
THX Ltd.


AsiaNet 62502(1466)

【サンフランシスコ2015年11月11日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


THX Ltdは11日、業界の先駆者タイ・アーマド・テーラー(Ty Ahmad-Taylor)氏を最高経営責任者(CEO)に選任したと発表した。テーラー氏は直ちにCEOの座に就き、THXの中核事業の成長と発展を監督し、新事業分野への拡大を進める。

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アーマド・テーラー氏はこれまで仕事を通して、さまざまなメディア・プラットフォームで視聴者のために極めて魅力的な体験を創り上げることに貢献してきた。その経歴には、25年以上情報設計に携わり、そのうち18年間強は双方向テレビ技術にかかわったことが含まれる。消費者のエンターテインメントの習慣や、消費者の要望を満足させるプラットフォームの改善には何が必要かについて、深い理解を持つ。同氏は成功した起業家またビジネスリーダーであり、多くの新規事業を立ち上げた。その1つは2012年、サムスン電子が買収した。同氏はサムスン電子のスマートテレビ事業の副社長になり、世界最大のテレビ・スマートフォン・メーカーである同社で、双方向テレビ製品とオーバー・ザ・トップ(OTT)製品の開発チームを指導した。それ以前は、MTV NetworksのMusic & Logo Groupの戦略・製品開発担当上級副社長や、Comcastの双方向製品・ユーザーインターフェース担当シニアディレクターを務めた。



▽THX Ltd.について

THX Ltd.は30年前にジョージ・ルーカス氏が創立し、世界中の映画ファンに知られている。国際クラスの映画、録音スタジオ、家庭用および車載用の高級オーディオ・システム、さらには高品位、4Kディスプレーの品質証明と同義語である。THXはオーディオやビデオ向けの新技術や仕様を開発し、ライセンス供与している。



Allied Integrated Marketing

Ginger Chan/ Vice President, National Publicity/

Nyrie McKenzie/ Publicist - NY/   

ソース:THX Ltd.

THX Appoints Entertainment Technology Veteran As CEO


SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 11, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

                A Proven Catalyst for Corporate Evolution,

               Ty Ahmad-Taylor Joins THX in San Francisco

THX Ltd. today announced the appointment of industry trailblazer Ty

Ahmad-Taylor to the position of CEO, effective immediately. As CEO,

Ahmad-Taylor will oversee the growth and development of the core THX business

as well as expand the company's reach into new business areas.

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Originally founded to convey the technical design and quality of the production

studio to the cinema, over the past thirty years THX has expanded to truthfully

deliver the integrity of the artistic intent and the content stream in the

cinema, at home and on the go. As a result of rapid changes in new content

consumption mediums and the corresponding shift in viewer habits, the assurance

of high quality audio and video playback experiences is of equal relevance

today as it was in the cinema three decades earlier. THX is pleased to welcome

digital media veteran Ty Ahmad-Taylor to help drive the development of programs

that satisfy industry needs and further advance the quality of today's content

consumption methods.

Ahmad-Taylor's career has been dedicated to creating deeply engaging

experiences for viewers across various media platforms. His background includes

more than 25 years in information design with over 18 years in interactive

television platforms. He possesses a thorough understanding of consumer

entertainment habits and what's needed to enhance the platforms that satisfy

their demands. Ty is a successful entrepreneur and business leader having

founded multiple start-ups, the latest of which was acquired by Samsung

Electronics in 2012. He became Vice President of Smart TV Services at Samsung

where he led the teams that created interactive television applications and OTT

products for the world's largest TV and smartphone manufacturer. Prior to

Samsung, Ty was the Senior Vice President for Strategy and Product Development

at MTV Networks' Music & Logo Group and a Senior Director of Interactive

Products and UI at Comcast.

In addition to his accomplishments as an entrepreneur and business manager, Ty

has credits as a patent holder and thought leader whose career and personal

interests uniquely meet those of THX - at the intersection of art and

technology. His creative aptitude will be instrumental in shaping THX's future

brand strategies and reinventing THX to scale new heights.

"I've always admired THX's dedication to delivering the highest quality

entertainment experiences while remaining technology and brand agnostic,"

explains Ahmad-Taylor. "I'm excited to blend my expertise in entertainment and

digital trends with THX's repute as the benchmark for audio and video standards

across the many media consumption platforms and formats - it's a perfect


About THX Ltd.:

Founded by George Lucas 30 years ago and recognized by audiences around the

globe, THX is synonymous with the certification of world-class cinemas and

recording studios, premium audio systems for home and automotive applications

along with high definition and 4K displays. THX develops and licenses new

technologies and specifications for audio and video applications.

For more information on THX please visit   

Media Contacts:

Allied Integrated Marketing

Ginger Chan/ Vice President, National Publicity/

Nyrie McKenzie/ Publicist - NY/   





