AsiaNet 72820 (0544)
【北京2018年3月26日新華社=共同通信JBN】広州市政府広報部は25日、北京で開催されたChina Development Forum 2018で「Global Conversations between Guangzhou and the World」(広州と世界の間の世界的対話)のための円卓会議を主催し、多くの政治家やビジネスリーダー、専門家、世界的に有名なメディアを集め、広州が将来の発展のために世界とどのように関わるべきかについての白熱した議論を巻き起こした。
広州の温国輝市長は参加者に、数千年にわたるこの商業都市の歴史について語った。 今後広州市は、最適化された戦略計画立案、一帯一路構想と広州-香港-マカオ大湾岸圏開発の双方への深い関与、航空、海運、技術革新のハブとしての役割強化、革新主導の成長増進、より良い物理的・ビジネス環境を含む多くの行動計画を通じより大きな魅力と活力を持つ真の世界的都市に変貌しつつある。
HSBC Holdingsのグループ最高経営責任者(CEO)、ジョン・フリント氏は「ニューエコノミーは単なる産業ないし勤勉さよりもイノベーションや創造性をベースとしている」と語った。同氏は、HSBCは、広州が新しい中国とニューエコノミーを模索していることを認識して、2017年決算報告のカバーに広州のパノラマ映像を据えたと述べた。
The Economist Groupの大中華圏担当マネジングディレクター、リュー・チエン氏は、広州市による外部とのコミュニケーションの最善の方法は、世界クラスの都市でみられるように、影響力のある国際的イベントに参加することや、そのような世界的イベントを広州で開催することである、と述べた。
ソース:The Information Office of Guangzhou Municipal People's Government
With more global conversations, Guangzhou plays a bigger role in China's opening-up
BEIJING, China, Mar. 26, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--
On March 25th, the Information Office of Guangzhou Municipal People's
Government hosted a Round Table for "Global Conversations between Guangzhou and
the World," under the China Development Forum 2018 held in Beijing was held,
attracting many political or business leaders, experts and world-renowned media
to a heated discussion on how Guangzhou will better engage with the world in
its future development.
Wen Guohui, Mayor of Guangzhou, told the attendees about the history of this
millennia-old commercial city. Looking forward, it's turning into a truly
world-class city of greater appeal and vitality through a host of action plans,
including optimized strategic planning, in-depth participation in both the Belt
and Road Initiative and the development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater
Bay Area, a strengthened role as a hub of aviation, shipping and technological
innovation, enhanced innovation-driven growth, and a better physical and
business environment.
"The development of the Greater Bay Area calls for coordination and all-round
consideration. In fact, regional coordination is crucial," said Joseph
Stiglitz, Nobel Prize laureate in economics. He added that to transform a city
requires powerful guidance and assistance from the government, citing
Guangzhou's impressive transformation into a vibrant city in the 40 years of
reform and opening-up. Guangzhou has been committed to making it a most livable
city with its critical efforts in urban design and infrastructure, said
With more extensive ties with the rest of the world and stronger connectivity
and collaboration, a city better attracts, distributes and shares global
high-end resources. Through major international events at home and abroad to
have its voice heard across the world, Guangzhou has facilitated the continuous
innovation and transformation of the city.
"New economy is based on innovation and creativity, rather than mere industry
or hard work," emphasized John Flint, Group Chief Executive of HSBC Holdings.
He added that HSBC took a panorama of Guangzhou on the cover of its 2017 Annual
Report in recognition that Guangzhou epitomizes a new China and new economy.
"Active and sustained external communication can help keep the rest of the
world updated about Guangzhou and China," said Ms. Li Jia, Director of China at
the Wall Street Journal.
According to Liu Qian, Managing Director of Greater China at The Economist
Group, the best way of external communication by Guangzhou, as seen among the
world-class cities, is to participate in influential international events or to
have such world events held in Guangzhou.
In their view, Guangzhou represents Chinese cities in the new wave of global
conversations. With increasing global industrial competition, the image of a
city has become an important factor in attracting mid- to high-end industries
and innovative professionals in science and technology. More and more Chinese
cities have already been making conscious efforts in promoting their global
It remains a big challenge for many cities in China, though, to carry out
in-depth exchanges between different cultures, to reach mutual understanding
and tolerance, and to attain inter-connectivity in human and other resources.
In this regard, what Guangzhou has been doing in its development has not only
sparked that heated discussion among the Round Table attendees but also
provides valuable experience for many other Chinese cities, with the same
global aspirations as Guangzhou, to draw upon.
Source: The Information Office of Guangzhou Municipal People's Government