Brighton BiotechがMERS、SARSワクチンの開発、商業化の独占ラインセンス獲得
Brighton BiotechがMERS、SARSワクチンの開発、商業化の独占ラインセンス獲得
Asianet 62226 (1369)
【プリンストン(米ニュージャージー州)2015年10月20日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
Brighton Biotech, Inc.(BBI)( )とベーラー医科大学の熱帯医学ナショナル・スクールは20日、BBIが危険な感染症の中東呼吸器症候群(MERS)と重症急性呼吸器症候群(SERS)に対するワクチンの臨床開発と商業化に関する世界的な独占ライセンスを獲得したと発表した。このワクチンはサビン・ワクチン研究所とテキサス子ども病院ワクチン開発-製品開発提携センター(サビンPDP)が学術的パートナーのコンソーシアムとともに開発中である。
Brighton Biotechのジュリー・ペトリン最高執行責任者(COO)は「べーラー、サビンPDPとともにSARS予防の所期前臨床研究で効果を示した新たなアプローチの開発、商業化をすることに興奮している」と語っている。
▽Brighton Biotech, Inc.について
BBIは株式非公開の企業で2010年創立。Pharmaceutical Regulatory Services, Inc.( )、PRS Clinical, Inc.( )の株式非公開会社2社と緊密な系列関係にあり、両社はBBIに大規模医薬品会社がコストの負担なしで使っている最良の開発行為のコスト、時間効果のよい利用を認めている。同社の重点はできるだけ敏速かつ効率的に製品を開発し、時間とリソースを節約することである。創立者と経営チームは学術界と業界の知識と研究開発経験のユニークな組み合わせを代表している。彼らは医薬品とワクチン開発、規制問題、臨床研究で高度の経験を積んでいる。詳しい情報はwww.brightonbiotech.comへ。
Facebook( )、Twitter( )
サビンの新ワクチン研究、開発は、べーラー医科大学と提携したワクチン開発のためのサビン・ワクチン研究所とテキサス子ども病院センターに基づいて、サビン・ワクチン研究所製品開発提携(サビンPDP)を通じて行われている。サビンPDPは世界の有力な民間、学術、公共機関協力して最貧の共同体の利益になる安全、効果的で低コストのワクチンを開発、テストしている。現行プロジェクトの完全な概観とパートナーは へ。
For Baylor College of Medicine:
Dipali Pathak
+1-713-798-6826 or
For BBI:
Becky Taylor
+1-609-240-6886 or
ソース:Brighton Biotech, Inc.
Brighton Biotech, Inc. Acquires Exclusive Global License For Development, Commercialization Of Vaccines For MERS, SARS
PRINCETON, N.J. and WASHINGTON, Oct. 20, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Princeton-based international specialty pharma company
partners with Baylor College of Medicine
Brighton Biotech, Inc. (BBI) ( ) and the National
School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine today announced that
BBI has acquired the exclusive global license for clinical development and
commercialization of vaccines against the deadly infectious diseases Middle
East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
The vaccines are under development by the Sabin Vaccine Institute and Texas
Children's Hospital Center for Vaccine Development - Product Development
Partnership (Sabin PDP) together with a consortium of academic partners.
Princeton-based BBI, an international specialty pharmaceutical company, also
will participate in Baylor's pre-clinical research and product development
program in advancing novel approaches to vaccines with demonstrated efficacy
and without immune-enhancement against MERS and SARS.
"We are excited to join Baylor and Sabin PDP to develop and commercialize
their novel approach, which has demonstrated efficacy in early pre-clinical
studies in preventing SARS," said Brighton Biotech Chief Operating Officer, Dr.
Jurij Petrin.
"We cannot wait until global disasters happen to address these deadly
diseases. MERS, for example, has a particularly high mortality rate of 40 to 50
percent," added BBI Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Richard Sebastian Wanless. "We
will move quickly and efficiently through the clinical and regulatory process
so these vaccines are available as soon as possible."
"We are delighted that BBI will join our group of consortium partners to
accelerate the development of these important vaccines. Applying our PDP model
we are poised to move these products quickly into first-in-human studies," says
Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi, deputy director of Sabin PDP and associate dean of
the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor.
