
Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of News


AsiaNet 63661(0285)




浙江省人民政府情報局が製作したプロモーションビデオ「美しい浙江(Beautiful Zhejiang)」は「浙江は実際どれほど美しいのか」という質問に答えている。この映画は製作に1年以上を費やした。映画は浙江省の四季の移ろいにスポットライトを当て、豊かな歴史と文化の遺産を見せ、そして過去数十年の近代化運動で省が何をしてきたか照らし出している。映画は水の主題を追う中で、浙江省の水の風景をいろいろな角度から描写している。天国の水、人間界の水、そして川や海の水である。クローズアップ、パノラマ描写、そしてありとあらゆる映画製作の技法を駆使して浙江省の自然の美しさ、歴史、文化、そして開発計画全般を描いている。この映画は浙江省の気風、個性、魅力、精神を説得力を持って描いている。


ソース:Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of News


Ten-Year Green Projects Make Zhejiang Prettier


HANGZHOU, China, Mar. 4, 2016 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/ --

On August 15, 2005, Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Committee,

inspected Yucun Village, Tianhuangping Town, Anji County, Huzhou City in the

north of the province. During the inspection tour, he observed, "In the past we

said we wanted clear waters and green mountains and we wanted mountains of gold

and silver at the same time. In fact, clear rivers and green mountains are

mountains of gold and silver!"

A decade has elapsed. Has the hope in Xi's remark been accomplished across the


"We see ranges upon ranges of mountains around us and bamboo forests stretch

like a sea. Stepping into Anji, we feel greens in all ways and everywhere,"

commented a headline report on the first page of People's Daily, China's No. 1

newspaper and one of the world's top ten newspapers evaluated by UNESCO. During

the past ten years, green projects have greatly enhanced the public awareness

of the importance of environmental protection in Zhejiang. The projects have

transformed the whole province, from the mountains in the west to the seaboards

of East China Sea, from Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou plains in the north to the

Oujiang River in the south. Take a travel across Zhejiang and you can witness

the poetic beauty of well preserved nature everywhere.

Beautiful Zhejiang, a promotional film produced by the Information Office of

Zhejiang Provincial People's Government, is an answer to the question "how

beautiful Zhejiang actually is". It took more than a year to produce the film.

It highlights the physical changes of the province in four seasons, it shows

the province's wealth of history and culture, and it illustrates what the

province has been doing in its modernization drive over the past decades.

Following the storyline of waters, the film portrays the province in terms of

waters: the waters from the heaven, the waters of the human world, and the

waters of the rivers and the sea. The close-ups and panoramic views and a full

bag of cinematic techniques are used to portray the beauty of the province's

nature, history, culture, and all-round development. The film tells a

convincing story of the province's temperament and personality, charms, and


Take your time to watch the film. It will lead you through the scenes of

beautiful landscape, give you a taste of the province's history and culture,

let you see the province's economic prosperity, its best tourist attractions

and places of historical and cultural interests. Watch the film and you will

see what Zhejiang looks like in our heart and soul.

SOURCE: Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of News

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