


AsiaNet 63449(0202)

【ニューブランズウィック(米ニュージャージー州)2016年2月18日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン(Johnson & Johnson、NYSE:JNJ)は18日、DREAMSイノベーション・チャレンジ(DREAMS Innovation Challenge)の一環として革新的なアイデアを募集すると発表した(https://talk.jnjinnovation.com/article/dreamsinnovationchallenge )。DREAMSイノベーション・チャレンジは米大統領エイズ救済緊急計画(PEPFAR)、ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン傘下Janssen Pharmaceutical CompaniesのJanssen Pharmaceutica, NV、ヴィーブヘルスケア(ViiV Healthcare)から支援されている。現在受け付けている提案は、アフリカのサハラ以南10カ国で少女や若い女性のHIV/エイズ感染を減らす画期的なイノベーション。表彰対象になるアイデアの提出の締め切りは2016年3月28日。

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160216/333964

総額8500万ドルの賞金は、Determined(自分の意思で決めることができる)、Resilient(回復力に富んだ)、Empowered(社会的権利が与えられた)、AIDS-Free(AIDS感染しない)、Mentored(良き助言者がある)、Safe(安全な)な生活できる機会を若い女性に提供できる6つのChallenge Focus Area(https://www.dreamschallenge.org/a/pages/focus-areas )に対する革新的で持続可能なソリューションに対して贈られる。表彰に該当するソリューションは、DREAMSを展開する10カ国のうち1カ国以上で早期に実施できて、2年以内に効果を発揮し、長期にわたる変化の可能性を示さなければならない。





ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソンはJanssen Pharmaceutical Companiesを通して、昨年12月にDREAMSパートナーシップに中核パートナーとして加わった。意欲的な3億8500万ドル規模のパートナーシップは、エビデンスに基づくアプローチであるコア・パッケージを提供し、健康分野の範囲を超えて貧困や性差別、性的暴力、教育不足など少女のHIV感染を直接、間接的に高めるリスクに対処している。DREAMSパートナーシップにはPEPFAR、ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団、Girl Effect、ギリアド・サイエンシズ(Gilead Sciences)、ヴィーブヘルスケアも参加している。





応募者は米東部夏時間2016年3月28日午後11時59までにチャレンジのウェブサイト(www.dreamschallenge.org )に意向表明書(EOI)を提出しなければならない。提出書類は検討され、最終候補者は応募書類の提出が求められる。

チャレンジや応募についての詳しい情報はDREAMSイノベーション・チャレンジのウェブサイト(www.dreamschallenge.org )まで。関心のある応募者は応募資格や応募条件などの詳細を盛り込んだチャレンジ・オポチュニティーの発表(https://www.dreamschallenge.org/community-library/accounts/92/928129/ApplicationPortalReferenceDocuments/DREAMS-Innovation-Challenge-Opportunity-Announcement_FINAL.pdf )をダウンロードできる。



ソース:Johnson & Johnson


Amy Jo Meyer

+1 732 405 1144


Seema Kumar

+1 908 405 1144


Michal Fishman

+1 202 763 4215


Johnson & Johnson Issues Call for Innovative Ideas to Reduce HIV Infections in Sub-Saharan Africa


NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J., Feb. 18, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

- DREAMS Partners Announce $85 Million Innovation Challenge Focused on

Solutions for Adolescent Girls and Young Women

Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) today issued a call

(https://talk.jnjinnovation.com/article/dreamsinnovationchallenge) for

innovative ideas as part of the DREAMS Innovation Challenge, which is supported

by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), Janssen

Pharmaceutica, NV, one of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson &

Johnson, and ViiV Healthcare. Proposals are currently being accepted for

breakthrough innovations to reduce HIV infections in adolescent girls and young

women in 10 sub-Saharan African countries. The submission deadline to be

considered for an award is March 28, 2016.

