0.22         

0.44         0.43

    Weighted average equity shares

    used in computing earnings per

    equity share


    Basic                          2,285,614,029 2,285,610,264 2,285,612,157



    Diluted                        2,285,713,042 2,285,616,112 2,285,696,678




2.当社の業務メトリックスに関する概況報告書は からダウンロードすることができる。


IFRS-INR Press Release:



Infosys (NYSE: INFY) Announces Results for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2015


BANGALORE, Oct.12, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Q2 revenue growth highest in last 16 quarters* - 6.0% in reported terms and

6.9% in constant currency

Q2 revenue growth 14.2% yoy in constant currency  

TCV of large deals signed in Q2 at $ 983 mn

Interim dividend of  INR 10 per share (app. $ 0.15 per ADS)

FY 16 revenue guidance at 10%-12% in constant currency; 6.4%-8.4% in USD terms

*Excluding acquisitions

Financial Highlights  

Consolidated results under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

for the quarter ended September 30, 2015

Quarter ended September 30, 2015

Revenues were $ 2,392 million for the quarter ended September 30, 2015

QoQ growth was 6.0% in reported terms; 6.9% in constant currency terms

YoY growth was 8.7% in reported terms; 14.2% in constant currency terms  

Net profit was $ 519 million for the quarter ended September 30, 2015

QoQ growth was 9.1%

YoY growth was 1.6%

Earnings per share (EPS) was $ 0.23 for the quarter ended September 30, 2015

QoQ growth was 9.1%

YoY growth was 1.6%

Liquid assets including cash and cash equivalents, available-for-sale financial

assets and government bonds were $4,894 million as on September 30, 2015 as

compared to $4,750 million as on June 30, 2015

The Board of Directors declared an interim dividend of INR10 per share

(equivalent to app. $ 0.15 per ADS at the exchange rate of  INR 65.59). The

record date for payment of dividend is October 19, 2015.

Infosys spent $9 million in Q2, towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

which is primarily being carried out through the Infosys Foundation, its

philanthropic arm. The Infosys Foundation is engaged in several programs aimed

at alleviating hunger, promoting education, computing literacy, improving

health, assisting rural development, supporting arts and helping the destitute


Other Q2 Highlights

Per capita revenue increased by 2.6% in reported terms and 3.4% in constant

currency terms

5 large deals signed with TCV of $ 983 mn

Added 82 clients; total number of clients crosses 1,000

"We are experiencing a once-in-a-generation opportunity for a services company

to help businesses maximize their potential with technology. From automation

and AI helping to simplify and enable existing landscapes as well as build

intelligent systems that help us solve our most complex emerging problems, to

education and design helping us to rethink the human experience and helping

uncover our most important horizons, a great services organization can truly

partner with and amplify businesses," said Dr. Vishal Sikka, CEO and MD. "At

Infosys, we are taking steps towards becoming such a services organization, and

I am encouraged by our progress. While results in any one quarter are

transitory snapshots of a long journey, we do see our focused execution along

our strategy starting to produce encouraging results for our clients,

shareholders and Infoscions."

We had strong all-round growth during the quarter driven by recent initiatives

around service differentiation, improvement in client mining and higher focus

on winning large deals," said Mr. U. B. Pravin Rao, COO. "Increase in revenue

productivity was significant, volume growth was robust, client metrics and

utilization improved while attrition remained stable."

"Our relentless focus on operational efficiencies has resulted in increase in

operating margins despite higher variable payouts," said Rajiv Bansal, CFO.

"The impact of significant currency volatility was effectively mitigated by our

proactive hedging program."


The Company's outlook (consolidated) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016,

under IFRS is as follows:

Revenues are expected to grow 10%-12% in constant currency;

Revenues are expected to grow 6.4%-8.4% in USD terms

*Conversion: AUD/USD - 0.70; Euro/USD - 1.12; GBP/USD - 1.52 for rest of fiscal


Business Highlights  

We continue to make changes on our renew-new strategy with focus on improving

client relationship management, proposal quality as well as discipline around

large deals, pipeline and operational efficiencies are helping. At the same

time, we are seeing our clients on a shared path with us to leverage the

next-generation of services, in which software, platforms and systems amplify


Client Wins

We signed a three-year agreement with TOMS Shoes to become its worldwide

partner to maintain and develop its digital platform. The agreement will enable

TOMS to streamline the management of its web-based properties and introduce

automation technologies to lower overall support and development costs.

