AsiaNet 72636
ブッシュミルズ(北アイルランド)、2018年3月12日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --
3月17日の聖パトリックデーに向けた準備の時期、アイルランドで稼働中の最古の蒸留酒製造所であるブッシュミルズ・アイリッシュウイスキー(Bushmills(R) Irish Whiskey)は、ウイスキーファンが実際のアイルランドの人々のように聖パトリックデーを祝うよう促す詩的なショートフィルムを公開しました。
https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/652608/Bushmills_Irish_Whiskey.jpg )
酒が名誉や善意の表現であると考えられた古代アイルランドの儀式にヒントを得た「ブッシュミルズ・トースト(The Bushmills Toast)」という象徴的な言葉で最高潮に達するブッシュミルズ・アイリッシュウイスキーは、すべての人がこの聖パトリックデーに#RealIrish(本物のアイリッシュ)に乾杯するよう促しています。このショートフィルムをご覧になるには、
https://youtu.be/8RspE0zdLeA にアクセスしてください。
Bushmills Irish Whiskey: Poetic Short Film Featuring Foy Vance Celebrates Real Irish Culture Ahead of St. Patrick’s Day
BUSHMILLS, Northern Ireland, March 12, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
As people get ready to celebrate St Patrick's Day on 17th March, Bushmills(R)
Irish Whiskey, which is produced at Ireland's oldest working distillery, has
released a poetic short film encouraging whiskey fans to celebrate St Patrick's
Day the way real Irish people do.
(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/652608/Bushmills_Irish_Whiskey.jpg )
Featuring Foy Vance - a critically acclaimed singer-songwriter from Northern
Ireland whose musical vision and witty charm have enchanted audiences across
the globe - the film's powerful script written by Foy's friend and poet Jon
Plunkett, also from Northern Ireland, is inspired by the importance of home, a
common sentiment with those who claim Irish heritage but live elsewhere.
Travelling through America for much of his youth, Vance who has penned music
for some of the biggest names in the music industry, eventually settled down in
Ireland, before moving to Scotland where he now lives with his wife and
Commenting on the film he said: "It felt great to be amongst the Bushmills
family again. It's always good to come home to such a heart (and throat)
warming welcome."
Colum Egan, Master Distiller at Bushmills Irish Whiskey, adds: "As the oldest
working distillery in Ireland our whiskey is made by the hands of the close
Bushmills community and has been for centuries. We pride ourselves on our
unwavering character and that's really because of the people who make it -
doing what's right rather than what's popular. Foy captures this ethos in his
music. The places he's lived and the people he's met have influenced his
song-writing and with his Irish roots so close to his heart, we knew he would
be the perfect choice to help us celebrate the real essence of modern Ireland
ahead of St. Patrick's Day."
Culminating with the iconic words of 'The Bushmills Toast', inspired by the
ancient Irish ritual in which a drink is taken as an expression of honour or
goodwill, Bushmills Irish Whiskey is encouraging everyone to raise a glass to
#RealIrish this St. Patrick's Day. To watch the short film visit
Source: Bushmills Irish Whiskey