Japan's Kurashiki City Releases Series of "Denim Ninja in Kurashiki" Videos

Kurashiki City

KURASHIKI, Japan, Mar. 31, 2016 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Kurashiki City

Japan's Kurashiki City Releases Series of "Denim Ninja in Kurashiki" Videos

Kurashiki City in Okayama Prefecture, western Japan, has released "Denim Ninja in Kurashiki," a series of video clips for tourists, to attract travelers from abroad. Kurashiki is known as the birthplace of Japanese denim fabric.

The fast-paced action videos present a ninja dispatched from the capital to investigate 30 "mysteries" of Kurashiki. They aim to ensure that tourists from Taiwan (Hong Kong, Thailand) get the most enjoyment out of their time while in the city.

Kurashiki is situated between Hiroshima and Osaka, and can be reached from either city  in approximately one hour by "shinkansen" bullet train. Plans are underway to employ English-speaking staff so that visitors from Taiwan (Hong Kong, Thailand) can better enjoy this charming place, steeped in history.

Clad in the local denim, the "Denim Ninja" makes a visit to solve the 30 mysteries in Kurashiki. Join him as he appears throughout the town in search of answers....


(Chinese, traditional) DENIM NINJA in KURASHIKI - DENIM NINJA solves the 30 mysteries of Kurashiki! (long ver.)


(Thai) DENIM NINJA in KURASHIKI - DENIM NINJA solves the 30 mysteries of Kurashiki! (long ver.)








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