ABB (ASEA Brown Boveri), a Swiss high-tech engineering multinational operating

mainly in robotics, power and automation, has entered into an agreement with us

to implement its global product compliance program in ABB's Low Voltage

Products (LP) division. As a part of this agreement, we will program manage,

implement, roll out and support a product compliance solution to manage

compliance of LP's products.

In India, the Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN), a non-government,

non-profit, private limited company has awarded Infosys an  INR 1,380 crore

(~USD 210 Million) contract to build and maintain the GSTN system for five


We were chosen by Saks Fifth Avenue, an American luxury retail store chain

- owned by the Canadian retailer, Hudson's Bay Company - to

implement an omni-channel solution that will help improve its digital commerce


We announced a strategic partnership with ATP to leverage the latest

technological advances in mobility, cloud and analytics powered by the Infosys

Information Platform to transform the experience of tennis fans and players the

world over. We are the Global Technology Services Partner and Platinum Sponsor

of the ATP World Tour, as well as the season-ending Barclays ATP World Tour

Finals, for the next three years.

A global food service retailer chose us as its largest cloud and infrastructure

services partner. Our solutions will improve customer experience, manage a

multi-vendor ecosystem, drive change and innovation and bring a flexible IT

consumption model supported by talent and robust global governance. This was a

new account opening, and a large deal win for us.

A payments technology firm chose us as its sole strategic partner for its

issuer processing line of business. We will now be its leading global

technology services provider and partner to develop and sell joint go-to-market

solutions leveraging our offerings in Finacle, Edge and IIP. In addition, we

will be the system integrator for the client's products and will be

collaborating to implement its products for banks and financial institutions


A leading benefits administrator for long-term care programs for U.S. federal

employees engaged us to develop a member-enrollment portal based on responsive

web-design methodology, delivering a new kind of user experience to employees.

This portal will support administration of a new program and the Supplemental

Health Benefits Program, for a federal agency.

Zero Distance  

Our initiative of Zero Distance which is focused on fostering a culture of

innovation and bringing innovation and value to each project and client is

progressing well. There are more than 5,600 projects in the Zero Distance

program and more than 1,700 of these innovations have been discussed with


Enhanced Service Offerings: Launch of AiKiDo

On August 20, we announced the launch of Aikido, comprising three enhanced

service offerings in Knowledge-Based IT (KBIT), Platforms, and Design Thinking.

Ki or Knowledge-Based IT - is all about the renewal of existing landscapes,

capturing the knowledge and know-how in an organization and bringing new

technologies and tools - AI, devops, APIs, cloud, automation - into our

traditional engagements in application maintenance, testing and BPO together.

A large European Turbo-machinery company engaged us is in a complex

computational geometry project requiring deep knowledge in software techniques

for turbo machinery to develop critical applications for designing, rendering,

and generating manufacturing data to reduce cycle and effort by 40%, and

minimize errors.

We led a transformational project for a large Canadian Oil and Gas Operator to

design a system for assignment of shipper nominated oil commodities to routes

on client networks involving deep knowledge of mathematical models, and

operations research techniques for optimal cost, quality of delivery, and

operational efficiency of volumetric engines resulted in reduction of costs by

20% and increase in overall time efficiency.

Ai includes platforms and platforms as a service - amplifying people with

software, platforms and services focused on open source technologies for AI,

big data and automation.

The Infosys Information Platform (IIP) over 160 engagements to date with almost

20 in production. We continue to add capabilities like Natural Language

Processing to IIP. For a leading Australian super market chain IIP helped

derive key business insights, like Top 10 categories of products by profit and

sales, hourly sales trend, category wise profit contribution margin & sales

variance and location wise profit & sales variance in less than four weeks. IIP

also enabled real-time prediction for out-of-stock items for a confectionary

leader in less than three weeks.

We saw extensive embrace of automation to optimize operational spend and renew

client technology landscapes in infrastructure management services, and other

service lines such as Application Development and Maintenance, Independent

Validation Services (IVS). We leveraged automation, Artificial Intelligence

(AI) and machine learning, using our proprietary Infosys Automation Platform

(IAP) and tools. We are starting to see material productivity improvements in

our delivery org, ranging from 17-50% of effort savings.

Baxters Food Group, a global food company headquartered in Fochabers Scotland,

chose us as a strategic partner to upgrade its Oracle eBusiness suite for

finance, supply chain and manufacturing applications using the Panaya platform.