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160216/333964

A total of $85 million will be awarded for innovative, sustainable solutions to

six Challenge Focus Areas (https://www.dreamschallenge.org/a/pages/focus-areas)

that will give young women the opportunity to live the Determined, Resilient,

Empowered, AIDS-Free, Mentored, and Safe lives they deserve. Winning solutions

must demonstrate readiness for rapid implementation in one or more of the 10

DREAMS countries and ability to show impact within two years with potential for

long-lasting change.

"We believe that breakthrough innovations needed to reduce the HIV infections

in adolescent girls and young women can come from anywhere in the world," said

Paul Stoffels, M.D., Chief Scientific Officer and Worldwide Chairman,

Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson. "Our hope in supporting the DREAMS

Innovation Challenge is to unleash new ideas to help us achieve by the end of

2017, 40 percent reduction in HIV infections among adolescent girls and young

women living in 10 sub-Saharan countries."

AIDS is the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age in low- and

middle-income countries. Adolescent girls and young women account for 380,000

new infections a year or more than 7,000 new infections a week globally.

"While we have made considerable progress in the global response to HIV/AIDS,

adolescent girls and young women have been largely left behind," said

Ambassador Deborah L. Birx, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and U.S. Special

Representative for Global Health Diplomacy. "With girls and young women

accounting for 71 percent of all new HIV infections among adolescents in

sub-Saharan Africa, we urgently need innovative solutions that empower them to

protect their health and pursue their dreams."

"New thinking and high-impact approaches are needed to address the many

complexities that drive this urgent health crisis," said Jaak Peeters, head of

Johnson & Johnson's Global Public Health organization. "By addressing the

factors and complexities that impact these young women at a fundamental level,

we hope to measurably improve health outcomes and create enduring change. These

are important components of Johnson & Johnson's approach to improving global

public health."

Johnson & Johnson, through its Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies, joined the

DREAMS Partnership as an anchor partner last December. The ambitious $385

million partnership delivers a Core Package of evidence-informed approaches

that go beyond the health sector, addressing the structural drivers that

directly or indirectly increase girls' HIV risk, including poverty, gender

inequality, sexual violence, and lack of education. The DREAMS Partnership also

includes PEPFAR, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Girl Effect, Gilead

Sciences, and ViiV Healthcare.

Delivering Sustainable Impact in Global Public Health

Combatting HIV is an important component of Johnson & Johnson's long-standing

legacy of commitment and partnership to improve global public health for

individuals, families and communities worldwide. Through its global public

health organization, the company aims to deliver integrated evidence-based

solutions to address comprehensive health needs and deliver meaningful and

enduring impact in three core focus areas: HIV, maternal and child health, and

extensively drug-resistant (XDR)- and Multidrug-resistant (MDR)- tuberculosis


DREAMS Innovation Challenge Application Information

The DREAMS Partnership expects to announce the winners in mid-July followed by

implementation in early fall 2016. Challenge awards will range from $100,000 to

$40 million. Solutions are sought for implementation in Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi,

Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Applicants must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) on the Challenge

website: www.dreamschallenge.org by March 28, 2016 at 11:59 PM Eastern Daylight

Time (EDT). Submissions will be reviewed, and finalists will be invited to

submit an Application.

For more information about the Challenge or to apply, visit the DREAMS

Innovation Challenge website, www.dreamschallenge.org. Interested applicants

may download the Challenge Opportunity Announcement (


) for full details about application requirements and terms and conditions.

About Johnson & Johnson

Caring for the world one person at a time inspires and unites the people of

Johnson & Johnson. We embrace research and science - bringing innovative ideas,

products and services to advance the health and well-being of people. Our

approximately 128,000 employees at more than 265 Johnson & Johnson operating

companies work with partners in health care to touch the lives of over a

billion people every day, throughout the world.

SOURCE Johnson & Johnson

CONTACT: Press Contacts: Amy Jo Meyer, +1 732 405 1144, ameyer15@its.jnj.com;

Seema Kumar, +1 908 405 1144, skumar10@its.jnj.com; Michal Fishman, +1 202 763

4215, mfishma@its.jnj.com  




