AsiaNet 65983
世界中の女性伐採人とアーボリストをほめたたえて、バーチャル・リアリティ・チェーンソーゲーム、ハスクバーナ・リンバージャック(Husqvarna Limberjack)は10月に、ピンク色に変更されます。
ハスクバーナのPR&コミュニケーション部門のMargaretha Finnstedtディレクターは「ピンク色のチェーンソーは、木と森の世話をして過ごす、世界中の女性伐採人とアーボリストに対する我々の認識のシンボルです。この小さな取り組みが、乳がんに対する意識向上と治療方法を見つけるための資金調達に役立つことを願っています」と述べました。
ハスクバーナVR体験では、プレーヤーは湖のある美しい山腹に行き、そこでハスクバーナ359チェーンソーを使って長さ2.7メートルの木から24本の枝を切り落とさなくてはなりません。プレーヤーはチェーンソーを手に取って、できる限り正確かつ素早く枝を落とさなくてはなりません。プレーヤーは、プロの伐採人のように速く、しかも正確に切断しなくてはなりません。このゲームはHTC Viveの使用に最適化されており、スチームから無料でダウンロードできます。http://www.limberjackvr.com/ からも入手可能です。
Husqvarna VR Experience Goes Pink During October
HUSKVARNA, Sweden, Oct. 3 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
In honour and recognition of all female loggers and arborists around the
world, the chainsaw in the Virtual Reality game Husqvarna Limberjack will turn
pink for the month of October.
Husqvarna Limberjack is the world's first online VR limbing and logging
experience and was launched by Husqvarna in 2016. The chainsaw VR experience is
part of Husqvarna's commitment to explore new possibilities that can help
improve skills and safety within tree care. During October, the developers have
changed the colour of the in-game chainsaw from orange to pink.
To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:
"The pink chainsaw is a symbol of our recognition of all female loggers and
arborists around the world who spend their days taking care of trees and
forests. We hope that this small initiative can serve as a reminder to raise
awareness and funds that will help find a cure for breast cancer," says
Margaretha Finnstedt, Director of PR & Communication for the Husqvarna Division.
How to play
The Husqvarna VR experience brings the player to a beautiful mountainside
with a lake where the player has to use a pink Husqvarna 359 chainsaw to remove
24 branches from a 2.7 meter long log. The player needs to pick up the chainsaw
and remove the branches as accurately and quickly as possible. Just like a
professional tree worker, the player needs to limb fast, and with precision.
The game is optimized for HTC Vive and can be downloaded for free on Steam and
also available via http://www.limberjackvr.com.
About limbing
Limbing is a difficult and time consuming part of professional logging that
requires good technique. It refers to the process of removing branches from a
fallen tree before the log is transported away. Husqvarna Limberjack is
inspired by one of the five disciplines from the World Logging Championship, a
bi-annual competition that gathers the best best loggers from around the world.
Images are available for download http://www.husqvarna.com/press
(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160930/413902 )
SOURCE: Husqvarna