We are seeing strong traction and a healthy pipeline for Skava with clients

across geographies. Skava migrated two large retail customers to the latest

version of the Skava platform, resulting in better performance and higher

client conversion.

Last quarter, EdgeVerve Systems sustained strong momentum with 39 wins and 23

go-lives for both Finacle and Edge suite of solutions. New offerings like

Finacle Assure, Finacle Payments Bank and Finacle Small Finance Bank solutions,

have seen good traction among our clients.

Do or Design Thinking - We have had more than 117 Design Thinking engagements

with clients, and more than 54,000 employees at Infosys have been immersed in

Design Thinking course.

A large bank engaged us to help improve the often stressful customer experience

of buying a home. Using design thinking, we helped to focus attention on the

unique needs of a mortgage customer. We quickly prototyped a mobile

cross-channel application, which was approved for development. This entire

process was completed in 3 weeks.

A leading high-tech customer and partner engaged us to help bring a

design-thinking mindset and culture to key business functions within their

company.  By conducting extensive design thinking workshops, we are helping

them create a common innovation vocabulary for managers and employees, training

their own trainers, and accelerating their ability to apply Design Thinking

principles to their most important projects and challenges.

Partnerships and Ecosystem

We continue to strengthen relationships with our existing partners such as

Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, AWS, EMC, Huawei and Tableau to name a few. We also

entered into new partnerships with Apigie, Software AG and NetSuite. We further

extended our research collaborations with top universities like Stanford,

Cornell University and Emory University on Data Science, AI and security.

Management changes  

Mr. Rajiv Bansal, Executive Vice President and the Chief Financial Officer

(CFO) of Infosys since October 2012, has informed the company of his intention

to resign. He will be replaced by M.D. Ranganath at the close of business

October 12, 2015.

Ranganath has held several leadership positions during a tenure of nearly 15

years with Infosys. He is currently Executive Vice President and Head of

Strategic Operations, responsible for Strategic Planning, Risk Management,

Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Marketing. In earlier roles at the

company, he was the Chief Risk Officer for over 5 years, implementing the

Enterprise Risk Management Program and leading cost optimization initiatives as

Senior Vice President in the Chairman's office. Prior to working at Infosys, he

held leadership responsibilities in treasury, planning and credit functions at

ICICI Limited. Ranga is a post graduate (PGDM) from the Indian Institute of

Management, Ahmedabad, holds a master's degree in technology from the Indian

Institute of Technology, Madras and is an Associate Member of CPA, Australia.

Commenting on the appointment, Dr. Vishal Sikka, CEO and Managing Director

said, "Over the course of the last sixteen months, I have come to know Ranga as

a passionate leader and a balanced leader with tremendous ability, knowledge

and integrity. We welcome him as our CFO."

Vishal Sikka CEO, commented, "I would like to thank Rajiv for his outstanding

contribution to the company and for being a great partner over the past 16

months. As Infosys' CFO, Rajiv has led our financial strategy and has been

instrumental in bringing us to this point in our transformational journey. He's

a brilliant CFO and we will miss him even as we respect his decision and wish

him continued success in his future endeavors."

Rajiv said, "It has been an absolute privilege and pleasure to work at Infosys.

It has been a most exciting and rewarding experience. I am proud of what we

have achieved as a team and am sure that Infosys, under the leadership of

Vishal, will scale new heights in the times ahead."

Rajiv will continue as an advisor to the CEO and the Board through December 31,

2015 in order to provide a smooth transition.

RSU Plan  

The Board approved the 2015 Incentive Compensation Plan, amending the existing

2011 RSU Plan. The 2011 RSU plan has been amended in accordance with the SEBI

(share based employee benefits) regulations, 2014 and will be issued as the

2015 Incentive Compensation Plan. The grants made under the 2011 RSU plan will

continue to be administered and implemented by the 2015 Incentive Compensation

Plan. The 2015 Incentive Compensation Plan will be subject to the approval of


The Board further approved the issuance of new shares, so as not to

cumulatively exceed 2% of the shares outstanding, in order to support grants

made over time under the 2015 Incentive Compensation Plan.  Approval to issue

such shares under the 2015 Incentive Compensation plan will be subject to the

approval of shareholders.

Awards and Recognition  

The Infosys Information Platform was recognized in Gartner's September 2015

Magic Quadrant for Business Analytics Services Worldwide.

