


AsiaNet 71718

ロンドン(英国)、2017年1月2日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --

2017年は、評価額が2000%以上も上昇した仮想通貨にとって記録破りで、圧倒されるジェットコースターのような年となりました。ビットコイン(Bitcoin)をはじめとする仮想通貨が世界的に注目を浴び、2017年の新規仮想通貨公開(ICO: Initial Coin Offerings)ではあらゆるものをトークン化する試みが行われました。しかしながら、このトークン化の文化で誰もが見落としていたのは、仮想評価額の急上昇でトランザクション処理のエネルギーが急上昇したことです。





それに対して、プルーフ・オブ・ステーク(PoS:Proof of Stake)のコンセプトは、コインをどれだけ持っているかによってブロックのトランザクションを採掘したり、評価したりできるということです。つまり、採掘者の持つビットコインやアルトコイン(altcoin)が多いほど、採掘の電力量が大きくなるのです。



この差し迫った一大危機の解決に、ある企業が真っ向から対策をとりました。英国に拠点を置く廃棄物発電処理施設の4Newリミテッド(4NEW Limited:http://www.4new.co.uk/ )が2017年9月秋に事前販売を開始したのです。4NEWは、従来型の資金調達ラウンドで米国のプライベート・エクイティ・ファンドから見事に3050万米ドルを調達、ソフトキャップの要件を満たしました。施設の資金が確保できたところで4NEWは全発電量をコイン、すなわちKWATT(http://www.4new.co.uk/ )に割り当てました。同施設の総発電容量は年間3億キロワット。コインの総供給枚数は3億枚であり、KWATT(http://www.4new.co.uk/ )コイン1枚は電力1キロワットに裏打ちされています。


さらには、ブロックチェーンネットワークへのエネルギー供給に特化した初の電力会社ができました。KWATT(http://www.4new.co.uk/ )のコイン所有者のみが利用できる投票システムで、自分の希望する場所にエネルギーを配分する権利を持てるのです。4NEW(http://www.4new.co.uk/ )は、仮想通貨の世界のみならず主流の用途でも使用できる、私たちの生活で最も人気の高い商品である電力を見事にトークン化しました。

ウェブサイト: http://www.4new.co.uk

ビデオリンク: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjqcsBQkAwE

テレブラム - https://t.me/joinchat/EgIZbBDLYGHlhtbSS58i-Q

フェイスブック - https://www.facebook.com/4newcoin/

ツイッター - https://twitter.com/4newcoin

インスタグラム - https://www.instagram.com/4newcoin/

リンクトイン - https://www.linkedin.com/company/4new/

問い合わせ先: Saransh Sharma、+447384657730、press@4new.co.uk



4NEW Limited: KWATT Coin - Tokenized Electricity


LONDON, January 02, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

2017 has been a record breaking, awe inspiring rollercoaster ride for

cryptocurrency valuations with over 2000% valuation increases. With all the

hype and global attention on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, Initial Coin

Offerings have attempted to tokenize just about everything in 2017. However, in

this culture of tokenization, what everybody has failed to observe is that,

with price spikes in crypto valuations comes energy spikes in transactions


As of September 30, 2017, 1 Bitcoin transaction could power 7.5 homes in the US

for a day.

As of December 31, 2017, 1 Bitcoin transaction could power 10.5 homes in the US

for a day.  

This trend should cause severe alarm and provide us all with reason for

concern. Furthermore, with a tidal wave of ICOs forthcoming this year all

intending to take advantage of the hype and frenzy that is frothing within our

community, the consumption of electricity to process all these transactions is

only expected to rise exponentially.

A proof-of-work (POW) system (or protocol, or function) is an economic measure

to deter denial of service attacks and other service abuses such as spam on a

network by requiring some work from the service requester, usually meaning

processing time by a computer.

On the contrary, Proof of Stake (PoS) concept states that a person can mine or

validate block transactions according to how many coins he or she holds. This

means that the more Bitcoin or altcoin owned by a miner, the more mining power

he or she has.

While we all look forward to proof of stake to evolve, nevertheless, the most

sought after, pioneer proven currency remains Bitcoin, which continues to

operate on a proof of work methodology. This is why the network is voraciously

consuming electricity for the foreseeable future.

This situation is extremely reminiscent of the heated debate experienced

between our dependence on fossil fuel consumption versus our shift to renewable

energy consumption as a civilization. This debate has been ongoing for over two

decades now, and our dependence on fossil fuels is anticipated to continue for

the foreseeable future similar to our dependence on proof of work.

In lieu of this culminating impending crisis, one company has taken measures to

solve this head on. 4NEW Limited, a UK based Waste to Energy treatment plant,

launched its pre-sale in the fall of 2017. 4NEW successfully raised USD 30.5MM

from US private equity funds in a conventional round of funding, achieving

their soft cap requirement. Now with the funding for the plant secured, 4NEW

has allocated all its electricity output into its coin, namely KWATT. The plant

has a capacity of generating 300 million kilowatts per annum. With a total coin

supply of 300 million, each KWATT Coin will be backed by 1 kilowatt of


This electricity will be applied towards the mining of bitcoins and other

cryptocurrencies. So while our blockchain network protocols take time to evolve

into a more energy efficient network, we can have a sustainable mechanism via

which cryptocurrencies can transact in an environmentally responsible fashion

with zero impact to the climate as is the case with dependence on fossil fuel

generated electricity.

Furthermore, for the first time, we have a utility company solely dedicated to

providing energy to blockchain networks; With the people holding the power to

allocate this energy in their desired location via a voting structure only

available to the KWATT coin holders. Needless to say, 4NEW has successfully

tokenized electricity, the most sought after commodity for our civilization

with applications not just within the crypto community but also mainstream


Website: http://www.4new.co.uk

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjqcsBQkAwE

Telegram - https://t.me/joinchat/EgIZbBDLYGHlhtbSS58i-Q

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/4newcoin/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/4newcoin

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/4newcoin/

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/4new/

Contact: Saransh Sharma, +447384657730, press@4new.co.uk

SOURCE: 4NEW Limited




