


AsiaNet 62570(1497)

【成都(中国)2015年11月16日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】中国の李克強首相と韓国の朴槿恵大統領は10月31日、成都に中国・韓国イノベーション&起業家精神団地を建設すると発表した。李首相が韓国を訪問したときのことである。成都の国家イノベーション・デモンストレーション・ゾーンや韓国の京畿創造経済・イノベーションセンターのような両国のイノベーション・クリエーティブ施設に倣い、この団地は中国の集団起業家精神・イノベーションと韓国の創造経済が協力する画期的事業として立ち上げられる。





ソース:Chengdu High-tech Industrial Development Zone

Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone: Establishing the China-South Korea Innovation & Entrepreneurship Park


CHENGDU, China, Nov. 16, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

On October 31st, Li Keqiang, Prime Minister of China, and Park Geun-hye, the

President of South Korea, announced the set up of the China-South Korea

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Park in Chengdu when Li visited South Korea.

Depending on two nations' innovation and creative institutions, such as Chengdu

National Innovation Demonstration Zone and the Gyeonggi Center for a Creative

Economy and Innovation in S. Korea, the park will be established as a landmark

project of cooperation between China's Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation and

S. Korea's Creative Economy.

On November 10th, during the Chengdu Consensus Round Table Meeting on Global

Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Fan Yi, the director of Chengdu Hi-tech

Industrial Development Zone management committee, expressed that the

China-South Korea Innovation & Entrepreneurship Park had finally settled on a

site of Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone. The foundational plan is to create the park that

adheres to the mode of "Innovation & Entrepreneurship Incubation Platform +

Industrial Park", including promoting the construction of the China-South Korea

innovation & entrepreneurship carrier and China-South Korea high-end industry

base as well as supports of mechanism, policies and funds.

In June this year, Chengdu Hi-tech Zone was approved to construct a national

innovation demonstration zone. Development is to be based on the strategic

positioning of "A leading area in innovation-driven development, a high-end

industry cluster area, an open innovation demonstration area, and a new pole

for growth in central and western China" designated by the State Council. As

one of the first national high-tech industrial development zones by the State

Council in 1991, Chengdu Hi-tech Zone ranks 4th among over 140 counterparts

with its capability of innovation and entrepreneurship.  

Recent years witnessed intensive international cooperation with Chengdu's

High-Tech Zone, which ranks first among parks of its kind in western China.

Besides the China-South Korea Innovation & Entrepreneurship Park, the

China-Cuba Biochemical Industrial Park and the Singapore-Sichuan Hi-tech

Innovation Park have been established in the Chengdu Hi-tech Zone. The EU-China

Business and Technology Cooperation Fair has been held here nine times, and so

far 104 enterprises of the world's top 500 enterprises such as Intel, GE,

Novartis, Siemens and Phillips, and over 60 global enterprise R&D centers have

gathered here.

In 2014, the total import and export volume of the Chengdu High-Tech

Comprehensive Bonded Zone reached USD 28.5 billion.

SOURCE: Chengdu High-tech Industrial Development Zone