Infosys Finacle, part of EdgeVerve Systems, was named a Leader by Forrester

Research, Inc. in the Forrester Wave(TM) Omnichannel Banking Solutions, Q3 2015


We were positioned as a Leader and Star Performer in the 2015 Banking

Application Outsourcing PEAK Matrix(TM) by Everest. The consulting and research

firm also positioned us a Leader in capital markets for the second consecutive


We were Positioned as a Leader in Gartner's September 2015 Magic Quadrant for

Oracle Application Management Services Worldwide.

We were Positioned as a Leader in Gartner's July 2015 Magic Quadrant for SAP

Implementation Services Worldwide.

We were inducted into the Winner's Circle in the inaugural Application Testing

Services HfS Blueprint report by leading analyst firm HfS Research.

We were named a Leader in the Independent Testing Services - PEAK Matrix(TM)

Assessment and Profile Compendium 2015 report by Everest Group.

*Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its

research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only

those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research

publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and

should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all

warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any

warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Beyond Business

For this fiscal, Infosys has pledged  INR 270 crore towards Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR) that is primarily being carried out through the Infosys

Foundation, its philanthropic arm.

As of September 30, 2015, the Infosys Foundation has invested  INR 102.9 crore

on areas related to Education, Healthcare, Destitute Care and Rural

Development. The key initiatives during the quarter involved an endowment of  

INR 6 crore each to Agastya International Foundation, a non-governmental

organization and Vivekananda Rock Memorial & Vivekananda Kendra.

Last quarter, Infosys Foundation USA launched its inaugural Infy Maker Awards

program. This initiative is part of a commitment made by the Infosys Foundation

USA at the White House earlier this year during the National Week of Making, to

spark the spirit of making in everyday learning. The awards celebrate young and

adult Makers across the United States who demonstrate creative excellence. In

addition, Infosys Foundation USA will award 50 USD$10,000 Makerspace grants to

schools, libraries and other community organizations. Each grant will be in

cash and in kind, and will seed dynamic Makerspaces at each grantee location.

Recipients of these grants will be nominated by the student winners. Through

these grants, Infosys Foundation USA expects to impact thousands of future


In addition, Infosys Foundation USA also continues to fund grants to make high

quality Computer Science education widely and easily accessible to all. The

foundation recently convened the inaugural CrossRoads conference of the top

thought leaders and practitioners in this area.

About Infosys Ltd

Infosys is a global leader in consulting, technology, outsourcing and

next-generation services. We enable clients, in more than 50 countries, to stay

a step ahead of emerging business trends and outperform the competition. We

help them transform and thrive in a changing world by co-creating breakthrough

solutions that combine strategic insights and execution excellence.

Visit to see how Infosys (NYSE: INFY), with US$ 8.7 billion in

annual revenues and 187,000+ employees, is helping enterprises renew themselves

while also creating new avenues to generate value.

Safe Harbor  

Certain statements in this press release concerning our future growth prospects

are forward-looking statements regarding our future business expectations

intended to qualify for the 'safe harbor' under the Private Securities

Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which involve a number of risks and

uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those

in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to

these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties

regarding fluctuations in earnings, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our

ability to manage growth, intense competition in IT services including those

factors which may affect our cost advantage, wage increases in India, our

ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals, time and cost

overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time frame contracts, client concentration,

restrictions on immigration, industry segment concentration, our ability to

manage our international operations, reduced demand for technology in our key

focus areas, disruptions in telecommunication networks or system failures, our

ability to successfully complete and integrate potential acquisitions,

liability for damages on our service contracts, the success of the companies in

which Infosys has made strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of

governmental fiscal incentives, political instability and regional conflicts,

legal restrictions on raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and

unauthorized use of our intellectual property and general economic conditions

affecting our industry. Additional risks that could affect our future operating

results are more fully described in our United States Securities and Exchange

Commission filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year

ended March 31, 2015. These filings are available at Infosys may,

from time to time, make additional written and oral forward-looking statements,

including statements contained in the company's filings with the Securities and

Exchange Commission and our reports to shareholders. In addition, please note

that the date of this press release is October 12, 2015, and any

forward-looking statements contained herein are based on assumptions that we

believe to be reasonable as of this date. The company does not undertake to

update any forward-looking statements that may be made from time to time by or

on behalf of the company unless it is required by law.


