Nearly 1 in 3 People do Gardening or Yard Work Daily or Weekly, While 1 in 4 Never Garden, According to New GfK Data


Nearly 1 in 3 People do Gardening or Yard Work Daily or Weekly, While 1 in 4 Never Garden, According to New GfK Data


NUREMBERG, Germany, August 25, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


    - Garden centers should target people in their thirties and households with

children under 12 years old, according to GfK

    Nearly a third of the online population across 17 countries does gardening

or yard work either daily or weekly, according to data just published by GfK.

This is made up of a quarter (24 percent), who garden at least once a week, and

a further seven percent who garden every day or most days. This outweighs the

24 percent who say they never do gardening.

    Traditionally, garden centers have tended to target older age groups, but

GfK data reveals clear potential among people in their thirties. When it comes

to frequency of doing gardening or yard work, people aged 60 plus are just in

the lead, with 36 percent saying they do this daily or weekly - but they are

very closely followed by people in their thirties, at 35 percent. Added to

this, nearly a quarter of those aged 60 plus say they never garden, but this

drops to closer to a fifth of those aged in their thirties - making the 30-39

year olds an attractive group for garden centers to target with offers and


    Another group that presents opportunity for garden center is households

with young children. For people living in households with children aged 12 or

under, nearly 40 percent do gardening or yard work daily or weekly, while only

17 percent say they never garden. For people living in households with

teenagers, daily or weekly gardeners drop to 31 percent, and non-gardeners rise

to nearly a quarter (24 percent). And for households with no children under 20

years old, daily or weekly gardeners drop to just 27 percent, while

non-gardeners rise to 29 percent.

    A third of people in rented accommodation garden at least once a month, or

more often.

    People who own their residence are twice as likely to do gardening or yard

work daily or weekly, compared to those in rented accommodation (36 percent

versus 18 percent). However, only 41 percent of people in rented accommodation

say that they never do gardening, meaning that the majority of this group is

still a potential audience for retailers of garden plants, tools, ornaments or

furniture - especially items such as potted shrubs that can be readily

transported if the person moves home.

    Nearly half of Australians garden or do yard work daily or weekly

    Across all countries surveyed, gardening daily or weekly is most popular in

Australia, with 45 percent of the online population there reporting doing this.

They are followed by China, Mexico, USA and Germany, all standing at a third or


    The countries with the highest number of people who say they never garden

or do yard work are South Korea, where just over half of the population never

garden, Japan (46 percent), Spain (44 percent), Russia (40 percent) and

Argentina (33 percent).

    Download GfK's complimentary report on Frequency of Gardening

[ ] to

see specific data for each of the 17 countries included in this survey, by

gender, age, income, rented or owned residence, and type of household.

    GfK combines these self-reported insights with data from areas such as

point of sales tracking for specific categories, consumer panels and

geo-marketing to help clients successfully target high-potential audiences both

globally and within specific countries.

    Footnote: GfK [ ] interviewed 23,000 consumers aged 15+

online in summer 2017 in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China,

France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Russia, South Korea, Spain,






