Latest Driver Technology is 'Very Important' to 1 in 3 People Across 17 Countries [GfK Study]


Latest Driver Technology is 'Very Important' to 1 in 3 People Across 17 Countries [GfK Study]


NUREMBERG, Germany, Feb. 24, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

    Independent global researcher, GfK, has released findings showing which

vehicle features, from a given list, people see as being 'very important' in a

vehicle. Hygiene factors of safety in an accident, reliability, fuel economy

and low running costs naturally top of the list. However, significant numbers

state that the latest driver technology and passenger technology are 'very

important' to them - and the percentage of people claiming this increases

notably with income.

    Over a third (36 percent) of the online population across 17 countries see

having the latest driver technology in a vehicle (e.g., steering or parking

assist, adaptive cruise control, keyless entry or ignition) as 'very

important', and over a quarter (28 percent) say the same for the latest

passenger technology (audio or video streaming, social network connectivity,


    Importance of vehicle technology increases with income

    Looking at these results by income - i.e. breaking each countries' earners

down into quartiles - there is notable difference in the numbers that say

having the latest technology in their vehicle is 'very important'. On average,

44 percent of people in the high income quartile (the top quarter of the total

income in each country), see the latest driver tech as 'very important',

compared to just 30 percent of people in the low income quartile (the bottom

quarter of total income within each country). Likewise, for the latest

passenger tech, 35 percent of those in the high income quartile say it's very

important, versus 22 percent on those in the low income quartlie.    

    The effect of income on what people see as important in their vehicle is

seen across a range of features, not just the vehicle technology - in

particular the quality of workmanship, a comfortable interior, a spacious

interior, a powerful engine, the reputation of the manufacturer. In other areas

such as the fuel economy or environmentally friendly, the results are much more

even across all income bands.

    Driver technology is most important in Brazil, China and Korea  

    Brazil (48 percent), China (43 percent) and Korea (42 percent) have the

highest overall percentages saying that the latest driver technology is 'very

important'. And for the latest passenger technology, China (37 percent), Brazil

(36 percent) and Mexico (30 percent) have the highest percentages saying it is

'very important'.

    Siegfried Hoegl, GfK's Global Head of Automotive Research, comments, "The

value of these findings for vehicle manufacturers lies in being able to assess

precisely which features different consumer segments say appeal most to them -

and adjust marketing content and product development to match those

aspirations. By combining this attitudinal data with analysis of actual sales

across different markets and consumer segments, or insights from running

in-depth car clinics, we help our clients to fine-tune their customer insights

to the maximum extent - both globally and at country-specific level."

    Download full findings for each of the 17 countries, visit