Investor Relations

Sandeep Mahindroo

+91 80 3980 1018

Media Relations    

Sarah Vanita Gideon, India

+91 80 4156 3373

Cristin Balog

+1 650 320 4126

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Balance Sheets as of

         (Dollars in millions except equity share data)


                                                          September 30,


March 31, 2015


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents                                      

4,566             4,859

    Available-for-sale financial assets                               

89               140

    Trade receivables                                              

1,585             1,554

    Unbilled revenue                                                 

524               455

    Prepayments and other current assets                             

714               527

    Derivative financial instruments                                   

4                16

    Total current assets                                           

7,482             7,551

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment                                  

1,477             1,460


559               495

    Intangible assets                                                

140               102

    Investment in Associates                                          

15                15

    Available-for-sale financial assets                              

245               215

    Deferred income tax assets                                        

78                85

    Income tax assets                                                

715               654

    Other non-current assets                                          

99                38

    Total non-current assets                                       

3,328             3,064

    Total assets                                                  

10,810            10,615


    Current liabilities

    Trade payables                                                    

17                22

    Derivative Financial Instruments                                   

2                 -

    Current income tax liabilities                                   

476               451

    Client deposits                                                    

3                 4

    Unearned revenue                                                 

169               168

    Employee benefit obligations                                     

183               171


66                77

    Other current liabilities                                      

1,090               927

    Total current liabilities                                      

2,006             1,820

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities                                   

42                25

    Other non-current liabilities                                     

19                 8

    Total liabilities                                              

2,067             1,853


    Share capital- INR5 ($0.16) par value 2,400,000,000

    (1,200,000,000) equity shares authorized, issued

    and outstanding 2,285,619,380 (1,142,805,132), net

    of 11,325,284 (5,667,200) treasury shares as of

    September 30, 2015 (March 31, 2015), respectively                

199               109

    Share premium                                                    

569               659

    Retained earnings                                             

10,449            10,090

    Other reserves                                                     

-                 -

    Other components of equity                                    

(2,474)           (2,096)

    Total equity attributable to equity holders of the


8,743             8,762

    Non-controlling interests                                          

-                 -

    Total equity                                                   

8,743             8,762

    Total liabilities and equity                                  

10,810            10,615

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income  

(Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)


                                       Three months Three months   Six months   

Six months

                                              ended        ended        

ended        ended

                                          September    September    

September    September

                                           30, 2015     30, 2014     30,

2015     30, 2014

    Revenues                                  2,392        2,201        

4,647        4,334

    Cost of sales                             1,488        1,353        

2,922        2,697

    Gross profit                                904          848        

1,725        1,637

    Operating expenses:

    Selling and marketing expenses              129          127          

258          238

    Administrative expenses                     165          146          

316          288

    Total operating expenses                    294          273          

574          526

    Operating profit                            610          575        

1,151        1,111

    Other income, net                           121          144          

240          283

    Share in associate's profit /

    (loss)                                        -            -            

-            -

    Profit before income taxes                  731          719        

1,391        1,394

    Income tax expense                          212          208          

396          401

    Net profit                                  519          511          

995          993

    Other comprehensive income

    Items that will not be

    reclassified to profit or loss:

    Re-measurement of the net defined

    benefit liability/(asset)                    (1)          (1)          

(2)          (4)

    Items that may be reclassified

    subsequently to profit or loss:

    Fair value changes on

    available-for-sale financial asset            5            5            

3            8

    Exchange differences on

    translation of foreign operations          (242)        (223)        

(379)        (259)

    Total other comprehensive income,

    net of tax                                 (238)        (219)        

(378)        (255)

    Total comprehensive income                  281          292          

617          738

    Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the company                       519          511          

995          993

    Non-controlling interests                     -            -            

-            -

                                                519          511          

995          993

    Total comprehensive income

    attributable to:

    Owners of the company                       281          292          

617          738

    Non-controlling interests                     -            -            

-            -

                                                281          292          

617          738

    Earnings per equity share

    Basic ($)                                  0.23         0.22         

0.44         0.43

    Diluted ($)                                0.23         0.22         

0.44         0.43

    Weighted average equity shares

    used in computing earnings per

    equity share


    Basic                          2,285,614,029 2,285,610,264 2,285,612,157



    Diluted                        2,285,713,042 2,285,616,112 2,285,696,678



1. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated interim Balance sheets and Condensed

Consolidated interim Statements of Comprehensive Income for the three months

and six months ended September 30, 2015 have been taken on record at the Board

meeting held on October 12, 2015  

2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from

3. Previous period share count and EPS has been restated due to issue of bonus

shares in Dec-14 and Jun-15

IFRS-INR Press Release:

Source: Infosys

Fact Sheet:




