
OUE リミテッド


AsiaNet 62700(1561)

【シンガポール2015年12月8日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


スターズ・オブ・クリスマス(Stars of Christmas)のコミュニティープログラムはOUE リミテッド(OUE Limited、SGX-ST:OUE)とマンダリン・オーチャード・シンガポールの共催で連続6年目を迎えた。2010年に始まり、3部構成のプログラムは、特別のケアが必要な、または病気の子供たちにコミュニティーがプレゼントを贈ってクリスマスの楽しみを共有することが目的。スターズ・オブ・クリスマスは毎年恒例の行事として惜しみない支援を獲得、企業パートナーや献金者、ボランティアのリストは増え続けている。

支援パートナー・リストのトップにはChrysler Jeep Automotive of Singapore Pte Ltd.やKomoco Motorcycles Pte Ltd(シンガポールのハーレーダビッドソン独占代理店)、それにシンガポール国家社会福祉協議会の募金・エンゲージメント部門であるCommunity Chestが名を連ねている。今年はマリーナ・マンダリン・シンガポールも加わった。






Jordan Isac

Corporate Communications

OUE Limited

T: +65-6809-6052

E: jordanisac@oue.com.sg

Janice Azupardo

Branding & Communications

Meritus Hotels & Resorts

T: +65-6831-6385

E: janice.azupardo@meritushotels.com

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20151130/8521508153

ソース:OUE Limited

World Tennis Champs Lend Support to Stars of Christmas 2015


SINGAPORE, Nov. 30, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Goran Ivanisevic and Jarmila Gajdosova lead Toy Run on 19th December to flag

off volunteer riders delivering Christmas presents to programme beneficiaries

The Stars of Christmas community programme jointly championed by OUE Limited

(SGX-ST: "OUE") and Mandarin Orchard Singapore is back for the sixth year

running. Started in 2010, the three-part programme is aimed at engaging the

community to share in the joy of giving every Christmas by contributing

presents to children with special needs and illnesses. Stars of Christmas has

since become an annual tradition that has gained the generous support of a

growing list of corporate partners, donors and volunteers.

Leading the cast of supporting partners are Chrysler Jeep Automotive of

Singapore Pte Ltd, Komoco Motorcycles Pte Ltd (Harley-Davidson of Singapore --

Sole Authorised Dealer), and Community Chest -- the fund-raising and engagement

arm of the National Council of Social Service. This year also sees the added

participation of Marina Mandarin Singapore.

Stars of Christmas 2015 commenced with the ceremonial hanging of Christmas

stars at the lobby of Mandarin Orchard Singapore, led by OUE Chief Executive

Officer and Group Managing Director, Mr Thio Gim Hock. Stars adorning giant

Christmas trees at Mandarin Orchard Singapore and Marina Mandarin Singapore

bear the name, age and gender of every beneficiary, for donors' useful

reference when buying the presents.

On 10th December, beneficiaries of Stars of Christmas 2015 along with their

parents, siblings, and caregivers, will be guests of honour at a Christmas

luncheon hosted by OUE Executive Chairman, Dr Stephen Riady. The children will

join employees of OUE and its affiliate companies for an afternoon of Christmas

treats and entertainment at Mandarin Orchard Singapore, featuring a visit from

Santa and his helpers who will be giving out presents.

Stars of Christmas 2015 ends on an unprecedented note with the participation of

world class tennis players Goran Ivanisevic and Jarmila Gajdosova at a Toy Run

activity that will be open to members of the public on the morning of 19th

December. The event will see a fleet of volunteers riding their Jeeps and

Harley-Davidson motorcycles along the Orchard Road frontage of Mandarin

Gallery. The convoy then sets off just before 9.00am, making for a festive

spectacle on Orchard Road as the riders make their way to various children's

homes and hospitals to deliver donated Christmas presents.

Upwards of 800 beneficiaries will be receiving presents under this year's Stars

of Christmas community programme.

Press Contact:

Jordan Isac

Corporate Communications

OUE Limited

T: +65-6809-6052

E: jordanisac@oue.com.sg

Janice Azupardo

Branding & Communications

Meritus Hotels & Resorts

T: +65-6831-6385

E: janice.azupardo@meritushotels.com

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20151130/8521508153





