
Global Food Safety Initiative


AsiaNet 72551 (0418)

【東京2018年3月6日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*世界食品安全イニシアチブ(GFSI:Global Food Safety Initiative)の主催で3月5-8日に東京で開催された世界食品安全会議2018(Global Food Safety Conference 2018)に52カ国1200人の代表者が出席

*今年の記者会見の主要な焦点は官民連携(PPP、Public-Private Partnerships)の重要性


食品安全にとって最も重要な年次イベントである世界食品安全会議(Global Food Safety Conference)が5日、東京で始まった。世界食品安全イニシアチブ(GFSI:Global Food Safety Initiative)が運営するこの会議には52カ国から1200人の食品業界代表者が参集し、食品安全の最重要課題およびトレンドについて話し合う。本会議開催の直前の今年の記者会見の主要な焦点は官民連携(Public-Private Partnerships)である。この発表は、政府の規制当局と民間部門が一層協力し食品安全を向上させ、あらゆる場所の消費者により良い生活を実現するよう促すGFSIのリーダーシップを示すものである。



官民連携(PPPs:Public-Private Partnerships)は、第3回Government to Business(G2B)(政府と企業間)会合の直後に行われた今年の記者会見の中心テーマとなった。この会合には世界中の当局者が参集し、官民両セクターが食品安全に関して協力するための最新の機会について議論した。今年のG2B会合で、GSFI理事会は25カ国を代表する40団体と5つのIGO(政府間組織)を迎えた。カナダ食品検査庁バイスプレジデントのポール・メイヤー、農林水産省食料産業局食品企業行動室長の横田美香、GFSI理事会議長であるマイク・ローバックの各氏が議長を務めた。

記者会見では複数の新たなパートナーシップが発表され、これにより官民両セクターが食品安全文化への事業的アプローチを前進させ、GFSIのグローバル・マーケット・プログラム(Global Markets Programme)に基づきキャパシティーを拡大することが可能となる。このプログラムは、発展途上市場において堅牢な食品安全システムを導入するための枠組みである。




これらの発表の詳細は で以下を参照:

Global Food Safety Conference 2018: Governments and Businesses Meet to Form

Partnerships on Advancing International Food Safety(世界食品安全会議2018:国際的な食品安全を推進するパートナーシップ構築に向け、政府と企業が会合)

Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) Signs Partnership with Chilean Food Safety

and Quality Agency, ACHIPIA(世界食品安全イニシアチブ(GFSI)がチリ食品安全品質庁(ACHIPIA)とパートナーシップを締結)(

Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) Announces Global Partnership with International Finance Corporation (世界食品安全イニシアチブ(GFSI)が国際金融公社(IFC)とのグローバル・パートナーシップ締結を発表)

GFSI Unveils its New Benchmarking Requirements, Strengthening FMCG Supply

Chains (GFSIが新たなベンチマーク要件を発表し、日用消費財のサプライチェーンを強化)

ソース:Global Food Safety Initiative

Global Food Safety Conference 2018: Public-Private Partnerships in the Spotlight at Kick-off Press Conference


TOKYO, Mar. 6, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

- 1,200 delegates from 52 countries attend the Global Food Safety Conference

2018 in Tokyo, 5th-8th March, organised by the Global Food Safety Initiative


- Key focus of this year's press conference is the importance of Public-Private

Partnerships (PPP)

- A series of key announcements set the agenda for the year ahead in food safety

The Global Food Safety Conference, the most important event of the year for

food safety, commenced yesterday in Tokyo, Japan. Organised by the Global Food

Safety Initiative (GFSI), the event sees 1,200 food industry delegates from 52

countries gather to discuss the most important issues and trends in food

safety. The key focus of this year's press conference, taking place just before

the opening plenary session, is Public-Private Partnerships. The announcements

illustrate GFSI's leadership in encouraging more collaboration between

government regulators and the private sector in advancing food safety and

creating better lives for consumers everywhere.

     (Logo: )

Collaboration with governments

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) formed the central theme of this year's

press conference, which took place just after the third edition of the

Government to Business (G2B) meeting, which saw officials from across the world

gather to discuss the latest opportunities for food safety collaboration

between the public and private sectors. At this year's G2B meeting, the GFSI

Board of Directors were joined by 40 organisations representing 25 countries

and five IGOs. Paul Mayers, Vice-President of the Canadian Food Inspection

Agency, Canada; Mika Yokota, Director, Food Industrial Corporate Affairs Office

of the Food Industry Affairs Bureau and Mike Robach, Chairperson of the GFSI

Board of Directors, chaired the meeting.

The press conference saw new partnerships announced, enabling the public and

private sectors to drive progress on operational approaches to food safety

culture and expand capacity based on the GFSI's Global Markets Programme - a

framework for implementing robust food safety systems in developing markets.

Helping the industry implement food safety systems

GFSI is committed to supporting the development of food safety in developing

economies, and this year's GFSI press conference featured a series of

announcements relating to the provision of financial incentives for small- to

medium-sized FMCG businesses in developing regions. It also featured statements

on new guidelines covering the implementation of strong food safety and quality

processes, especially with regard to third-party auditing.

Mike Robach, Chairman of the GFSI Board and VP, Corporate Food Safety, Quality

and Regulatory Affairs, Cargill, stated, "This year's Global Food Safety

Conference marks a turning point for strengthening relationships between

governments and the private sector. As Chair of the GFSI Board, I am proud to

see the growing dialogue GFSI is leading. This kind of public-private

collaboration is unprecedented. 10 years ago this would have been almost

unthinkable but the support we're seeing around the world now is signalling a

big, positive change."

Read more about these announcements on

Global Food Safety Conference 2018: Governments and Businesses Meet to Form

Partnerships on Advancing International Food Safety (

Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) Signs Partnership with Chilean Food Safety

and Quality Agency, ACHIPA (

Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) Announces Global Partnership with

International Finance Corporation (

GFSI Unveils its New Benchmarking Requirements, Strengthening FMCG Supply

Chains (

Source: Global Food Safety Initiative