"Each time an infectious disease outbreak occurs, the world scrambles to
prevent needless suffering and death. Our goal is to get vaccines through the
pipeline before the next emergency, rather than in the middle of one," said Dr.
Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor,
president of Sabin, director of the Sabin PDP and director of Sabin Vaccine
Institute Texas Children's Hospital Center for Vaccine Development. "We are
very pleased to partner with BBI to take these very promising vaccines through
development in ways that aren't cost prohibitive," Hotez said.
BBI takes a lean, entrepreneurial approach to drug development and
commercialization, with a core pharmaceutical team whose expertise is bringing
products to markets, including emerging markets. They work through
long-standing relationships with clinical research organizations and the
support of outsourced services to minimize embedded costs while bringing drugs
to market around the world.
"We have big pharma capabilities without a big pharma infrastructure," said
Petrin, a physician with 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and
biotechnology industry in the areas of drug development and medical and
regulatory affairs. Rather than a brick and mortar company, BBI works with an
internal clinical research organization and a network of 25 smaller CROs around
the world to acquire and develop pharmaceutical and biotechnological products
intended for the treatment and/or prevention of serious unmet medical needs.
"It is critically important for us to address the threat of these infectious
diseases so they cannot spread out of control and cause a catastrophic
epidemic," said Hotez.
The Baylor and BBI joint efforts are developing prototype subunit vaccines
comprised of the SARS and MERS CoV spike proteins, which are the minimal
receptor-binding domains, required for binding to the functional viral
receptors in humans, Petrin said. He noted that the latest studies in mice with
an optimized vaccine/adjuvant formulation have shown 100 percent efficacy with
no detectable lung immunopathology, unlike prior attempts at vaccines with
toxicity exceeding the risk of the disease itself.
About Brighton Biotech, Inc.
BBI is a privately held company founded in 2010. It is closely affiliated
with Pharmaceutical Regulatory Services, Inc. (
) and PRS Clinical, Inc. ( ), two privately owned
consulting firms that provide BBI cost- and time-effective usage of best
development practices employed at large pharmaceutical companies without the
costly overhead. The company's focus is to develop its products as quickly and
as efficiently as possible, saving time and resources. Its founders and
management team represent a unique combination of knowledge and R&D experience
in both academia and industry. They are highly experienced in drug and vaccine
development, regulatory affairs and clinical research. Learn more at:
About Baylor College of Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine ( in Houston is recognized as a
premier academic health sciences center and is known for excellence in
education, research and patient care. It is ranked 21st among medical schools
for research and 12th for primary care by U.S. News & World Report. Baylor is
listed 19th among all U.S. medical schools for National Institutes of Health
funding and number one in Texas. Located in the Texas Medical Center, Baylor
has affiliations with seven teaching hospitals and jointly owns and operates
Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center, a part of CHI St. Luke's Health. Currently,
Baylor trains more than 3,000 medical, graduate, nurse anesthesia, physician
assistant and orthotics students, as well as residents and post-doctoral
fellows. Follow Baylor College of Medicine on Facebook
( and Twitter
About The Sabin Vaccine Institute and the Sabin Vaccine Institute Product
Development Partnership
The Sabin Vaccine Institute (Sabin) is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization
dedicated to reducing needless human suffering from vaccine-preventable and
neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) worldwide. Sabin develops new vaccines,
advocates for increased use of existing vaccines and promotes expanded access
to affordable medical treatments in collaboration with governments, academic
institutions, scientists, medical professionals and nonprofit organizations.
For more information, please visit:
Sabin's research and development of new vaccines is conducted through the
Sabin Vaccine Institute Product Development Partnership (Sabin PDP), based at
the Sabin Vaccine Institute and Texas Children's Hospital Center for Vaccine
Development in partnership with Baylor College of Medicine. The Sabin PDP works
with leading private, academic and public institutions around the world to
develop and test safe, effective and low-cost vaccines that benefit the world's
poorest communities. A complete overview of ongoing projects and partners is
available at:
Media contacts:
For Baylor College of Medicine:
Dipali Pathak
+1-713-798-6826 or
For BBI:
Becky Taylor
+1-609-240-6886 or
SOURCE: Brighton Biotech, Inc.